Rainbow Six: Extraction - A Gamepass Game


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I'm gonna get right to the point here.

This game sucks, don't buy it, don't download it, don't even remember that it exists after reading this post.

Back 4 Blood was a waste of time and at best was mediocre, RB6:E somehow manages to be even worse. Short little missions with random objectives that make no sense, filled with generic character classes that make no difference. Nothing about this game stands out as unique except for the fact that every zombie shooter before this game has done everything this game tries to be but does it better.

The lack of any effort on the developers here and the fact that Gamepass is really highlighting this new release gave me a scary thought. Anyone who paid money for this game would be pissed and I expect new copies to be bounced back to Gamestop or whatever used retailer possible. But the Gamepass people will play it, and maybe even dump a bit of money into the MT store because "why not it was free on Gamepass right?". Which makes me wonder if this is the potential begining for a new trend in the AAA-space.

Gamepass means that many people will not drop the $60-70 on your brand new game, so why put a big budget investment behind it. Pump out something cheap and fast to the GP market and hope it hooks enough people into the in-game store that you make a quick profit off the game. And other people who outright buy a copy are just icing on that cake.

Could we see more of the greedy AAA-industry purposefully make mediocre and lower budget games to shit out onto Gamepass, because they know it hurts the box sales and people will dump the game quickly anyway? Gamepass has a lot of good shit on it, but most of it is older stuff and not readily still selling copies in stores elsewhere. A lot of Microsoft's stuff is going to end up on Gamepass, but they've not put out a single game onto that service that didn't also have a fucking in-game real money shop within.

It leads me to believe that in-game shops will get more and more greedy because "hey you don't have to pay outright for the game anymore so why not buy something in the shop?".

What do you guys think? Could we start seeing bad practices further increase due to the Gamepass as an excuse?
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Elite Member
Jun 28, 2016
United States
One I find it hilarious that Tom Clancy wanted his games to have realism to them if they were going to put his name on them. But since his skeleton can not talk seeing Ubisoft chase that CoD money and trend with zero shame is not a a shocker.

So it should not be shocking that Ubisoft would go into this pretty weak. AAA was never about quality it was about budget. It is easy to tell the budget and use for this one were not at a 60 dollar price tag because greed will greed and outcry is why it actually dropped to 40 not too long.

Now AAA using services like gamepass to skirt their quality but makes profit i can 100% see that happening and this might be the start. After they were able to get away with putting mobile microtransaction into 60-70 in fact 100 plus if you buy some sort of collectors edition they are embolden to take advantage of this. And like you said not only can they take advantage of this pass to avoid refunds and criticism those in game real money shops are still there to make profit got up up and away.

So to answer your question yes get ready for the AAA space to do all kinds of fuckshit with these pass services and it won't hit hard until with get a Battlefront II like situation from it.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I boycotted Ubisoft, so they're not getting money from me regardless. Their own version of Left 4 Dead does nothing for me. Play the Zombie Army games or World War Z. They are much better games.


Elite Member
May 31, 2012
Damn, I was optimistic for this one, the Halloween event thing in Siege (which I thought was the basis of Extraction) was really cool. A bit limited in having only three missions and a handful of playable operators, and in desperate need of some balance, but there was some real potential there. I mean, I know Siege has gotten...increasingly dumb and I never really liked the PvP-only format of it to begin with. But if you take the fundamental components like the movement system (a lean button should NOT be as rare as it is), the destructible environments and the slower-paced tactical shooter gameplay with fighting something other than generic terrorists, there's a real chance of making something great.

Alright, dammit, all I want is Delta Green: The Game. Or maybe slightly more accurate to where I hang around, Foundation Mobile Task Force Simulator, but GTFO has that kinda covered.


My flask is half full
Nov 18, 2010
Game Pass:Where game quality only needs to be passable because hey, it all costs the same!

Or perhaps…

Gamepass: Because fuck you; we already got your money!
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Quick question, any of you actually play it, first hand???


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
See, i am always fascinated by Ubisoft. They seem to come up with the most interesting-sounding game concepts, but the actual gameplays always end up mediocre.

Division, Wildlands, Siege, Watch_Dogs, recent AC games, For Honor, and now Extraction. They all sound amazing on the paper, but ubisoft is too lazy to fully utilize the potentials.

Not to mention, most of these games forces online connection.

Anyways, appreciate you making the sacrifice to inform the rest of us, @CriticalGaming. It must’ve not been easy spending both money and time to play the game, plus time to write the review


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Anyways, appreciate you making the sacrifice to inform the rest of us, @CriticalGaming. It must’ve not been easy spending both money and time to play the game, plus time to write the review
GAMEPASS ************!!!!!! HAHAHHAA I didn't spend shit this time. Unlike with that Fucking Dark Alliance DND bullshit last year, that one hurt.


Elite Member
Jun 8, 2015
Seattle, WA
GAMEPASS ************!!!!!! HAHAHHAA I didn't spend shit this time. Unlike with that Fucking Dark Alliance DND bullshit last year, that one hurt.
Time. You sacrificed whatever amount of your personal time so the rest of us don't have to. Don't care if it was 20 hrs, 10 hrs, 1 hr, or even 15 min. It's something you aren't getting back


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
This was the game that inspired my post in Hot Takes about modern UI's making my eyes glaze over with boredom. I was watching a video about it, and all the fucking enemy alert indicators, teammate icons, objective markers, wallhack scan highlights thingies, and even hitmarkers actually made me stop watching.

I remember when people were complaining about how Ubisoft games were all doing that style of UI where it was incorporated into the geometry of the game world, such as in Splinter Cell Conviction. Gotta say, I vastly prefer that over what we get now.
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Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I am surprised that this didn't end up being a Siege expansion.

A spin-off game using the same engine, and most of the same assets as the original isn't unheard of, even as a full-price release. But, what adds insult to injury here, is that Extraction was effectively demoed for free as a seasonal event in Rainbow Six Siege.

To that end, I would have expected them to continue to roll this event around every now and again. Maybe even released this as a $20 expansion for Siege, if they wanted to expand that particular side of the game.

Making this a full-priced release is kind of baffling.

As for whether or not I can see a trend of "full price" games being lazily made, but using Game Pass as an excuse... I can see it happening, but only really from the companies who are already putting out fairly lazy games, like Ubisoft. I can't really see Rockstar or Naughty Dog phoning it in anytime soon.
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Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
I am surprised that this didn't end up being a Siege expansion.
You know, this would have made more sense. They should have just made this as a new mode in Seige and it probably would have been better received tbh.

It's not that this is a bad game, because it's not buggy and everything is in place, it's just incredibly boring and devoid of meaningful purpose or content.

Making this a full-priced release is kind of baffling.
Technically, i want to be fair about this, it's not a full-priced game. It's slightly discounted at like $40-50 depending on version. So it's not technically a full priced game, but definitely still overpriced for what it is.
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Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
Well, I'll be that guy. The one who defies the negative escapist vibe and bats for something mainstream/popular/AAA

R6 Extraction is fun.

I'd probably even give it the arbitrary title of "best fps zombie hoard".

The gameplay is smooth, giving pvp haters the chance to play with neat rainbow toys. It's actual tactical stealth, rather than just "everyone knows where you are now" like basically every other entry in the genre.

The objectives rotate randomly through a decent list, so your approach and experience will actually differ from time to time.

It's appropriately balanced by squad size, meaning solo play or a private party of 2 don't get a bad experience.

It's fun. Gameplay feels good and brings tactical play to the genre. Gadgets are fun, objectives keep things interesting longer (obviously any hoard mode will have a shelf life unique to the user).

The only opinion above this post worth anything is BrawlMan who objected based on moral standing against the company.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
The only opinion above this post worth anything is BrawlMan who objected based on moral standing against the company.
I appreciate and thank you, but I feel everyone else's opinion is just as valid. Some of the people responding did play the game.

Glad you're enjoying the game and having fun.