Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes: Hurtful or Hysterical?


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Charlie Sheen is an alcoholic, woman beating asshole who's show is 30-minutes of sex-addled trash that promotes awful, overplayed gender stereotypes (all women want is money, all men want is sex, men can't be sensitive or nerdy at the risk of looking weak, etc). He could use a bit more on-air criticism.

For all the other celebrities who became victims of Gervais' bit... I watched the video and it really wasn't that bad. I think people just need to toughen up a bit.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
I know some people are saying this demonstrates the difference between British humour and American humour: it doesn't, really. In fact, I would say that Gervais has been more American in his style of humour at this event than I've ever seen him before, in that basically all he's doing is lampooning people. I've never seen a man take so many cheap shots. Most of the things he said are true, but that doesn't automatically make them funny. Have you ever told a joke about a friend's misadventures? Ever notice that the joke usually becomes a lot less funny once they're in the room? There's a time and place for everything, really.

Have a read through some of his jokes. Allegations of bribery. Homophobic references. Borderline slander. Not exactly high class humour. I wouldn't really mind because I'm not so pretentious that I can't laugh at that sort of thing, but half of the time he didn't even set the joke up properly. Good British humour is based around irony and sarcasm conveyed though the use of either hyperbole or litotes. Gervais did almost nothing of the sort last night. Some people are also saying this is what he's known for: it's not. In both The Office and Extras he plays someone with such incredible narcissism that you can't help but laugh at his trumped up opinions of himself. I can think of plenty of ways he could have brought that style of humour to the ceremony instead of just slagging people off the entire time.

For anyone who thinks this was funny: I dare you to go up to someone who's been in rehab and make a wisecrack about it to their face, as Gervais did when introducing RDJ.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Wait, the Golden Globes came on? Fancy that.... I've never been much taken with the idea of watching celebrities in their 'semi-normal' lives, drunk as they may or may not be.... Mmmmm... to each his own I suppose.


Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
I'm very sorry that a schlubby-looking British comedian knocked on all those unbelievably high-paid movie stars as well as the group that was handing out awards at the awards show that is essentially the biggest piece of bull each year (seriously, "The Tourist" for "Best Comedy or Musical" bite me Hollywood Foreign Press). Maybe they'll be able to console themselves by living a life of decadent ease during a time of increase national unemployment. Oh wait, they were doing it already.

Frankly, I think the comparisons to Colbert's roasting of Bush at the White House Correspondents Dinner seem fairly apt. That was a hilarious bit of comedy that didn't get the applause and laughter it deserved because the crowd was wrong for it. But for the rest of us (and in the Colbert example, Lawrence Fishburne, who was having the time of his life at that thing), many thanks to the comedian with the balls big enough to take it on.

Lady Larunai

New member
Nov 30, 2010
I didnt mind it, it good to see actors getting taken down a notch for all the crap they do.

RowdyRodimus said:
Poor, poor celebrities. How dare they not be exalted as the deities they are. I mean, without people like Susan Sarandon, Michael Moore, Whoopi Goldberg or Tom Hanks how would we even know who to vote for?

F the Hollywood elite. They're all a bunch of crack whores and male escorts that happened to bang the right producer.
I agree


New member
Mar 25, 2008
I'm with Rowdy.

Oh boo hoo, a few rich celebrities got the mickey taken out of them, oh, boo ****ing hoo.

Give me a break Elizabeth. The more & sooner they're all taken down a peg or two, the better for all of us.

Can we all please, all stop idolising these indulgent morons; the world will be a better place.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Chuck Sheen threatened his wife with a kitchen knife. What you don't expect someone to call him on it in an entertaining manner?

DoW Lowen

Jan 11, 2009
AS the brilliant George Carlin once said "it is the duty of the comedian to find the line and deliberately cross it".

OT: I didn't even realize the golden globes was on, I only read snippits of it in the newspaper on the way home from work, and I was giggling like a school girl the entire way on the train.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
The material wasn't that controversial, but the delivery was rubbish.

Yes, Cher isn't popular anymore, various movies didn't work very well, the women from Sex and the City are getting older and thus shouldn't be in films...just reminding us of that isn't funny. You have to turn it into a joke.

Remember all those "jokes" when Bush was in power? Simply pointing out that he's incompetent isn't funny, even if you keep it up for 8 years.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
Oooooh no, he said a bunch of mildly hurtful things in jest to celebrities. Why is this even controversy? Comedians rip on celebrities all the time, usually much harder, just not to their faces. I wasn't too keen on the product placement but that's its own animal.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
My vote would be neither.

Hes a "comedian" he is supposed to poke fun at the absurd. Its basically his job.

However... I think hes a horrible comedian.. and simply not funny in the slightest.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
I've always liked Ricky's self important style, this makes me sad that i didn't watch the Globes :(

Ah well Youtube provides all I suppose XD

Was anyone actually offended by this except everyone in Hollywood?


Where's the Kaboom?
Dec 26, 2009
Call me cynical, but I don't think any of his targets were actually offended by him. The awkwardness is part of the humour and the extra press the "controversy" generates doesn't hurt either.

I'm not a huge fan of Ricky, but I loved it.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
What, that's it? From what I can tell, about 90% of that joke was just repeating what the celebrity had done in the first place.
Jeez, if people really think THAT'S bad, I'd hate to see the reaction when they find out about Frankie Boyle...


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Oh give me a break. These celebrities put themselves in the limelight. They wanted to be famous, and all that it entails. Well, the fact of the matter is your mistakes as well as your triumphs are all in the spotlight. Ricky Gervais said the same kind of things as late night talk show hosts, but because he said it to their faces instead of behind their backs, people are calling foul. I'm sorry, but no. It's time for everyone to put on their big girl panties and stop taking things so seriously. They were jokes. When did this country lose its sense of humor?


Lock 'n' Load
Feb 22, 2008
Lets face it, it would be deplorable if he was insulting people, but luckily it was only highly paid actors, the majority of which are ego-centric, head in the clouds, wouldn't know real life if it defibrillated (not a word) them in the eyes.

If making millions and enduring the cushiest lifestyle known to man means Ricky Gervais makes fun of me once a year...I'm good with that.


New member
Oct 31, 2008
Ricky Gervais makes his views on fame pretty well known. He wants and enjoys the controversy, because when it comes down to it his point about actors and doctors works well.

He made his success from a kinda of self-parody thing and now he brings the parody home to the people he thinks deserves it. It's not like actors don't have so many people telling them they're great

What's odd is, whilst I respect Christian Bale more for his comment he's exactly the sort of person who I wouldn't expect to say it. Maybe it's because he takes the acting so seriously and dissaproves of fame going without acting talent?