Question of the Day, July 8, 2010

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
Here? Yes, I'm not concerned with the whole anonymous part of forums. I talk and act the same way as I do in my daily life so there's no reason not to use my real name.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Crayzor said:
It depends on the forum. I'd be more comfortable using it here than, say, gamefaqs, But I don't like the potential for abuse it has. People would only need to google my name to find my facebook acoount, and from there, personal information about me.
Here is the problem - names + Google = other personal details => stalkers, nutters who want to take internet fights RL, and so on and so forth. Shorthand names I'm happy with, cus there are likely 10,000+ Dougs in the world, for example.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
I do not trust the internet with my real name. I'm not sure why but it just seems like a bad idea.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
I think that if someone really wanted to track you down, they would. No one is going to suddenly decide to stalk you because your real name is out on the internet all of a sudden.

Russ Pitts

The Boss of You
May 1, 2006
Epitome said:
Your not only talking about making us accountable for what we say, but retroactively making us accountable for what we have said while we believed we were anonymous. If a forum decided we all had to see our real names would we simply have to change our alias's so our past posts all bear our new name, or do we all have to go back to zero?
You're making an assumption that this is a policy we're considering implementing at The Escapist. That assumption is false.

We're all speaking hypothetically here, based on Blizzard's curious decision to remove anonymity from their forums. We currently have no plans whatsoever to follow their lead.

Snowden's Secret

New member
Apr 4, 2010
No, because my surname is silly.
I'm not sure how the measures will really help that much. Sure, if a troll does what trolls do best, you know the guy's name, but that's it. Unless you're planning on taking EXTREME measures to deal with the problem, a name alone is fairly meaningless.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Russ Pitts said:
Epitome said:
Your not only talking about making us accountable for what we say, but retroactively making us accountable for what we have said while we believed we were anonymous. If a forum decided we all had to see our real names would we simply have to change our alias's so our past posts all bear our new name, or do we all have to go back to zero?
You're making an assumption that this is a policy we're considering implementing at The Escapist. That assumption is false.

We're all speaking hypothetically here, based on Blizzard's curious decision to remove anonymity from their forums. We currently have no plans whatsoever to follow their lead.
I wasnt, I was using it as an example. Im very grateful because I like it here too much to leave. By "us" I meant we that enjoy our anonimity, One thing I am very curious about is why Blizzard didnt ask their forum goer's what they wanted first? also Cant Fake the Funk tweeted to somebody who posted a link to a very good article that while it is far far too over the line is a great example of what could go wrong.

EDIT: On second thought I wont post the link here, but check out Funk's response to an AllnVarney


Zombie Specialist
Apr 16, 2009
No way, there are crazy people on the internet, and I don't want some psycho ***** I had an argument with to show up at my house.

not to mention, people are going to have a hard time remembering the last name: "Pascucci"


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Yes. My real name isn't very interesting but It's not as if people can't just click my profile and see it right now anyways. Of course it ironically limits the escapism on a place called the escapist so... yeah.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
I don't care. It's on my profile anyway, and my real name is my username on X-Play. It's not like someone's going to recognise me.

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
No, I would never use my real name on a forum. I value my privacy far too much. It is the reason why I do not have (and do not intend to have) a Facebook account.

Honestly, I am quite disgusted at the increasing trend of forcing people to expose their real names on the internet. While anonymity is a double-edged sword that makes the internet a "Wild West" at times, it is also what makes the internet a safehaven from the social, cultural and political prejudices of our respective societies and what allows us to truly speak our minds.

I cannot begin to describe how shocked and appaled I am that one of my most favourite game companies is treating people's privacy so lightly...What a disappointment and it just adds insult to injury after so many important features were cut from the new


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Gethsemani said:
For once, I think Tim Buckley got it right. As a woman I don't want every person out there to instantly realize I am a "Gamer Girl" when they see my forum name. I like the anonymity that an androgynous screenname brings me as it allows me to focus on the topic at hand and not fending off teenage guys who wants to know my cup-size in PM.
Damn, now you've got me wondering about your cupsize ;)

OT: I think the use of an alias has the most benefits for women, as a LOT of men on the web are well, just look at chatroulette...

Also people under 18 should be protected by an avatar, as kids can be cruel to each other!


New member
Nov 3, 2009
I voted no, I too prefer privacy. An online alias also helps me to be more outgoing than I would IRL.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
Hello, my name is Robert Finn and I don't much care what you do with that. It's not like I'm handing out my SSN, the worst you could do is find my facebook and make fun of my unattractive pictures.

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009

Ashleigh Elizabeth Short.

There, I did it. Although given the option I'd rather not, it's a pretty "meh" name, not interesting at all.
Dec 24, 2008
Trivun said:
Well, I'm doing so right now. Trivun is my real first name, odd since I'm English, but my dad's family were Serbian immigrants, so I was named after my late grandfather. But more to the point, yes, I already use my real name online anyway, since people won't ever think it's the real name of some English dude. So that kind of answers the main question, I suppose...
You have a very pretty name :)

OT: I wouldn't mind, I like my name. But I like usernames too, I think they're fun!


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Depends on the forum really, but majority of the people I meet on the internet will ever meet me in real life so meh. I wouldn't give other info such as where I live etc.
Oh and my name is Patryk Florczak, I'm Polish :]