Racing Games Cause More Aggression Than Shooters


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Hmm I don't think much of their methodology
30 People is hardly a large group and I don't agree with the higher heart rate/breathing/adrenline as being surefire indicators of aggression.

Aardvark Soup

New member
Jul 22, 2008
It appears that they are forgetting a lot of other factors that can influence aggresive feelings while playing a game: like difficulty, visual effects, music, sound effects, the frequency at which a button must be pressed etc. Studies like these are difficult to perform because it's very hard to compare completely different games like this. A better alternative would be to let subjects play different versions of the same game that each only change one variable.

Also, 30 people are not nearly enough for a reliable inquiry of this nature.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Seems like from the people I know in real life that race professionally that they suffer from extreme anger issues in many cases so racing games leading to anger issues doesn't surprise me. Usually I don't get too angry in FPSs because I might have a bad death streak going but I usually pull out of it pretty quickly and get a good kill streak goin which makes my anger go away quite quickly. But holy crap, when im doing an endurance race (2 hour race) and I crash out of nowhere, now that pisses me off.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Thank god for an actual scientific method for once! Although ideally a larger sample size than this should have been used, but the early indications seem consistent with my own personal experience.

Although racers do generally produce a hell of a lot more frustration; especially in Mario Kart bullshit with cheating, rubber-band AI that can catch up to you in about five seconds even if you're half a lap ahead of them. I guess racing games just have a lot of frustrating AI and collision mechanics that simply shouldn't happen that add an utterly infuriating fake difficulty onto what should otherwise be a fairly fun and simple game.

Shooters, while not exempt from cheating AI, at least let you act without many restrictions on how you do so; and the restrictions are all consistent, so you can plan ahead for pretty much anything much more easily.

Doc Theta Sigma said:
Two words. Mario Kart.
Beat me to it, there.