The real question here is, how much interactivity do you prefer with your game? I personally loved using NPC spawning cheats in the subway station in HL2 and watching them kill the guards. I love how in read dead redemption I can go about 200 feet or more away from Casa Madragada and shoot birds whenever the hell I feel like it. I think my favorite thing about games is the ability to experiment with things without a real life risk. That being said, if you like your games to be just like movies except with a few quick time events sprinkled in, then enjoy away. I just don't want to see the entire industry heading towards the non-interactive direction, because I still like dual hooking things in just cause 2 and surviving plane crashes with the never die cheat in saints row 2 and seeing how many rollovers a car can take in Burnout Paradise. And please nobody tell me "If you want interactivity, why don't you try a different medium?", because games are supposed to have some kind of interaction, even if they're just quick time events.