Ripoffs that became more famous then the original


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Being creative is hard. Sometimes It's so hard that some of us "borrow" ideas from other artists, only to become infinitely more famous and successful.

I should probably preface my statement by saying that I really like Puella Magica. I thought it had some great ideas and fantastic characters. My only problem was Kyuubey, but not for the reason you may expect.
Kyuubey is an avatar of an alien race that tricks children into signing a Faustian bargain in which their life force is essentially used to save the universe from entropy, and they finally die. My issue is that Kyuubey bares a passing resemblance to another character.
Dung Beetle says hi. Dung beetle is an avatar of an alien race that tricks children into signing a Faustian bargain in which their life force is used to pilot a robot and- oh my.

I really liked Madoka, I think it's great, and I've told a lot of people they need to watch it. It had some great characters in it, and while I would never call Gen Urobuchi a visionary, I do think that he's an above average writer whose out to prove himself, which is something that the industry desperately needs right now. However, I find it incredibly disheartening that Chiaki Konaka, writer of Bakurano Ours and the criminally underrated Narutaru, has essentially gone more or less unnoticed, despite coming up with original stories and complex characters, and despite the fact that his premise was essentially hijacked by Urobuchi.

Note that this is not the same as being inspired by another's work and doing something original with it, which pretty much all writers and story tellers do. What are your opinions about when something like this happens, and what are some examples that stand out to you?


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
inu-kun said:
I really really doubt Kyubei is a ripoff, the "magical pet" is such a staple of anime it's not a surprise different people use it. It's like saying a show with an insult spewing animal is a ripoff of south park. I haven't seen Bokurano, but Dung Beetle looks 100% evil whie Kyubei takes couple of episodes for the horror to sink in.
I think Kyuubey was probably physically designed with the sailor moon cat in mind. That's not really the issue. The issue I had was that the concept behind kyuubey was basically lifted straight from Bakurano, and from Dung Beetle specifically. It's even acknowledged in the show, they have a shout out to Bakurano during Kyuubey's speech at the end of episode nine.

I'm not really attacking Madoka, I rather enjoyed it, and it had some great original material as well. I just wish Bakurano hadn't been completely eclipsed when it had more or less created the concept in question.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
One's 2003, the other's 2011.. There's an 8 year difference there, which feels like it's long enough for the same idea to play with similar concepts without invoking the wrath of plagiarism. And honestly if we where to go into cute character giving out faustian deals we'd have to get into shows like Soul eater (2004) with it's imp. The only thing that seems like it's the same is both characters are white between the two you mentioned. I give this a pass...

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Happens a lot with dystopian fiction.
"Player Piano" is a shameless rip-off of "Brave New World", which in turn is a shameless rip-off of "We".


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Babe is a total rip off of Gordy.

Sometimes the rip off DESERVES to be more famous.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
erttheking said:
Babe is a total rip off of Gordy.

Sometimes the rip off DESERVES to be more famous.
He actually has a very good point. I mean, look at Transformers and Go-bots. If Chiaki Konaka ended up over-shadowed, it's because of factors that caused him to be so. Either fans took to magical girls easier then giant robots, his stuff wasn't as readily available, etc.

*shrugs* It'd be like if Street Sharks was more popular then Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Bakurano Ours just isn't TMNT it seems..


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
Armadox said:
One's 2003, the other's 2011.. There's an 8 year difference there, which feels like it's long enough for the same idea to play with similar concepts without invoking the wrath of plagiarism. And honestly if we where to go into cute character giving out faustian deals we'd have to get into shows like Soul eater (2004) with it's imp. The only thing that seems like it's the same is both characters are white between the two you mentioned. I give this a pass...
Except that madoka acknowledges the connection within the show, yet fails to build or expand upon the idea. I enjoyed madoka, but that aspect of it was rather distracting. The rest of the show works fine, but I can't see why they couldn't at least use a unique twist on the idea, instead of taking wholesale from another show.


Lolita Style, The Best Style!
Jan 12, 2010
Fox12 said:
Armadox said:
One's 2003, the other's 2011.. There's an 8 year difference there, which feels like it's long enough for the same idea to play with similar concepts without invoking the wrath of plagiarism. And honestly if we where to go into cute character giving out faustian deals we'd have to get into shows like Soul eater (2004) with it's imp. The only thing that seems like it's the same is both characters are white between the two you mentioned. I give this a pass...
Except that madoka acknowledges the connection within the show, yet fails to build or expand upon the idea. I enjoyed madoka, but that aspect of it was rather distracting. The rest of the show works fine, but I can't see why they couldn't at least use a unique twist on the idea, instead of taking wholesale from another show.
The problem here with it being a ripoff is that both stories are actually common Yokai mythos in Japan. So if they ripped off anything it was ripped off from Yokai mythos that is at minimum hundreds, if not over a thousand years old.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
Fox12 said:
Armadox said:
One's 2003, the other's 2011.. There's an 8 year difference there, which feels like it's long enough for the same idea to play with similar concepts without invoking the wrath of plagiarism. And honestly if we where to go into cute character giving out faustian deals we'd have to get into shows like Soul eater (2004) with it's imp. The only thing that seems like it's the same is both characters are white between the two you mentioned. I give this a pass...
Except that madoka acknowledges the connection within the show, yet fails to build or expand upon the idea. I enjoyed madoka, but that aspect of it was rather distracting. The rest of the show works fine, but I can't see why they couldn't at least use a unique twist on the idea, instead of taking wholesale from another show.
The first BD volume sold 53,000 copies in its first week, 22,000 of which were sold on its first day, breaking the record previously held by the sixth BD volume of Bakemonogatari.[83] The second volume sold 54,000 copies, breaking its own record.[84] Each subsequent volume has managed to sell over 50,000 copies in its first week.[85][86] This was despite controversy over the pricing of the volumes which some considered to be unfairly high. The staff at Japanator stated they could not recommend that their readers buy the volumes due to the prohibitive cost.[80] Bertschy concurred, writing that the "limited episode count and high price of entry make the show inaccessible to an audience unwilling to shell out."[77]

The Nihon Keizai Shimbun newspaper reported that before the release of the third movie, the anime has grossed a total of 40 billion yen in the sales of related goods.[87] A live broadcast of the entire series streamed on Nico Nico Douga on June 18, 2011, garnered around 1 million viewers, surpassing the previous record of 570,000 held by Lucky Star.[88]

The show won the Television Award at the 16th Animation Kobe Awards,[89] as well as 12 Newtype Anime Awards[90] and the Grand Prize for animation in the 2011 Japan Media Arts awards.[91] It also won three Tokyo Anime Awards in the Television Category, Best Director and Best Screenplay,[92] and the Selection Committee Special Prize award at the 2012 Licensing of the Year awards.[93] Madoka Magica was awarded a Seiun Award for "Best Media" at the 2012 Japan Science Fiction Convention.

This. This is why he didn't need to expand on it. The idea worked perfectly fine as it is, and worked him into a big bank account. Something that him modifying anything at all might not have done. Madoka works exactly as it does specifically because it plays some themes safe and expected and others violently different. Honestly, if I was in his shoes I'd have done the same thing...


Mad Max 2019
Feb 18, 2013
Kimba the white lion to The Lion King. The classic anime was much better then that overrated Disney movie, and they didn't even try to hid the fact it was a rip off.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Do I dare say 50 Shade of Grey? I mean that originally started out as fanfic to Twilight of all things and once it become popular the author changed the names and etc to avoid the copy right stuff.
Also no I'm defending or against it, I just making a statement.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
First of all: Sorry to nag, but it's "Bokurano," not "Bakurano."

Secondly, Scarim Coral got it right.
Scarim Coral said:
Do I dare say 50 Shade of Grey? I mean that originally started out as fanfic to Twilight of all things...
It's sold about 100 million copies, after all.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
While I haven't seen Bakurano yet, I'm aware that Madoka does pay homage to it (I don't know if I'd call it a rip-off, but maybe that's just my blind love for Madoka.) I have seen Narutaru before Madoka came out, and even read a bit of the manga, and didn't really like it all that much. The anime isn't very good, and the manga, in later parts at least, kinda rips-off Evangelion.

OT: I can't really think of anything. Most rip-offs I see tend to be less popular and significantly worse, and when a popular thing does turn out to be a rip-off, It's something I haven't seen or I tend to like the popular thing a little more for some reason. Also, most of the time I take it as either paying homage, being influenced, referencing to or pure coincidence. I'm not one to instantly accuse something of being a rip-off without hard proof. To me it's kind of a belittling term.

The closest I could think of is Black Swan and Perfect Blue. Both are known to be very similar to each other, with even some similar scenes (also the fact that Darren Aronofsky bought the rights to a Perfect Blue remake years prior for a scene in Requiem for a Dream.) I liked Black Swan a lot, but Perfect blue is one of my favorite movies, and I think has a bit more going for it than Black Swan.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Fox12 said:
The whole "seemingly helpful otherworldly creature tricks people into signing a deal they later regret" thing is a trope that's been used a thousand times, even outside of Japanese media. Nearly every pantheon of gods from every culture has some sort of a "trickster" god or spirit which makes deals with people they often later regret. Loki from Norse legends, any Greek or Roman god that meddled with humans (so basically all of them), and let's not forget Eve getting tricked by the serpent in the garden of Eden. It's been done so many times I don't think it's fair to say any story has ripped it off at this point.

Anyway, on topic, the main example I can think of have already been listed, namely 50 Shades of Gray. I'm tempted to say .Hack and Sword Art Online, but .Hack has had a lot of success over many years and mediums, from anime and manga to games. And I'm not so petty as to feel the world is so small that we can't have more than one take on a "people getting stuck in an MMORPG" story.


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2011
Zontar said:
Kimba the white lion to The Lion King. The classic anime was much better then that overrated Disney movie, and they didn't even try to hid the fact it was a rip off.
Wait, I thought Kimba came way before Lion King, and people were accusing LK of ripping off Kimba. Unless you mean a more recent adaptation that parallels Lion King more closely.


Sep 23, 2014
Does Bioshock count if Ken Levine was involved in the development of the original (System Shock 2)?

I mean seriously, it's the same game but streamlined for consoles and set in a different location. The plot is very similar and I think if System Shock 2 were more commercially successful Bioshock might not have happened.


Mandatory Madness!
Aug 31, 2010
Sunburst1 said:
TakerFoxx said:
Zontar said:
Kimba the white lion to The Lion King. The classic anime was much better then that overrated Disney movie, and they didn't even try to hid the fact it was a rip off.
Wait, I thought Kimba came way before Lion King, and people were accusing LK of ripping off Kimba.
Which is exactly what the person meant

Oreos I guess.
Yep, Hydrox wants a word...


New member
Sep 30, 2012
Apparently Naruto started off as a Harry Potter manga riff.

Which is...interesting, considering the insane similarities between Orochimaru and Voldemort.
- White skin.
- Snake thing.
- Immortality.
- Lust for knowledge.
- Crippling injury.
- Schemes for Resurrection.