I can't imagining a hand-held game being scary, simply because of how impersonal it feels.
But I guess we'll see.
But I guess we'll see.
ThisDaxStrife said:The only games that ever got close to that level of fear for me were "System Shock 2" and "Clive Barker's Undying." Not even "F.E.A.R." or "Dead Space" have been able to reach that level of dread, no matter how much brown and damage decals they put in.
Oh my God, I would say Dead Space is scary, but it pisses me off so much I can't even focus on the scares anymore. I've rage quit that game more than any other before I think.Julianking93 said:I couldn't finish Silent Hill 2 for about 3 years because it scared me too much.
Same with Dead Space. I still haven't finished it because I was too freaked out to play it.