If Gamestop still has the capital to hire someone like Reggie, then the company is in far better shape than people give it credit for. I got to my local mall every weekend and the Gamestop there is always fucking busy.
It's fun for us "gamers" to say that Gamestop is dying because we think we know the industry better than anyone else and just because we might not buy pre-owned games, or even physical games, doesn't mean the mass video game buying public isn't.
We ***** about Madden and CoD being the same shit every year, and the general public buys the fuck outta those games AND their loot box bullshit. I can assure you they are still going to Gamestops 100%.
Now gamestop might have too many stores, that much is certain and the recent closures of some are a sign of that. But that doesn't prove that they are on the verge of collapse.
Gamestop will not destroy itself. The gaming industry will destroy it if they ever do. Either going 100% digital or changing how console supply works.