Rockstar Unveils GTA V Special/Collector's Editions


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Rockstar Unveils GTA V Special/Collector's Editions

The Grand Theft Auto V Special and Collector's editions will retail for $79.99 and $149.99.

If history has shown us anything, it's that we can expect Grand Theft Auto games to sell well. Grand Theft Auto IV moved some six million copies in its first week of sales, with more than half of that number being sold on its first day at retail. It wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for Grand Theft Auto V to do even better. Rockstar, in turn, is already prepping ways to try and convince gamers to pre-order the next iteration before launch. Today, the developer unveiled new Special and Collector's edtions of Grand Theft Auto V.

Customers who pre-order either version of the game can expect a number of exclusive goodies to enjoy both in and out of the game. The Grand Theft Auto V Special Edition will include a collectible art book and a blueprint-style map of Los Santos and Blaine County, where the game takes place. It will also feature in-game perks like a boost ability that will speed up the player's movements, stunt plane trials, bonus outfits, weapons, and access to the Atomic Blimp as a flyable vehicle.

The Collector's Edition will include all the contents of the Special Edition, but will also include a GTA V security deposit bag and key, based on in-game heists, and a baseball cap emblazed with the Los Santos logo. The Collector's Edition will also come loaded with its on unique gameplay perks including classic GTA characters for online play and unique vehicles that can be stored in an exclusive vehicle garage. The Special Edition will retail for $79.99, while the Collector's Edition will sell for $149.99. Both will be available for pre-order until September 17th, 2013.

So what do you think? Are the Special and Collector's editions worth the inflated price or should gamers save their money and stick to the standard release?



Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
StewShearer said:
So what do you think? Are the Special and Collector's editions worth the inflated price or should gamers save their money and stick to the standard release?
Well for me personally, I am most definitely saving my money for the standard release. I'd never use the bag or the cap, and the other stuff that isn't in-game is the kind of thing I'd look at once and then forget. The in-game stuff sounds cool, but not enough to pay that kind of money extra for.

There aren't many collectors editions I feel are worth it, considering he above reasons. Although some people enjoy collecting gaming merchandise, so it's obviously going to appeal to some.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Desert Punk said:
Kinda sad that that Atomic Blimp is Special Edition only though..
Yea. That is pretty annoying. If we can fly low and do drivebys from the blimp, I'm going to be very disappointed. Things like that make me think to just rent it when it comes out and then get the GOTY later.

At least it isn't quite as annoying as LA Noir: the side cases and other gameplay being auctioned off to different retailers. THAT reeked of desperation. At least with this if you do buy the super duper special edition, you're going to get all the content they've made so far.

I gotta say, if this was coming off the heels of GTA SA I'd be tempted. But this following GTA 4, which wasn't a bad game, just a bit of a disappointing GTA game.


New member
May 13, 2010
I am gonna go to gamestop tomorrow and pre order this.

Every single announcement makes me want GTA V more.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Now just have it come to the pc you sacks of shit.


And how much is this Pub Club?
May 18, 2008
l3o2828 said:
Still no PC release, i couldn't care less for GTA V.
Wait for the next gen to hit and pick up a super cheap console if you want it bad enough to complain on a forum.

I didn't like 4 much and will probably just grab the game at a later date, only 2/3 characters interest me.


New member
Nov 30, 2012
GonzoGamer said:
Desert Punk said:
Kinda sad that that Atomic Blimp is Special Edition only though..
Yea. That is pretty annoying. If we can fly low and do drivebys from the blimp, I'm going to be very disappointed. Things like that make me think to just rent it when it comes out and then get the GOTY later.

At least it isn't quite as annoying as LA Noir: the side cases and other gameplay being auctioned off to different retailers. THAT reeked of desperation. At least with this if you do buy the super duper special edition, you're going to get all the content they've made so far.

I gotta say, if this was coming off the heels of GTA SA I'd be tempted. But this following GTA 4, which wasn't a bad game, just a bit of a disappointing GTA game.
It's not special edition only, it's a pre order bonus.


New member
Sep 10, 2009
*Looks at all old Special and Collectors Editions...."
Buy regular versions, REALLY!

Your future self WILL thank you!!!


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Eh, I'm not going to be missing out on much by not getting it. The blimp would be cool, but the least interesting thing seems to be the online characters. I always enjoy playing as my 'own' character, so to speak, as opposed to someone else's.

l3o2828 said:
Still no PC release, i couldn't care less for GTA V.
Alfador_VII said:
l3o2828 said:
Still no PC release, i couldn't care less for GTA V.
Agreed. Back to waiting for Saint's Row IV and Watchdogs
But both of you cared enough to check this thread, and to post.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
I don't really know where you're getting your info from, but as stated on Rockstar's own site, there is no artbook. I can only assume this is a miscommunication of the fact the game comes in a steelbook case. Also, the claim of there being a movement speed increasing boost ability is wrong, the special edition perk is a 25% regen boost to your special ability bar.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
All of those bonuses don't seem worth the price. I'll just use the money I would spend on a special edition to buy a copy for my 360 then a copy for my PC when it comes out 8 months later.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
GonzoGamer said:
I gotta say, if this was coming off the heels of GTA SA I'd be tempted. But this following GTA 4, which wasn't a bad game, just a bit of a disappointing GTA game.
This. So much this. After IV there's no way I'd be tempted to be stupid and buy V on release.

Besides, seeing as how the Xbone and Piss4 are both x86 imma just wait for the inevitable PC version. 'Specially if they're dicking around with the preorder/retailer exclusive content BS. Better to wait a year and pick up the complete GOTY ed. for half the price.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
Why the fuck is Nico Bellic there on the poster and not the black guy from the actual game? I thought there were three protagonists in GTAV? Why did they decide to drop one and put the worst GTA protagonist on there in stead?