New statement from Konami:
Hideo Kojima will be "involved throughout" the release of MGSV, and there will be other MGS titles afterword. Konami will hold auditions for main staff positions for those titles.
So, assuming this isn't all some kind of trick marketing on the part of Konami/Kojima to promote the game, it looks like MGS will be handed off to others. This is -again- no surprise, as Kojima has said he didn't want to work on Metal Gear since after the release of MGS2.
InsanityRequiem said:
But if true, a lot of Japanese companies are having trouble it seems these past couple years.
Yes and no. The crash of 2008 damaged the Nikkei quite a bit more than it did the American exchanges, add to this the 2011 tsunami and Japan itself is still in pretty bad shape. However, Konami is a still reasonably well-capitalized. One, they are traded in Tokyo, New York, Frankfurt, and London exchanges, rather than just the Nikkei. Two, the company is diversified with health spas, taxi cabs, sporting equipment, industrial production, etc, not just games. In this sense, Bandai Namco and Konami recovered far more quickly than say Capcom, Sega, and Square, who are more or less wholly in gaming. Konami has shown profits every fiscal year this decade so far, so they are not about to fold.
Also, I'd like to remind everyone of the last time Mr. Bogos ran a single-source story: