Rebecca Black "Honored" With Sith-Tastic Parody Song


New member
Feb 28, 2011
MrJKapowey said:
My favourite is the Censored version.
It should all be bleeped out, but you can't have everything...

If you look in the bottom left corner, there is a fully censored version.


New member
Oct 31, 2010
Adam28 said:
MrJKapowey said:
My favourite is the Censored version.
It should all be bleeped out, but you can't have everything...

If you look in the bottom left corner, there is a fully censored version.
Cool, I thought that was the whole video but doen as the first one was.

Quiet Stranger

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Feb 4, 2006
Onyx Oblivion said:
Speaking of Friday...


Don't remind me, I COULD be spending time with my girlfriend tonight, she COULD be spending her night at my place tonight but NO! I have night shift work, ugh


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Love the parodies. Every one of them, even shitty ones, are better than the original.


The Stormbringer
Dec 1, 2009
Icehearted said:
She's made how many millions from this song already? This only proves that eh more you hate her, the more powerful she becomes.
I don't necessarily hate her. I find her a pretty poor singer who had been given even crappier lyrics to sing in a silly teenage setting.

She's more funny than bad, anyways. That's why people like making fun of her. I think there's more genuine dislike of Bieber than of Rebecca Black, simply because we made her popular with all the parodies and jokes.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
Wuggy said:
Duffeknol said:
tautologico said:
Well, this one is my favorite:
My grindcore cover is better than that awful deathcore tripe

No, the quality was awful. Stop trying to be 'tr00'.
hahahhahaha WHAT? Me? Tr00? And of course it's awful you dolt, that's the whole point. Seriously did you even listen to the whole one minute of my song? Yeah, it's totally serious. Super tr00. I'm glad you got it. FFS.

Captain Bobbossa said:
They are both apsolute shite.
I apsolutely agree.

Calvar Draveir

New member
Feb 10, 2010
The amusing thing is that Rebecca Black is just a parody of similar artists that are only 13 or sound like they're on helium. So everyone is parodying a parody. So who wins?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Don't wanna embed the video cuz I know how the mods get twitchy when the forums go all imageboard, but there's a hilarious "Bob Dylan" cover of Friday that's...actually...not bad.

And the comments are fucking hysterical.

"My father, a veteran of the Vietnam War, used to play this song for me when I was a kid. He told me that his platoon would listen to it as a reminder that they would soon be going back home to the U.S. and see their friends. The song refers to when the transports would arrive on Fridays and how the "front seat" was symbolic of going home as a survivor, or going home in the "back seat" as a fallen comrade. Thus the phrase "he took a back seat" became a light hearted farewell among the men."

"In '68 I was caught stealing this Dylan record from a store in Miami. The judge told me I could spend two days in jail or do a tour of duty in Southeast Asia doing some black ops s*** for my Uncle Sam. A month later I was on a Huey near the Laos border when a RPG hit our rear rudder. I woke up on a cot in an army field hospital with a priest reading my last rites. I asked him what day it was and he smiled and said "it's Friday, man. You got this." I knew right then I was going to be ok."

"Kicking in the front seat, sitting in the back seat, gotta make my mind up, which seat can I take?" A master of metaphor, Dylan was referring to the choice faced by many young adults during the political and social upheaval of late 60's: whether to conform to the increasingly authoritarian system of police oppression (ie, the front seat of the squad car) or to fight for change and join the mounting opposition, risking persecution (ie, the back seat of the squad car). A timeless classic."

"Chicago 1968, me and two buddies were hauling ass from a real bad scene. The street was on fire. This bus rolled past, and this guy was hollering out of it to me and my two buddies to hurry and jump on, and we all ran after. I made it. They didn't. I rode alone in the front seat and slept in the back seat for three days straight. Tell you what, I never blinked once. This song came on the fourth morning as we were rolling in on New Orleans, 7AM, Friday. Makes me cry ever time I hear it. Thank you Bob. God bless."

"My daughter asked for a bowl of cereal this morning and I nearly burst into tears."

I love the internet.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
ShadowKatt said:
Much as I love everything star wars, I can't handle listening to that song yet again. I don't know where Black came from, but I wish she'd go back. That damn song is everywhere and it sucks, even the parody >.<
"God: give us back Ronnie James Dio and Jimi Hendrix, and we'll give you back Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber.``


New member
Jan 12, 2010
I commented on his video and said that he still had my respect and he was still cool, in reference to him saying in the song he lost all credibility.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
T8B95 said:
ShadowKatt said:
Much as I love everything star wars, I can't handle listening to that song yet again. I don't know where Black came from, but I wish she'd go back. That damn song is everywhere and it sucks, even the parody >.<
"God: give us back Ronnie James Dio and Jimi Hendrix, and we'll give you back Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber.``
*raises hand*

God, can I have something different than him?

Does it have to be Hendrix? Out of everyone from the 1970s, does it HAVE to be Hendrix?


New member
Sep 16, 2004
T8B95 said:
"God: give us back Ronnie James Dio and Jimi Hendrix, and we'll give you back Rebecca Black and Justin Bieber.``
Better yet, take Black, Bieber, all their ilk and everyone that likes them, and give us back Cobain. In one fell swoop you will save the music industry from itself.