Rebecca Black "Honored" With Sith-Tastic Parody Song

Dec 14, 2009
Vrach said:
Daystar Clarion said:
I find his lack of tone... disturbing.
Why must threads be won so swiftly? Fine, here's your internetz, now get out of here. Get! Maybe next time you'll have some patience and not post first. Sheesh.
I'm sorry...

The shame I feel can only be cleansed through a tasking on the scorpion wheel.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
This and chad are the two good things to come out of this. When I heard this song this wednesday I felt like a part of me died. I don't think I can forgive my friend for telling me to watch the original video, but I guess it would've been inevitable bc it even creeped onto the escapist.
fun fact: she wasn't the writer of the song. However, she did sing it without objection. I think that makes it worse.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I love the parodies, just shows that the real genius shows after a song get's released.


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2008
Alar said:
Icehearted said:
She's made how many millions from this song already? This only proves that eh more you hate her, the more powerful she becomes.
I don't necessarily hate her. I find her a pretty poor singer who had been given even crappier lyrics to sing in a silly teenage setting.

She's more funny than bad, anyways. That's why people like making fun of her. I think there's more genuine dislike of Bieber than of Rebecca Black, simply because we made her popular with all the parodies and jokes.
You do have a point. A lot of people are hatin' on her parents and Apex, which makes even less sense. It's not like they had any idea this could happen. I've talked to a few of these folks, and their reasoning boils down to "they had to have seen this coming; it's the Internet!" Whereupon I respond "this has roughly the same odds as winning the lottery. If Apex knew this was coming, wouldn't they have charged more than a few thousand bucks?"

On the other hand, I wouldn't care about Justin if every single YouTube video didn't have a comment comparing it to him. Now I want to defend him out of sheer contrariness.

Toasty Virus

Somehow I Returned?
Dec 2, 2009
Icehearted said:
She's made how many millions from this song already? This only proves that eh more you hate her, the more powerful she becomes.
All the money will go to the guy who wrote the song and the record company, she isn't going to be getting THAT much.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
This reaction could be the best thing that could have happened for Rebecca. Now maybe she'll be able to lead a relatively normal life as that girl who sung that one amazingly bad song on YouTube that everyone made parodies of back in march of 2011 instead of becoming another teenage pop star who goes insane.


New member
Sep 16, 2004
While I think everyone involved in this video should go hide under their bed in shame for at least a year in penance for unleashing that atrocity, particular raspberries need to be awarded to the rapper guy. What the hell was he thinking?

My friends, that was it. Rap is officially dead. That was the death knoll, right there. We have all witnessed a moment in history.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
That was kind of funny. Obviously better than the actual song. Sorry this is the first time I've watched anything with Chad Vader.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
RonHiler said:
While I think everyone involved in this video should go hide under their bed in shame for at least a year in penance for unleashing that atrocity, particular raspberries need to be awarded to the rapper guy. What the hell was he thinking?

My friends, that was it. Rap is officially dead. That was the death knoll, right there. We have all witnessed a moment in history.
I dunno. The amazing infamy this video has garnered could be turned to something productive. Something like, "raise a million dollars to feed starving African people or I'll make another music video." type thing. Would you donate ten dollars to the Red Cross if you knew it was also going towards keeping another song like this from being made?

Also, wtf is a death knoll? Is that some sort of JFK reference? :p

Con Carne

New member
Nov 12, 2009
syrus27 said:
TODAY IS FRIDAY! Yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow will be Saturday! (after that it's Sunday!)

Lol this looks like something from Adventure Time, or the Misadventures of Flapjack!
OT: The original song is awful...typical teeny pop drivel. Chad's version isn't awesome, but it's entertaining and much more tolerable.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Selvec said:
This is much better then the original!
So is a machete to the head ><

I'm sorry, but I can't STAND this 'song'. Cannot wait until it goes away and is forgotten forever


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Captain Placeholder said:
ShadowKatt said:
Much as I love everything star wars, I can't handle listening to that song yet again. I don't know where Black came from, but I wish she'd go back. That damn song is everywhere and it sucks, even the parody >.<
Is this 'Black' some sort of actual celebrity or is it another brainless rich teenager who thought to put up a shitty, and I mean to stress SHITTY, video up on youtube?
From what I can understand(which is little because there are few things I care less about than pop culture), she's the next Beiber, so you're pretty much correct on both accounts. Crappy artist with money making potential due to stupid people.