Maybe I missed something here, but how is "Wizard of Oz" in anyway a follow-up to a reimagined Alice in Wonderland? They are not by the same author, have the same characters, or even a shared setting...Don't get me wrong I'd likw to see a redone Oz (you know, besides the near obligatory oz episode from every cartoon or kids show EVER...) But I hope if its going to be a follow-up to the original film's story, they'll take a look at the actual book series that continued Oz's stories even before the film (At least I think thats the order they were written, though I may very well be wrong). But instead of calling it a follow-up to Alice, they could just have been accurate and said, "we needed a big movie to attach to our proposal to get this greenlighted, because pre-production alone is going to be a a s**tload of fun, because we HAVE to have flying monkeys...and by god we're almost there, we're at step RAGE MONKEY (cookie for those who get the reference and remember the Lets play this was please guess wrong, for I am currently hungry and would rather hoard these treats
But like I was saying, as long as the film doesn't actually try to go from Miller's the wizard of Oz to Carrols great drug fantasy "Through the Looking Glass"....they could still be doing something original instead...come on Disney, Pirates, awesome as it was, HAD to guarentee you have run out of rides to turn sloppily into films, right? Leave the remakes of classic movies to the cartoons...