I can possibly understand how the chemistry major might work to his advantage in this pursuit... had he actually USED anything that required chemistry. No smoke bombs or some sort of sprayable Super Glue to stop people?
Plastic sticks aren't going to get you far, unless you are beating on old people who shoplift at the Walgreens. And this is in Tennessee after all... is there really any crime that bad that it would call for this type of vigilante justice? If he was packing some heat and at least had something a little more deadly than throwing stars, he might actually be someone that criminals would be afraid of. Don't know too many art and chemistry majors that are very accurate throwing stars around. Thanks a lot, Hollywood. With this Linda Lovelace movie coming out, pretty soon we'll see a rise in amateur porn, too.
Just wait until you see the Justice League of Tennessee!
Plastic sticks aren't going to get you far, unless you are beating on old people who shoplift at the Walgreens. And this is in Tennessee after all... is there really any crime that bad that it would call for this type of vigilante justice? If he was packing some heat and at least had something a little more deadly than throwing stars, he might actually be someone that criminals would be afraid of. Don't know too many art and chemistry majors that are very accurate throwing stars around. Thanks a lot, Hollywood. With this Linda Lovelace movie coming out, pretty soon we'll see a rise in amateur porn, too.
Just wait until you see the Justice League of Tennessee!