I saw the trailer yesterday. I already know my older brother is excited for this. Whenever he picks it up, I'll just go over to his place and play it.
More gameplay footage and commentary.
And it looks like the Prince is getting a name this time, as opposed to being unnamed in previous games.
That’s how every Ubisoft game starts out looking.Wow, a game from a AAA studio that actually looks good and ton of fun to play.
Not to me, I haven't seen an Ubisoft game that has looked good in probably at least 10 years. The fact this is 2D so it has to be focused and curated experience means it can't be a standard open world, action adventure with stealth, crafting, and collectibles bland/generic as all hell game.That’s how every Ubisoft game starts out looking.
I will give Ubisoft and whoever's developing on the team this, they are legit trying. Even though they're taking from spider-verse, they're doing an all new Prince of Persia game, that is another reboot and different type of prince. We have DMC style combat inside of a metroidvania. Like I said before, I would get this, but it's you know who. I won't judge anyone either way for picking this up or not.That’s how every Ubisoft game starts out looking.