As i understand it Phantom Pain is still very much a Kojima production so I for one will have no qualms with buying it.remnant_phoenix said:I wonder if the fanbase will follow Kojima. As in, I wonder if the Metal Gear fans will act in accordance with the knowledge of "Kojima didn't lead the project and wasn't even on the team. This isn't a real Metal Gear game," and then not buy it.
Or, is the Metal Gear brand powerful enough to retain a fanbase even after he has nothing to do with it.
That being said; If they actually think I'll buy an MGS game without Kojima's name on it they are sorely mistaken. If Kojima's sick of the series and wants to wrap it up in a neat little bow that's perfectly fine by me, the man's been working on the series for almost 30 years now.
He's been at the helm of that franchise for so long that having anyone else make a Metal Gear game would just be wrong, and i'd wager it would make the game "feel" wrong too.