Red Dead Redemption: Single Player Review


Libido Knievel
Oct 12, 2009
I hated Grand Theft Auto 4. I hated it because while the story and writing kicked major ass (as usual for Rockstar) the controls and physics were so ham-handedly awful I had to trade it in to buy Condemned 2 back. Shooting felt very awkward and, that was a horrifying thing to experience. I had no idea that whenever I got into a car, six Gabe Newells would materialize inside it. I gathered so much momentum that it was nearly impossible to turn very easily, even if I engaged the handbrake.

I realize now though, that GTA4 was just an elaborate BETA for Red Dead Redemption, Rockstar's homage to badasses (interchangeable word for Clint Eastwood), Spaghetti Westerns, and everything that has ever been awesome.

In Red Dead Redemption, you play as John Marston, a former outlaw who is tasked with hunting down his old gang. He settled down to start a farm and raise a family with his wife, Abigail, but the government decided that he's not done yet. They kidnap his family and force him to pick up his six-shooter and set off on the dusty trail once more.

Pictured above: John "Will Badass For Free" Marston.

The game is set in the early 1900's, when technology just starts to begin to engulf the West. The town of Blackwater in particular is one of these towns and is amazingly done. Within the town itself is a slight transition that, as you get further East, the dirt roads and wooden plank sidewalks become cobblestones and more cobblestones and, well, nicer wooden planks. It really gives a great feeling that, when you look back at the rest of the world, you have a crushing realization that it's all going away.

Speaking of the rest of the world, the draw distance of this game is amazing. It makes Oblivion and Fallout 3 look like a tennis game played on a Virtual Boy. Stand on one of the plateaus across the river into Mexican territory and you can see damn near everything all in crisp detail.

Pictured Above: A reason to buy a 1080p TV.

The gameplay in the game is a cover-based shooter and is pretty much copy and pasted from GTA4 and it's also why I believe GTA4 was a beta for RDR- everything feels right. Well, except for shooting while on horseback, that doesn't work extremely well since the X (A for 360 users) button is used for movement while the right thumbstick is for aiming. Thankfully, the snap-aim system from GTA4 makes a triumphant comeback as well. While it does make shooting easier it also drives home the point why John Marston is forced into this final mission. Yes it's because he knows the men that he's tracking, but it's also because he is THE best gunslinger in the West.

What also helps is the Dead Aim system. In the beginning of the game, it's a generic Bullet Time sort of thing that only works for one shot so it's great for lining up a headshot. However, as you progress, you gain the ability to paint targets by moving the reticle over them and watch as Marston lands a bullet in every single spot. The third advancement of the system comes about halfway through the game when you meet the man that I'm VERY certain is The Stranger from The Big Lebowski (when you play cards with him, his name even is The Stranger) who teaches you to use your Dead Aim with pinpoint accuracy. You press the R1 button (right bumper for 360) and pick however many spots you're able to, pull the trigger and watch the lead fly. At first, it feels much slower than the second stage, but then you start using it to shoot people in the legs to disable and hogtie them, or shoot people that you wouldn't normally be able to, such as if they're fleeing and they're just specks in the distance. If you can get the reticle on it, you can kill it.

Hogtying? I hear you say. But Tazzlefrass, that would involve a lasso of some kind. Why yes it would because you get one in this game. All of those Western movie cliches you are now able to enact. Man flagging you down to ask for help but instead pulls you off your horse and flees? No problem. Just apply Lasso and rip his ass right off of your horse, get on the horse, and road-haul him until he's nothing more than a torso wearing a poncho.

Pictured Above: Future Torso. (Picture courtesy of Escapist user -Drifter-)

If I have to name a single gripe I have with the game, it is with the moral choice system. Yes, this game has one and no, it is not as prominent in this sandbox as say, inFamous' was. This is more along the lines of Fable 1's choice system where it only affects slight things in the game. You'll get a costume depending on whether you're a hero or a renegade that has no effect beyond aesthetics and you'll get friendly greetings and side quests from nice people or seedy people if you're a hero or renegade, respectively. My issue is not with the choice system itself (though it felt kinda vestigial) but the occasions in which a forced moral choice will emerge. Thankfully, a forced moral choice never occurs within the main story, only within one or two of the dozens of sidequests I finished which makes me wonder why they included them at all. (Minor spoiler follows revealing the end of a sidequest at the beginning of the game. Feel free to skip to the next paragraph) The most jarring example is in the beginning of the game at the end of the American Appetites side quest line. You find a wounded man who wants you to capture the man who broke his leg. Upon bringing the assailant back to the wounded man, you find that he's the cannibal you've been searching for. The cannibal exclaims that a man's gotta eat, and the now hogtied victim is screaming for your help. You can either let the cannibal eat the guy, or shoot the cannibal, netting you renegade and hero points respectively. To me, it's just kinda...I dunno, ridiculous.

This is one of the games that will reward you for hooking up your console to a stereo system. Thunderstorms roar across the plains and gunshots have never sounded better. Those of you who are fans of Westerns will likely notice some of the soundbytes are directly taken from movies like Fistful of Dollars!

All of this shooting does have a purpose though, and that?s the story. As usual for a Rockstar game, the writing and characterization is fantastic (am I the only one who wants to see an RPG designed by these guys?). The world has a distinct feel from other Westerns and each of the characters are fleshed out. This includes John?s family who we rarely even see. Just through the dialogue of the characters an idea is implanted into our minds of who John?s wife and son are and it could not have been better done. Without even seeing the actual kidnapping of John?s family, we get to feel his plight and worry for the safety of his family at the hands of the weasel-like government men who took them.

John Marston is also one of my favorite characters in gaming. He?s the perfect image of a man trapped in history, too old and set in his ways to change or move on with the times, despite how much he may want to. We come to see him as a man with too many ghosts in his past to allow him to leave it behind which is shown to us through the ease at which he returns to killing. His hands are ones made to hold a gun, not a plow.

Marston?s hunt for his old gang leads up to a finale that I would dare to compare to the perfection of Portal. This is a game that you need to experience. It doesn?t matter if you play it three years from now because you wanted to trade in Modern Warfare 5: Srs Business and pick RDR up for $14.99 at your local Gamestop, just do it.

Red Dead Redemption I dare say is Rockstar?s magnum opus. It is a perfect homage to the spaghetti Westerns that made Clint Eastwood the icon he is by blending pitch-perfect atmosphere with gameplay so well done you?ll feel satisfaction coursing through you with each crack of the revolver. John Marston stands proudly next to the Man With No Name in the pantheon of Western Heroes, and hats off to Rockstar Games for this wonderfully fresh trip down a well-traveled trail.

EDIT: After the euphoria of the superb ending washed over me and I went back to begin the game anew I remembered something that was just irritating enough about the game that made me lower the volume and play the soundtrack on loop: People talking during the poker games. I didn't play five-finger fillet, horseshoes, or really any of the gambling mini-games but I remember the poker game because I dumped about an hour into it constantly restarting my save file because I felt cheated by the computer. I didn't give up due to lack of patience, I gave up due to the absolutely horrific, nerve-grinding, recycled snippets of dialogue the npcs use when playing poker. One will begin a conversation about something they saw or heard recently, and the others will respond with an agreement or give their opinion on it. Stay too long and not only will everything be repeated (understandable due to the budget / time constraints) but lines of dialogue will be inserted into the conversation for absolutely no reason. It's a very cool idea and I was genuinely impressed when I sat down and heard the conversation, but I can only hear, "Quit yer jawin' I ain't dayff." so many times before I just exit the poker game and shoot everyone at the table.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
I really want this game, but it seems like theres a huge shortage of PS3 copies in area. Just another reason to hate my town


New member
May 24, 2009
I didn't read it, because the first thing you said you hated about GTAIV was what I liked about it. Obviously you don't care about physics. I did 2-3 missions and then stopped because it was f**king awful. The driving takes some time to master, which is what makes it the most rewarding driving game ever.

Anyways, didn't read the review, so... No comment on that one, sorry. I just felt like I had to post that.


Libido Knievel
Oct 12, 2009
Nincompoop said:
I didn't read it, because the first thing you said you hated about GTAIV was what I liked about it. Obviously you don't care about physics. I did 2-3 missions and then stopped because it was f**king awful. The driving takes some time to master, which is what makes it the most rewarding driving game ever.
Rewarding...sure, I can see it that way. I did feel a sense of accomplishment the first time I made a turn that didn't wind up in me completely stopping or turning at an incredibly tiny angle like my four seater was a semi-truck but then I remembered that I wouldn't have that sense of accomplishment if the car physics were fun. I feel a much better rush when I make a hairpin turn in Saints Row 2 since it doesn't break the momentum of the game (inb4 absolutely ridiculous tollbooths on high ways in GTA4 being to momentum what anime is to an epileptic).

Maybe it's a personal preference, but I feel the car physics in GTA4 are perfectly suited to horse riding where wide turns feel natural because a real animal wouldn't be able to spin on a dime.


New member
May 24, 2009
Tazzlefrass said:
Nincompoop said:
I didn't read it, because the first thing you said you hated about GTAIV was what I liked about it. Obviously you don't care about physics. I did 2-3 missions and then stopped because it was f**king awful. The driving takes some time to master, which is what makes it the most rewarding driving game ever.
Rewarding...sure, I can see it that way. I did feel a sense of accomplishment the first time I made a turn that didn't wind up in me completely stopping or turning at an incredibly tiny angle like my four seater was a semi-truck but then I remembered that I wouldn't have that sense of accomplishment if the car physics were fun. I feel a much better rush when I make a hairpin turn in Saints Row 2 since it doesn't break the momentum of the game (inb4 absolutely ridiculous tollbooths on high ways in GTA4 being to momentum what anime is to an epileptic).

Maybe it's a personal preference, but I feel the car physics in GTA4 are perfectly suited to horse riding where wide turns feel natural because a real animal wouldn't be able to spin on a dime.
I don't really want physics to be fun. Or, not in the Just Cause 2 sense of fun (even though it is fun). I am absolutely captivated by physics. Real physics. Mainly because it is so complicated and allows for so many possibilities. It almost has an endless set of factors. The outcome is never the same.
When a game comes out where you have to work for your driving, and not just turn maximum left, or turn maximum right, but have to have a certain feel for it, it's amazing for me.

Anyways, whatever anyone says, the driving physics in GTAIV are very good and complicated. Some don't like it, some do. I do.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
To OC: given that you clarify that this is a single player review, are you planning to do a seperate multiplayer review as well?


Libido Knievel
Oct 12, 2009
Kimarous said:
To OC: given that you clarify that this is a single player review, are you planning to do a seperate multiplayer review as well?
I actually do plan on that and it'll likely be in this thread or in another with a link back to this if I feel too guilty about necro-ing it.. However I'm not familiar with the gelatinous beast that is the PSN and I've no headset that can be used with my PS3 so I'll be a bit stunted in my review due to not being able to get a feel for the type of people that play the game and obviously team work will take some serious getting used to unless Rockstar implemented a very awesome in-game system for issuing commands.

I plan on buying a mic soon and I will be more than happy to team up with fellow ecapisters (...escapees? Escapians?) for some online fun. My ID is Tazdangor.

Nincompoop said:
Tazzlefrass said:
Nincompoop said:
I didn't read it, because the first thing you said you hated about GTAIV was what I liked about it. Obviously you don't care about physics. I did 2-3 missions and then stopped because it was f**king awful. The driving takes some time to master, which is what makes it the most rewarding driving game ever.
Rewarding...sure, I can see it that way. I did feel a sense of accomplishment the first time I made a turn that didn't wind up in me completely stopping or turning at an incredibly tiny angle like my four seater was a semi-truck but then I remembered that I wouldn't have that sense of accomplishment if the car physics were fun. I feel a much better rush when I make a hairpin turn in Saints Row 2 since it doesn't break the momentum of the game (inb4 absolutely ridiculous tollbooths on high ways in GTA4 being to momentum what anime is to an epileptic).

Maybe it's a personal preference, but I feel the car physics in GTA4 are perfectly suited to horse riding where wide turns feel natural because a real animal wouldn't be able to spin on a dime.
I don't really want physics to be fun. Or, not in the Just Cause 2 sense of fun (even though it is fun). I am absolutely captivated by physics. Real physics. Mainly because it is so complicated and allows for so many possibilities. It almost has an endless set of factors. The outcome is never the same.
When a game comes out where you have to work for your driving, and not just turn maximum left, or turn maximum right, but have to have a certain feel for it, it's amazing for me.

Anyways, whatever anyone says, the driving physics in GTAIV are very good and complicated. Some don't like it, some do. I do.
I dunno about how realistic the physics are in GTA4, since I've taken a right turn at 50 mph in a Chevy Blazer and all that happened was I felt my bowels move a tad bit and I went pretty fast into the turn and accurately made it into my chosen lane. Now, I don't mention that to turn this into some kind of, "well i did this so there" competition because I'm sure you've ridden a snowmobile in the summer from one ramp over a tank of bare-breasted women and only slightly banged your head on the roof of the abandoned warehouse. I suppose we'll have to chalk this up to a personal preference thing since the two of us have our own tastes. Let's settle this like men on the Internet, you make a possibly true, possibly false remark about my sexuality, I refer to you having a phobia to that sexuality, we mutually insult each others mothers, insinuate that they're both loose women and call it a night.

EDIT: Thank you to those who have read the review and posted that you liked it. =D I am definitely still in the learning process and I know my transitions between paragraphs were weak in some areas and completely missing in others so sorry if it's a choppy read.


New member
Aug 27, 2009
Oh, OP. Since you're considering you join up with us Escapists in RDR, you should join the Escapist Group - Red Dead Redeemers. Quite a few people to play with. And great review, i'm loving this game to bits.


New member
May 24, 2009
Tazzlefrass said:
Nincompoop said:
Tazzlefrass said:
Nincompoop said:
I didn't read it, because the first thing you said you hated about GTAIV was what I liked about it. Obviously you don't care about physics. I did 2-3 missions and then stopped because it was f**king awful. The driving takes some time to master, which is what makes it the most rewarding driving game ever.
Rewarding...sure, I can see it that way. I did feel a sense of accomplishment the first time I made a turn that didn't wind up in me completely stopping or turning at an incredibly tiny angle like my four seater was a semi-truck but then I remembered that I wouldn't have that sense of accomplishment if the car physics were fun. I feel a much better rush when I make a hairpin turn in Saints Row 2 since it doesn't break the momentum of the game (inb4 absolutely ridiculous tollbooths on high ways in GTA4 being to momentum what anime is to an epileptic).

Maybe it's a personal preference, but I feel the car physics in GTA4 are perfectly suited to horse riding where wide turns feel natural because a real animal wouldn't be able to spin on a dime.
I don't really want physics to be fun. Or, not in the Just Cause 2 sense of fun (even though it is fun). I am absolutely captivated by physics. Real physics. Mainly because it is so complicated and allows for so many possibilities. It almost has an endless set of factors. The outcome is never the same.
When a game comes out where you have to work for your driving, and not just turn maximum left, or turn maximum right, but have to have a certain feel for it, it's amazing for me.

Anyways, whatever anyone says, the driving physics in GTAIV are very good and complicated. Some don't like it, some do. I do.
I dunno about how realistic the physics are in GTA4, since I've taken a right turn at 50 mph in a Chevy Blazer and all that happened was I felt my bowels move a tad bit and I went pretty fast into the turn and accurately made it into my chosen lane. Now, I don't mention that to turn this into some kind of, "well i did this so there" competition because I'm sure you've ridden a snowmobile in the summer from one ramp over a tank of bare-breasted women and only slightly banged your head on the roof of the abandoned warehouse. I suppose we'll have to chalk this up to a personal preference thing since the two of us have our own tastes. Let's settle this like men on the Internet, you make a possibly true, possibly false remark about my sexuality, I refer to you having a phobia to that sexuality, we mutually insult each others mothers, insinuate that they're both loose women and call it a night.
Okay, that was impressive. By impressive, I mean awesome. By awesome, I mean really funny. By really funny, I mean gay. Nah, just kidding.

I consider this a discussion to be of equally intelligentical parties. So, please don't stop because you think this is going to be a flaming war, where I comment on how gay you are and stuff like that.
Anyways, some aspects are unnatural in GTAIV's physics. And, I think, the physics are more tailored to a game than real life. E.g. when a car drives 50mph, and turns, the centrifugal force (false force) suggests he's driving 100mph and turning. There is a unnatural friction, or whatever. I think this is because it would be a b*tch to make cars go that fast in a game, and make their current engine load so fast. I have numerously (No, not that kind you talked about) driven so fast that the map hadn't loaded properly.

Physics are great, not necessarily when they are completely accurate, but when there are as many variables as possible. Some games don't even really have road friction, and many don't have wheel suspension physics.

What makes GTAIV physics great are that there are many variables. Besides deformation physics, it has a lot of factors which make the driving a very rewardable gameplay mechanic. You need to take height to all the factors, and gain a 'muscle memory' approach to driving. People who easily learn to operate mechanics which require what most people call "feel", are also good at driving in GTAIV. And I think that says something.

But, alas, personal preference is always a defining factor, by definition, in liking something. So, on a personal level, I really, really, like the physics in GTAIV. Like, I really like how much you have to turn to slide, and how the road friction is. But also on a more objective level, I think the physics are impressive.

Again, don't view this as the usual internet discussion. If you really don't want to chat more, you can say so.

Corpse XxX

New member
Jan 19, 2009
Very good review.. Not many reviews can hold my attention when all i see at first is only a big wall of text..

So my hat off to you, well done..

Now i really want this game.. It reminds me of Call of Juarez that i also loved..


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Love your avatar!

OT: Sounds like a brilliant game, shame I have to wait until next week sometime to get my copy. Sad chimp is sad.


Libido Knievel
Oct 12, 2009
Nincompoop said:
Tazzlefrass said:
Okay, that was impressive. By impressive, I mean awesome. By awesome, I mean really funny. By really funny, I mean gay. Nah, just kidding.

I consider this a discussion to be of equally intelligentical parties. So, please don't stop because you think this is going to be a flaming war, where I comment on how gay you are and stuff like that.
Anyways, some aspects are unnatural in GTAIV's physics. And, I think, the physics are more tailored to a game than real life. E.g. when a car drives 50mph, and turns, the centrifugal force (false force) suggests he's driving 100mph and turning. There is a unnatural friction, or whatever. I think this is because it would be a b*tch to make cars go that fast in a game, and make their current engine load so fast. I have numerously (No, not that kind you talked about) driven so fast that the map hadn't loaded properly.

Physics are great, not necessarily when they are completely accurate, but when there are as many variables as possible. Some games don't even really have road friction, and many don't have wheel suspension physics.

What makes GTAIV physics great are that there are many variables. Besides deformation physics, it has a lot of factors which make the driving a very rewardable gameplay mechanic. You need to take height to all the factors, and gain a 'muscle memory' approach to driving. People who easily learn to operate mechanics which require what most people call "feel", are also good at driving in GTAIV. And I think that says something.

But, alas, personal preference is always a defining factor, by definition, in liking something. So, on a personal level, I really, really, like the physics in GTAIV. Like, I really like how much you have to turn to slide, and how the road friction is. But also on a more objective level, I think the physics are impressive.

Again, don't view this as the usual internet discussion. If you really don't want to chat more, you can say so.
By all means, no. Just chalk it up to me being less used to intelligent conversation on the Internet than you're apparently used to. Let's keep on keepin' on.
I have to hand it to your argument being...well literally about physics. I suppose I've been using the word physics in application to a game when I really meant, as you put it, the feel of the controls. To me, the controls felt unnatural and I didn't like having to wrestle with them to get the desired result. It works absolutely wonderful with a horse and I think that's more because of the lack of buildings allowing for those realistic, wide turns.

I said I didn't like wrestling with the controls, but it's possible that I just grew too frustrated with them. It's a reason that I very likely won't be picking up Demon's Souls because I don't like, to paraphrase Yahtzee, my health bar taken away and given back to me when I can prove I don't need it anymore.

You have science and your personal preferences on your side, I have my preferences and a bladder full of cherry coke and it's telling me that Saints Row 2's physics just felt better for a sandbox game. Though I will concede that it's probably because Saints Row 2 is about zany madcap fun and GTA4 is more of that realism we all love in games.

Flamezdudes said:
Oh, OP. Since you're considering you join up with us Escapists in RDR, you should join the Escapist Group - Red Dead Redeemers. Quite a few people to play with. And great review, i'm loving this game to bits.
Escapists? Oh that sounds much better. Sure, I'll join up with you RDR'rs.

Corpse XxX said:
Very good review.. Not many reviews can hold my attention when all i see at first is only a big wall of text..

So my hat off to you, well done..

Now i really want this game.. It reminds me of Call of Juarez that i also loved..
I appreciate that, thank you. I've been trying to incorporate more pictures as I know it's a bit of a wall was damn near impossible to find a picture of someone tied up being dragged by a horse so I just went with one of Marston tying someone up.

To the rest of you! Thanks for reading and commenting on my review, I do have a few others (incoming self-promotion) mainly my Dragonage Origins review that I'm particularly proud of because I particularly despised that game.


New member
May 24, 2009
Tazzlefrass said:
By all means, no. Just chalk it up to me being less used to intelligent conversation on the Internet than you're apparently used to. Let's keep on keepin' on.
I have to hand it to your argument being...well literally about physics. I suppose I've been using the word physics in application to a game when I really meant, as you put it, the feel of the controls. To me, the controls felt unnatural and I didn't like having to wrestle with them to get the desired result. It works absolutely wonderful with a horse and I think that's more because of the lack of buildings allowing for those realistic, wide turns.

I said I didn't like wrestling with the controls, but it's possible that I just grew too frustrated with them. It's a reason that I very likely won't be picking up Demon's Souls because I don't like, to paraphrase Yahtzee, my health bar taken away and given back to me when I can prove I don't need it anymore.

You have science and your personal preferences on your side, I have my preferences and a bladder full of cherry coke and it's telling me that Saints Row 2's physics just felt better for a sandbox game. Though I will concede that it's probably because Saints Row 2 is about zany madcap fun and GTA4 is more of that realism we all love in games.
I don't think the horse riding is really physics. You can only move in a two dimensional space, and my guess is that how fast and how tough turns you make have nothing to do with variables and factors calculated. I haven't tried it though, and I'm sure it's possible to make physics apply to something as animated as horse riding. And if there are, there are probably hella-few variables.
I haven't tried it though.

Realism shouldn't be incorporated into games because of it being real. The reason some aspects of realism is being incorporated into games is because it totally f**king kicks a**!. Like car physics and explosives interacting with environments.

What I tried of the Saints Row 2 physics is almost hard to call physics at all. At best very simplistic physics. You just turn, and then you turn, and there is nothing more to it. You don't have to balance turn with speed and brakes to get a successful turn. You can't really turn in a wrong manner. There doesn't seem to be any road friction at all.

I have been stating facts about one game I played for 5 minutes, and another that I haven't played. Sorry about that. But if what I guess is right, it's just less variables, or simpler physics. I prefer hard-to-master gameplay when it comes to physics. When the gameplay in physics is more than something I just have to do, and get on with, but something I have to concentrate and learn to master.

I don't really have a comment on how the controls are. I don't seem to remember them being anything but good when it came to driving. The walking mechanic and camera (also when driving) was absolutely horrendous.

Anyways, nice of you to add me. I'll return the favor. It's nice to know people here on the Escapist. Especially people of above average intelligence.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Tazzlefrass said:
it was damn near impossible to find a picture of someone tied up being dragged by a horse so I just went with one of Marston tying someone up.


Libido Knievel
Oct 12, 2009
-Drifter- said:
Tazzlefrass said:
it was damn near impossible to find a picture of someone tied up being dragged by a horse so I just went with one of Marston tying someone up.
Thank you! Gonna add this to the review if ya don't mind. I tried searching lasso dragging, horse dragging man, red dead redemption lasso drag, rope drag, etc, in Google and received pretty much nothing.

Nincompoop said:
Tazzlefrass said:
El Snippo
I don't think the horse riding is really physics. You can only move in a two dimensional space, and my guess is that how fast and how tough turns you make have nothing to do with variables and factors calculated. I haven't tried it though, and I'm sure it's possible to make physics apply to something as animated as horse riding. And if there are, there are probably hella-few variables.
I haven't tried it though.

Realism shouldn't be incorporated into games because of it being real. The reason some aspects of realism is being incorporated into games is because it totally f**king kicks a**!. Like car physics and explosives interacting with environments.

What I tried of the Saints Row 2 physics is almost hard to call physics at all. At best very simplistic physics. You just turn, and then you turn, and there is nothing more to it. You don't have to balance turn with speed and brakes to get a successful turn. You can't really turn in a wrong manner. There doesn't seem to be any road friction at all.

I have been stating facts about one game I played for 5 minutes, and another that I haven't played. Sorry about that. But if what I guess is right, it's just less variables, or simpler physics. I prefer hard-to-master gameplay when it comes to physics. When the gameplay in physics is more than something I just have to do, and get on with, but something I have to concentrate and learn to master.

I don't really have a comment on how the controls are. I don't seem to remember them being anything but good when it came to driving. The walking mechanic and camera (also when driving) was absolutely horrendous.

Anyways, nice of you to add me. I'll return the favor. It's nice to know people here on the Escapist. Especially people of above average intelligence.
I'm going to have to agree with all that you've said. I'm not a man of science so all I have to go on is how well the controls respond to what I want them to do. Since I loved the story in GTA4, I MIGHT pick it back up and give it a shot. It's possible I was mainly frustrated with the controls because I was coming off the high of Saints Row 2 and I was also playing a couple other games at the time due to a sale at Gamestop.

Although, there are a lot of other things to rip on with GTA4, like the ridiculous mechanic they put it in for hand to hand combat, how squishy the protagonist was, and the toll booths on the high way...that was just awful.


New member
May 24, 2009
Tazzlefrass said:
I'm going to have to agree with all that you've said. I'm not a man of science so all I have to go on is how well the controls respond to what I want them to do. Since I loved the story in GTA4, I MIGHT pick it back up and give it a shot. It's possible I was mainly frustrated with the controls because I was coming off the high of Saints Row 2 and I was also playing a couple other games at the time due to a sale at Gamestop.

Although, there are a lot of other things to rip on with GTA4, like the ridiculous mechanic they put it in for hand to hand combat, how squishy the protagonist was, and the toll booths on the high way...that was just awful.
Yes. The hand-to-hand mechanic was, at least, a nice try. Decent gameplay concept in it. But it just didn't work at all.

I want to play Red Dead Redemption. Looks awesome.

Good day to you, sir.


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Tazzlefrass said:
-Drifter- said:
Tazzlefrass said:
it was damn near impossible to find a picture of someone tied up being dragged by a horse so I just went with one of Marston tying someone up.
Thank you! Gonna add this to the review if ya don't mind. I tried searching lasso dragging, horse dragging man, red dead redemption lasso drag, rope drag, etc, in Google and received pretty much nothing.
Well, I got this from the screen-shot section of the official site. Here's the link if you're interested.