Rewrite something's ending to make it freaking DARK.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Star Wars
Vader: Luke. Join me on the Dark Side, and we can rule the galaxy as father and son.
Luke: Hmmm.....Okay.

The Matrix
The power of love is worth just as much in the Matrix as in the real world: not jack shit. Neo does not awaken after being shot in the chest half a dozen times. He is simply dead. Trinity tearfully kisses Neo's body one more time as the sentinels storm into the ship. Then they, Morpheus, and the remaining crew are crushed like rag dolls. Game over.

SkyNet actually sent back 100 Terminators. One appears every few months, or maybe they all appear in the same time. Sooner or later, one of them gets lucky. No more Sarah, no more John, no more resistance. You want a picture of the future? Imagine an endoskeletal foot stamping on a human face...not forever, but for as long as it takes to dispose of all humans.

The few humans stepping outside the ship immediately choke on the oven-hot, smothering smog Earth is using for an atmosphere these days. Returning inside, they discover they've suffered toxic shock, and also taken heavy doses of radiation. See, the exodus from Earth, like so many human endeavors, was not properly planned. Some precautions were taken but, without any human oversight, all the safety systems on our nuke reactors gave out long ago. Hundreds of reactors' worth of atomic fuel has been exposed for centuries, burning land, sea, and air alike. Further study confirms the single tiny bud Eva found is a mutant, barely alive, already sterilized by the same radiation. Earth is a scorched ruin that will never again know life. All the fatties pile back into the ship and leave. As it pulls away, we see Wall-E in the dust. He looks around a moment, then slowly begins to sweep. The end.


New member
Aug 8, 2011
silver wolf009 said:
I change the ending in a pretty big way. First, I slip in hints throughout the entire movie about a group of about four or five people who've really been getting the short end of the stick. Show them being humiliated and looked down on, as is the key character trait of Sunset Shimmer.

Then, at the climax, in the gymnasium, just as Sunset Shimmer gets the crown and goes demonic, the real changes start to happen. Right as Sunset is gloating about winning, the doors to the gym fly open, and someone shouts, "YOU'RE ALL FUCKING DEAD!"

It's the group. They've burst in, dressed in ski masks and camouflage boots, armed with shotguns, AR-15's, and Colt M1911's, just for irony. There's a moment of shocked silence, before they just open fire. The crowd panics, and starts going down. People are falling left and right, missing jaws and having holes blown through them.

The group just blasts 'em all, killing everyone. Twilight gets away because Rainbow Dash's body fell on her when she got hit in the heart. Once that's done, the four of them finish off any of the wounded. Then, when only Twilight's alive, hidden under a body, they line up, and do as their pact described. Except one of them notices Twilight just as he's about to pull the trigger. The other three go off together, but he gets in one last thing to say.

Looking Twilight in the eye, Flash takes off his ski mask, and simply says, "I'm sorry."

One pull of the trigger later, and all the added in little touches for him harboring depression pay off, and he dies.

They don't know it, but they've saved the day with their school shooting by stopping Sunset.

Twilight just spends the time until the police show up crying in the middle of it all. When she hears the sirens, she picks up the crown, and literally dives through the portal, back home. Ignoring anyone nearby, she turns around, and throws the mirror to the ground, breaking it into a hundred pieces.

The movies ends with her crying in a ball, and news footage showing the scene and the faces of the characters as credits.

Also, new quote of the week: "They saved the day with their school shooting."
Funniest thing I read all week, 10/10 OP.

OT: I don't have any ideas but I have this:



Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
silver wolf009 said:
Freaking dark? No, wait Freaking DARK. I can oblige.

Alternate end for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 3.
(This all happens after Twilight Sparkle becomes an Alicorn. This does involve one Retcon. The out of body experience moment with Celestia never happens. Twilight gets her friend's cutie marks back to normal and then poof! Alicorn!)
Without further ado.

A messenger gallops down the hall into Princess Celestia's throne room.
Messenger: Princess! Princess! Have you heard the good news? Twilight Sparkle has become an Alicorn! Isn't that just wonderful?
Celestia: What? uh...That is wonderful. leave me now I have to make preparations for her coronation as princess.
Messenger: Of course Princess I'll leave you at once.
The messenger leaves and Celestia uses her magic to lock the door behind him.
Celestia: How could this have happened? She's passed all my tests! That last one was supposed to be impossible. Luna! Get in here!
Luna enters the room
Luna: Yes deer sister, what is it?
Celestia: Twilight Sparkle has become an Alicorn!
Luna: What splendid news sister! We should begin work on-
Celestia: No! Not splendid at all! This is a serious threat to my claim to the throne, and it must be dealt with at once.
Luna: Dealt with? ...How do you mean, sister?
Celestia: Get it through your head Luna. I'm telling you to kill her before this becomes an even bigger problem than it already is!
Luna recoils in shock
Luna: Are you mad? I will not be party to this.
Celestia boils over with rage and shouts at the top of her lungs
Celestia: GUARDS!
Guards flood into the throne room from every entrance.
Celestia: Arrest Princess Luna for high treason.
The guards encircle Luna, she blasts the guards with her magic and jumps out the stained glass window to fly to safety.
Celestia: Hunt her down.
The guards file out of the throne room in pursuit. Celestia stops one, a burly stallion with a broad sword cutie mark
Celestia: Take your best ponies to Ponyville, bring me Twilight Sparkle's head, by any means.
Elite Guard: Of course Princess.
Celestia's elite guard leaves. She sits back down on her throne and waits impatiently.

There is a knock at the Library door. Spike wakes up from his nap, groggily walks down the stairs, yawns loudly and opens the door. There is a precession of royal guardponies lead by Celestia's elite.
Elite Guard: Where is Twilight Sparkle, I have been ordered to bring her back to Canterlot.
Spike: Oh, she's not here right now. Is this about her coronation thing?
Elite Guard: Um... yes.
Spike: I'll let her know as soon as she gets back.
Elite Guard: Time is of the essence here. If you could just tell me where she went that would be appreciated.
Spike: Sure, she's off in the Everfree Forest with Rainbow Dash. She's teaching her how to fly, big waste of time if you ask me, Twilight should just use her Alicorn magic to teleport farther. But nooooo, Rainbow Dash insisted. Whatever I won't stop them.
Elite Guard: Thank you, you've been a great help.
Spike: Alright, bye.
Spike swings the door closed but the elite guard puts his hoof in the way so it doesn't close all the way and pushes his way in.
Spike: Oh, you want to come in and wait here for her? Be my guest, I'm going back to-
The elite guard swings his sword and Spike's head hits the floor. The elite guard addresses his soldiers.
Elite Guard: You heard the dragon, let's make for the Everfree Forest.
Frightened Guard: B-but sir. The Everfree Forest is haunted. It's no place for-
Slash. The frightened guard hits the ground dead.
Elite Guard: Is anyone else afraid of an old mare's story? The usurper is in that forest and we will return with her head or not at all! Now MOVE!
The platoon of guardponies move out towards the Everfree Forest.

In the Everfree Forest Twilight is fruitlessly flapping her wings.
Rainbow Dash: Well... At least you're flapping them both at the same time now. Try and get some lift.
Twilight jumps.
Rainbow Dash: No, no, no. You've got to let your wings lift you up. Like this.
She zips around in a big circle effortlessly.
Twilight: Of course it's easy for you, you've been flying all your life. I just got these things
Rainbow Dash: Maybe I make it look too easy, but that's no reason to give up. Give it another shot.
Twilight flaps her wings over and over really fast, when finally, straining with effort she lifts up an inch off the ground.
Twilight: Look, look! I did it!
Rainbow Dash: Alright!
Rainbow Dash does a back-flip in celebration
Rainbow Dash: Hold it, now lean forward see if you can get any distance.
Before she can try a magically propelled arrow pierces Twilight's wing and pins it to her chest. She screams in agony and falls to the ground. Rainbow Dash rushes to her crumpled form and helps her up.
Rainbow Dash: Hey! Get up! are you okay?
Twilight gets up slowly but doesn't say anything. Rainbow Dash turns to address the direction the arrow came from.
Rainbow Dash: Hey! Watch where you're firing those things! You hit my friend you maniac!
A squad of guardponies with archery cutie marks step into view lead by the elite guard
Elite Guard: Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby placed under arrest by order of Princess Celestia.
Twilight: What?
Rainbow Dash: I don't buy that for a second. I don't trust this guy, you better run-ah
She gets hit in the back leg by an arrow
Twilight: Dash!
Twilight teleports out of the way of an arrow right before it hits her. She re materializes just in time to see Rainbow Dash get hit by another barrage of arrows as she tries to fly away. Twilight wants to scream out but stifles her cries so she doesn't give away her position. She turns and runs through the forest, blood dripping from her wound. She runs towards ponyville when she sees Zacora's cabin in flames. She keeps running without looking back

Celestia: Discord I need you to do something for me.
Discord: Oh yes Princess, I am at your service
Celestia: Twilight Sparkle has become an Alicorn
Discord: How lovely for her, I'll be sure to send her a gift basket.
Celestia: This is no time for your nonsense! Now that she's an Alicorn she could challenge my claim to the throne of Equestria!
Discord: I'm sorry princess I'm having trouble understanding, isn't that what you wanted for for our deer miss Sparkle?
Celestia: The only reason I took her on as a pupil is that I thought she didn't have the social skills or common sense to pass any of my friendship tests. I should have been more careful after she bested you twice.
Discord gives an overly expressive sad face. Celestia pauses.
Celestia: If Twilight's brother and Princess Cadence found out about "Princess Twilight" they would support her to take my place as leader of Equestria. With support from the Crystal Empire other nations would follow suit in supporting her. The alliance would be devastating to me. I want you to eliminate Cadence and Shining Armor.
Discord: Oh Princess, you wound me. I am Discord. My style anarchy not violence.
Celestia: If you do what I have ORDERED you to do, I will give you the entire Crystal Empire as your own personal playground, to do with as you please.
Celestia: And I've ordered my best soldiers to eliminate anyone who could use the Elements of Harmony against you.
Discord: Anyone? You say. I should be on my way then.
Discord flies away through the hole in the stained glass window that Luna left.

Twilight runs through Ponyville getting weary from the blood loss, until she reaches Rarity's boutique. She gathers the last of her energy to teleport through the door. She collapses to the floor surprising Rarity and Sweetie Belle. They both run over to her side.
Rarity: Twilight, darling. What's happened to you?
Twilight: ...Some...pony...attacked
Sweetie Belle: Shhhhh. Stop talking. We need to get this thing out of you and close your wound.
She bites the arrow and pulls it out of Twilight's wing. Twilight winces in pain, she uses the second wind caused by the stinging pain to blurt out what she needs to say.
Twilight: They attacked us! They killed Rainbow Dash because of me. I need a disguise.
Twilight loses consciousness, Rarity recoils in disbelief, Sweetie Belle continues to put pressure on Twilight's puncture wound.
Rarity: What? Who? Why? Oh please wake up! Tell me what's going on!
Sweetie Bele: Rarity! I need a needle and some thread, and something I can make bandages out of. Hurry!
Rarity: Oh, yes of course. And I guess I'll make that disguise she asked for.
Rarity gallops off and fetches what Sweetie Belle asked for.

Back in Celestia's throne room a scout approaches her and kneels.
Celestia: Do you have news?
Scout: in our hunt for the usurper we came across a Zebra witch doctor in the Everfree Forest.
Celestia: And.....?
Scout: She tried to stop us, and we took care of her, but we found this in her cabin.
The scout opens a bag and reveals the Alicorn Amulet.
Scout: We thought you might have a use for it, Princess.
Celestia: You thought correctly my loyal subject. Now please return to the task at hand.
Scout: Of course Your Highness.
The scout leaves Celestia's chambers. She picks up the Alicorn Amulet and eyes it deviously.

Back in Rarity's shop Twilight is all bandaged up. Sweetie Belle splashes some water on her face and she slowly wakes up.
Sweetie Belle: That was a deep wound. Are you okay?
Twilight: I'm feeling better thanks
Rarity: Twilight, before you passed out you said Rainbow Dash
Twilight: Oh no, how long have I been here? Oh no, oh no, oh no.
Twilight runs to the windows and closes the blinds. She peeks through the window and sees the elite guard following the trail of her blood. She screams in a whisper
Twilight: Oh no they've followed me! We have to get out of here!
A volley of flaming arrows hit the side of Rarity's shop, some fly through the window and one hits Rarity in the neck. Sweetie Belle runs over to Rarity to try and stop the bleeding.
Sweetie Belle: No! Sis, stay with me!
Twilight brings up a magic force-field around the three of them as the building burns and starts to collapse in on it's self.
Twilight: We have to get out of here! If the roof caves in my force field wont hold.
Sweetie Belle: Rarity's hurt. She can't move.
Arrows bounce off the force field and a burning section of wall falls over. Twilight looks around the room and sees the elite guard kick the front door open and approach them in the center of the room.
Twilight: We need to get out of here! Now!
Sweetie Belle: No! I'm not leaving Rarity!
Twilight pulls Sweetie Belle away from Rarity and runs towards the back of the shop. Sweetie Belle gets away from Twilight and runs back towards Rarity. Another section of wall collapses separating her from Twilight. She looks back through the debris to see a medical cutie mark appear on Sweetie Belle just before the entire roof caves in. Twilight teleports away before getting crushed. She rematerializes outside surrounded by guards. Luna swoops down from the sky into the middle of the line of guards and uses a shockwave to knock them all out.
Luna: Twilight! My sister has gone mad. You have to gather your friends and use the Elements of Harmony against her.
Twilight: What? But Rainbow Dash and Rarity and Sweetie Belle... What's going on?
Luna: What about your friends? Where are they?
Twilight: They're dead...
Luna: No... Then in that case you're, our only hope is that you make it to the Crystal Empire before my sister attacks there. Hold still I can teleport us there.
Twilight: No! What about my friends!
Luna: This is the fate of all of Equestria we're talking about.
Twilight: No! I won't abandon them!
Some of the guards start to wake up and more guards come around the burning boutique.
Luna: Don't be foolish! Protect me while I charge this spell.
Luna charges her spell, Twilight teleports out of range of her spell and runs off in search of her remaining friends, leaving Luna behind to get cut down by the elite guard.

Twilight continues to run through Ponyville looking for her friends when something jumps out of a back alley and lands behind her. She begins to charge a spell to defend herself when suddenly...
Pinkie Pie: Twilight!
She stops charging her spell immediately.
Twilight: Pinkie?
Pinkie Pie: I'm so relieved I found you! My Pinkie Sense has been going crazy all day. I was sure something bad-
She notices the bandage on Twilight's wing
Pinkie Pie: OH NO! Something bad DID happen! Gee I'm sorry I couldn't help sooner Twilight.
Twilight: It's not your fault we need to find Apple Jack and Fluttershy right away.
Pinkie Pie: What about Rainbow Dash and Rarity?
Twilight looks at the floor solemnly.
Pinkie Pie: Oh...
She begins to shake uncontrollably.
Pinkie Pie: We have to go to Sweet Apple Acres!
Twilight: Is something about to happen to Apple Jack?
Pinkie is still shaking uncontrollably
Pinkie Pie: Uh hu
Twilight charges a teleportation spell as the guards catch up to her
Elite Guard: There! The Alicorn and the Pink one!
Twilight's spell finishes charging and they pop away just before a volley of arrows hits their exact location.
Elite Guard: Dammit!
He addresses his platoon
Elite Guard: There are only two other element wielders we have to deal with. You. Take a group to the cottage at the edge of the Everfree Forest. I'll take a group to the apple farm. The rest of you join up with Celestia's army at the Crystal Empire. GO NOW!
The guardponies all move out in their respective directions.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie rematerialized at Sweet Apple Acres to see it engulfed in a red magic field that levels the farm house in an instant.
Twilight: Apple Jack!
Twilight and Pinkie run over to the ruined farm house. Twilight uses her magic to lift large chunks of debris off the ground. Pinkie Pie runs in and drags Apple Jack out. She stands up and shakes her self off.
Apple Jack: What in tarnation just happened?
Twilight: Stay on your guard, who ever knocked your house down is still around here.
Apple Jack What's going on? Who would want to knock my house down.
Twilight: Luna said Celestia went mad, and someone's been killing off all our friends.
Apple Jack: How in the-
Pinkie Pie begins to shake uncontrollably again.
Pinkie Pie: Uh guys-EEP!
A red magic tendril grabs Pinkie by the leg and lifts her into the air three more tendrils grab her other legs and begin to pull in opposite directions. Twilight charges a teleportation spell as fast as she can to get Pinkie out of the trap, but not fast enough. Pinkie's lifeless torso rematerializes on the ground. A puff of smoke appears and dissipates to reveal Trixie wearing the Alicorn Amulet
Trixie: It is I! The Great and Powerful Trixi!
An apple flies towards her face but bounces off a red magical bubble.
Trixie: Didn't any one teach you not to interrupt-
Another apple bounces off the red magical bubble. Trixie blasts Apple Jack with a reverse aging spell which turns her into a filly.
Trixie: As I was saying. The Great and Powerful Trixie is here to reclaim her title as the greatest Unicorn in all of Equestria! And what better way to prove my power and greatness than to vanquish the treacherous Alicorn usurper, Twilight Sparkle!
Twilight uses her magic to undo Trixie's aging spell.
Twilight: Usurper? I don't want the throne?
Trixie: Enough of your lies! I will defeat you! And this time none of your tricks and deception will-
Another apple hits Trixie's magic bubble. Trixie fires a more hostile looking spell Apple Jack's way Twilight deflects it. Trixie and Twilight keep blasting each other's magical bolts out of the air. Apple Jack tackles Twilight out of the way of a magic tendril that was about to grab her from behind.
Apple Jack: Run Twi, we can lose her in the orchard.
Another tendril reaches out towards Twilight and Apple Jack. Twilight creates a big puff of smoke and runs off into the trees with Apple Jack. Trixie coughs and uses magic to blow the smoke away.
Trixie: Admitting defeat already? But I can't let you off that easily! The Princess is counting on me!
Trixie walks off into the orchard uprooting trees with her magic as she goes.

Apple Jack and Twilight are hiding farther into the orchard.
Twilight: A.J. Where's your family? Are they okay?
Apple Jack: They're all visiting relatives out of town. They left me in charge here. But I don't know what the hay is going on! What happened to Pinkie Pie.
Twilight: I...I think Princess Celestia is trying to have anypony who can use an Element of Harmony killed!
Apple Jack: Why? Why would the Princess do that?
Twilight: I don't know, but Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, even Sweetie Belle
Apple Jack: They're all?
Twilight: I don't know where Fluttershy is but we need to find her.
A tree gets pulled out of the ground really close to there they're hiding.
Apple Jack: You're right about that, but first I think we need to get her off our back
Twilight: Yeah. How did she get that amulet back? I thought Zacora hid it away.
Another tree gets pulled up even closer to their hiding spot. They start whispering so Trixie doesn't hear them.
Apple Jack: I don't think tricking her into taking it off is going to work this time either. Any other ideas?
Twilight: I could distract her and you can get in close and knock her out. Then I'll use my magic to try and break the lock on the amulet. I'm stronger now I can probably do it.
Apple Jack: Or just break her?
Twilight: Remember she's being corrupted by the amulet. She'll come back to normal if we get it off her.
Apple Jack: Do we even want her back to normal? She had to have put the amulet back on herself right?
The Tree they were hiding behind gets pulled out of the ground.
Trixie: Nowhere to hide now!
Apple Jack runs off deeper into the orchard and Twilight teleports away from approaching tendrils. Trixie teleports to follow her. They teleport deeper and deeper into the orchard until Twilight stops exhausted from the effort.
Trixie: End of the line usurper!
Red magic tendrils wrap around Twilight's neck and lift her up into the air slowly strangling her. Apple Jack comes flying out of nowhere and delivers a powerful kick that breaks through Trixie's magic bubble hitting her square in the jaw. Trixie hits the ground and her magic field goes away dropping Twilight.
Apple Jack: Hurry up Twi! Use your magic! Try and break the-
Trixie head butts Apple Jack in the chest, driving her horn into Apple Jack's heart. The blood pouring out of Apple Jack's body drenches Trixie.
Twilight: Apple Jack! No!
Trixie: Behold the Great and Powerful Trixie's control of Blood Magic!
Trixie absorbs the energy from Apple Jack's blood, she blasts Twilight and knocks her back into a tree. Twilight struggles to get up but Trixie hits her again.
Trixie: Not even an Alicorn can stand up to my magnificence!
A blood soaked tendril lifts Twilight into the air and starts strangling her again. Clouds gather over Sweet Apple Acres, and chocolate milk rains down washing the blood off of Twilight. She begins to struggle against the weakened magic. Discord and Fluttershy fly in to defend Twilight.
Trixie: You would dare stand against me? (she scoffs) You are no challenge for the Great and Powerful Trixie!
Trixie throws Twilight as hard as she can then starts charging a spell aimed at Discord. Discord changes some trees into a pile of cushions to break Twilight's fall.
Discord: No need to thank me. What are friends for if not saving the lives of their other friends?
Fluttershy: Oh no. She has the Alicorn Amulet again.
Discord: Oh don't worry my deer Fluttershy. Don't you remember only the Elements of Harmony can defeat me.
Trixie's spell hits Discord and he starts laughing.
Discord Ha ha, stop that tickles!
He notices that he's turning back into stone from the legs up.
Discord: Uh oh, how is this even possible? Fluttershy help! I don't want-
He turns completely to stone and starts to drop out of the sky
Trixie: Ha! My magic is even more powerful than the Elements of Harmony combined! I truly am the greatest unicorn-
Trixie gets teleported somewhere. She rematerializes somewhere near by.
Trixie: What was that? You think that-
Splat! The Stone Discord lands right on top of Trixie, splattering her and shattering the Discord statue. Fluttershy swoops down and starts gathering up the Discord pieces trying to reassemble him.
Twilight: Fluttershy, I'm so glad nothing happened to you.
Fluttershy: Discord warned me that Celestia would try and hurt us. I'm just glad we got here in time to save you. We looked everywhere for you. We're sorry about the others.
Twilight: I couldn't do anything to save them
She chokes back tears
Twilight: Did Discord tell you anything about what's going on?
Fluttershy: Princess Celestia is threatened by you now that you're a full Alicorn now. She told him to go to the Crystal Empire but he came here to help us instead.
Fluttershy continues stacking Discord pieces and Twilight paces back and forth.
Twilight: The Crystal Empire? Oh no! Shining Armor! Cadence! I have to go check on them! But I've never teleported that far and certainly not with another pony!
Fluttershy: You just worry about getting yourself there. I'll stay here and put Discord back together
Twilight: Are you s-
Fluttershy: Uh hu.
She continues to dutifully stack the broken pieces Discord in a pile
Fluttershy: If I can rebuild him you can use your magic to free him from the stone and he can use his magic to turn everything back to normal.
Twilight: Uh Fluttershy I-
Fluttershy: So go check on your brother and Cadence in the Crystal Empire and I'll have fixed Discord by the time you get back.
Twilight: Fluttershy-
Fluttershy begins humming loudly to drown out Twilight's comments. Twilight sighs and charges her teleportation spell. She pops away leaving Fluttershy painstakingly stacking the Discord chunks, trying desperately to make two pieces fit together. The elite guard and his small group arrive at Sweet Apple Acres and follow the path of uprooted trees to find Fluttershy next to a mound of broken Discord chunks. The elite guard raises his sword, and plunges it into her back.

Twilight appears in the Crystal Palace it's eerily quiet.
Twilight: Shining Armor! Cadence!
She runs deeper and deeper into the palace yelling for her brother and sister in law
Twilight: Shining Armor! Cadence!
She gets to the door to the throne room and forces it open with her magic
Twilight: Shining AHHHH!
She sees the corpses of her brother and Cadence on the floor with Princess Celestia standing over them. Celestia blasts Twilight with a powerful magic blast bringing her to the floor.
Celestia: I never thought you, of all ponies would truly master friendship.
She blasts Twilight again
Celestia: That's why I picked you as my student you know. I never thought you could keep a friend. I didn't think you were capable to care that much about anypony!
She blasts Twilight a third time.
Celestia: But I suppose even I can underestimate somepony every once and a while.
Twilight: Why-
Celestia blasts her again
Celestia: I really do hate getting my own hooves dirty. I suppose I could banish you to the moon... But you might come back to be a thorn in my side again in another thousand years.
Twilight struggles to get up.
Celestia: No, it would be kinder on us all if I just killed you
Twilight gets back up on her hooves, Celestia blasts her with the most powerful magical bolt so far. Twilight hits the ground lifeless Celestia takes flight and heads back towards Canterlot.

Still think you're the sickest one in the thread?


New member
Aug 22, 2012
suitepee7 said:
the final scene can be the fellowship and bilbo at rivendell, paying their respects to two lying down statues of frodo and sam. each departs in silence, going their own way apart from gandalf and bilbo getting on the boats together (possibly with aragorn pulling up his rangers hood as opposed to his crown). the last to depart being merry and pip, with merry placing a hand on pip's shoulder softly saying "lets go home pip, lets go home". final scene being a high angle shot of merry and pip standing at the feet of the two statues.
*nerdy correction* the boats are at the grey havens..not rivendell.

The ending of Monsters Inc. Imagine when they give back Boo and tuck her in. But once the door closes, and the monsters go back to work, boo moves house to new abusive foster parents. These parents torment Boo, and abuse her physically and sexually until she is the age of 16 when she can leave. Her only hope through the rape and beatings being the chance of that closet door opening once more to save her from her nightmare.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Plasmadamage said:

The destruction of the heart, rather than being gradual, takes immediate effect. For a brief second, the priests across Morrowind see a look of pain and abject terror flash across the face of their self made gods. Amalexia and Sotha Sil (or is he dead by this point?) simply wink out of existence, all trace of their power vanishing.

In Vivec City, the Warrior-Poet Lord of the Dunmer stands and, speaks into the mind of every inhabitant: Forgive Me, before he too is erased from mundus.

Bereft of his power, Baar Dur is ripped from the sky and obliterates the city, the shockwave destroying the entirety of Vvardenfell and triggering the eruption of Red Mountain. Protected by the residual power of the tools and heart, the Nerevarine steps out of the wreckage of the mountain, and witnesses the results of his actions first hand.

Due to the lingering Corpus infection, the now immortal Nerevarine is forced to bear the guilt for the rest of time.
In other words:

Eomega123 said:
OK, woah, I started writing a dark ending to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, then I realized it was 2 pages, not even halfway done, and I'd spent an hour on it. Why do you make me do this, thread?

I've noticed that many of the "dark reinterpretations" of popular children's media tends to follow this St. Elsewhere treatment. This would typically come to play in that the colorful world painted in Children's Show X is actually the result of a fever dream, purgatory, severe autism, coma dream, last moments before death, or drug-induced hallucination, and that the "real" world is hopelessly depressing and modern. I'm not sure whether to attribute this to coincidence, direct inspiration from St. Elsewhere, a predecessor that already played around with this twist ending, or (more likely) the image above floating around the chans and internet at large because "kids these days".


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Gottesstrafe said:
I've noticed that many of the "dark reinterpretations" of popular children's media tends to follow this St. Elsewhere treatment. This would typically come to play in that the colorful world painted in Children's Show X is actually the result of a fever dream, purgatory, severe autism, coma dream, last moments before death, or drug-induced hallucination, and that the "real" world is hopelessly depressing and modern. I'm not sure whether to attribute this to coincidence, direct inspiration from St. Elsewhere, a predecessor that already played around with this twist ending, or (more likely) the image above floating around the chans and internet at large because "kids these days".
If it's any consolation, I was well aware of the image you included, and my fanfiction (good god, I can't believe I wrote a bloody fanfiction in response to a forum post) took the world of Foster's Home as completely cannon and simply extended it to its logical finale. I won't be posting it here though because it would be a bloody massive wall of text and it was only at its halfway point before I decided to step back and take a good look at what the hell I was doing with my time.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Scott Rothman said:
The Last Of Us:

Joel let's the surgery take place. Though they are able to take samples of her reaction to the fungus, the 'cure' they come up with only infects people as if they were regularly exposed. Ellie dies from the surgery. An enraged Joel, as in the real ending, takes to killing just about all of the Fireflys. No hope remains.
Nice but I think I can one up it

It turns out Ellie wasn't really immune to the fungus at all. It just took longer for the infection to fully take her. At some point in the game Ellie feels sick and when Joel wakes up the next morning, she's become an infected and he has to kill her. Joel isn't the type to commit suicide, so ends with Joel staring at her body.

Though lets face it, the original ending is pretty freaking dark


New member
Oct 13, 2010
hittite said:
Ooh, I've got another one.

On the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars don't aid in Nightmare Moon's escape. So she decides to return to Equestria her own way.
Too bad she wasn't wearing Majora's Mask in that.


In the ending fight, Snake finally gets the upper hand against Ocelot and defeats him as per normal. However, the FOXALIVE virus Sunny programmed was bugged and unfortunately ended up destroying every piece of infrastructure tied to the Patriot's AI system. Every nuke that was previously under JD's control is launched at various locations around the world. With most of the world's nuclear interception systems disabled because of their prior connections to the Patriot system, only manually controlled countermeasures are able to be used. As a result, only a minimal number of nukes don't reach their destinations.

And thus some weird new incarnation of Fallout occurs.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
Wheel of Time,
In book 12 Rand doesnt access the true source when Semirhage captures him with the Domination Band, he kills Min goes further insane via more torture and the Dark One wins and remakes the world as per the no consience scenario in book 14


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Eomega123 said:
Gottesstrafe said:
I've noticed that many of the "dark reinterpretations" of popular children's media tends to follow this St. Elsewhere treatment. This would typically come to play in that the colorful world painted in Children's Show X is actually the result of a fever dream, purgatory, severe autism, coma dream, last moments before death, or drug-induced hallucination, and that the "real" world is hopelessly depressing and modern. I'm not sure whether to attribute this to coincidence, direct inspiration from St. Elsewhere, a predecessor that already played around with this twist ending, or (more likely) the image above floating around the chans and internet at large because "kids these days".
If it's any consolation, I was well aware of the image you included, and my fanfiction (good god, I can't believe I wrote a bloody fanfiction in response to a forum post) took the world of Foster's Home as completely cannon and simply extended it to its logical finale. I won't be posting it here though because it would be a bloody massive wall of text and it was only at its halfway point before I decided to step back and take a good look at what the hell I was doing with my time.
Don't beat yourself up about it, I wrote half of a damn plot synopsis for a fictional Slender Man movie in an attempt to demonstrate how silly and counter to what made the original so appealing a modern Hollywood take on Slender Man would be. I actually went out of my way to research some modern horror schlock and found footage tropes for that little exercise too.

Go ahead and post the fanfic, no reason to let all that hard work go to waste right? Worse comes to worse, we get a good laugh and give it the My Immortal [] or Half-life: Full Life Consequences [] treatment and move on. Was it a "Grew up and put my childish things away" story a la Toy Story 3?


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Gottesstrafe said:
Don't beat yourself up about it, I wrote half of a damn plot synopsis for a fictional Slender Man movie in an attempt to demonstrate how silly and counter to what made the original so appealing a modern Hollywood take on Slender Man would be. I actually went out of my way to research some modern horror schlock and found footage tropes for that little exercise too.

Go ahead and post the fanfic, no reason to let all that hard work go to waste right? Worse comes to worse, we get a good laugh and give it the My Immortal [] or Half-life: Full Life Consequences [] treatment and move on. Was it a "Grew up and put my childish things away" story a la Toy Story 3?
Well like I said, it's only halfway done, and the only thing worse than posting a giant wall of text would be posting a giant wall of text that never gets to the point. And also I wrote it from my memory of the show and reading a few wikipedia articles + some youtube clips, so I didn't even know if I kept the characters well enough in character. Basic synopsis was Foster's Home and imaginary friends in general becoming unnecessary in an increasingly fast moving and interconnected world where cellphones, the internet, and the like keep real friends close at hand and cause more and more children to simply do without imaginary friends. The whole story takes place after all this happens, with Frankie walking around the recently sold Foster's Home and remembering Mac going off to college and moving away, Madame Foster dying, and the responsibility of taking care of the home and the increasingly hopeless friends falling to her. Since an imaginary friend's entire purpose in life is to act as someone's companion, the friends with no hope of adoption began to simply fade away, until only Frankie and Mr. Herriman are left in the house together. Mr. Herriman urges her to go on while he locks the place up, mentioning that, being the first imaginary friend in Fosters, it's fitting he be the last one there as well.


New member
Jan 14, 2012
Final Fantasy VII
After he defeats the shirtless Sephiroth thingy, it cuts to him wearing Shinra guard armor. Sephiroth's sword still inside of him. He dies imagining the whole thing, wishing he could see those his childhood friend again, and that he could meet Zack's girlfriend. Aeris/th remains a "flower girl." And becomes the most popular girl after joining that Don guy. Tifa dies after being raped by him in her attempts to bring him down.

The entire series is revealed to be the final dreams of a little boy who wanted to be "the best martial artist ever." And all the girls loved him, and he could throw energy around like how he saw in his manga. And he was strong, and his father was just "sparring" with him every day. And his mom still loved him and wasn't around because of how much she loved him. And his father was ashamed of him because of a "curse." And not because of his gender confusion. And he becomes the strongest ever, killing a god. But it's okay, the god doesn't die either, as the little boy never wanted to really harm anyone.

Alternatively, it's the dreams of a young Ranma Saotome as his body finally gives out in the pit for the Neko Ken.

The Iron Giant
He reassembles just in time to see the rest of his kind arrive and wipe out all organic life on the planet. It cuts out as he's humming the Superman theme, shielding his friend as even he himself is destroyed.


New member
May 27, 2010
Kakulukia said:
I would rewrite the ending to The Last of Us to have Joel murder a bunch of doctors and screw humanity over for the sake of his own little happiness.
Oh wait.
If you looked a bit harder in the final area, you'd find a note stating that Ellie is their 12th~ immune, and they failed to came up with anything after carving open all of the others. Even if they managed to make a cure, they have no means of transporting it in any quantities, and the current Infected will likely be unaffected by it (Because the real life fungus basically destroys most of the brain tissue and hijacks what remains). Plus, the fifth stage of the infection ends with the infected being fused to the ground and unable to move or react. Having a cure would do little or nothing. All that humanity needs to do in order to survive is outlast the infected until they all hit stage 5. Meanwhile, there is at least one settlement that is self-sustaining and can be defended from both bandits and infected. Besides, in the state of the world, having an immune is better than having a cure. Since more immune than just Ellie exist, it's possible that all humans in the future will be immune to the fungus. Plus, an immune would be much more capable of clearing out infected than someone who isn't, so they're useful to keep around regardless.