Romance in Games that you thought was Well Executed


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Dec 31, 2009
Baldur's Gate 2 female romances I wanted to mention are one of the best well executed dialogues I've experienced in games (Viconia all the way baby!).

I really enjoyed the Dragon Age Origins (Morrigan especially) and Mass Effect trilogy romances (Liara&Tali specifically).

PS/Edit: How could I forget Witcher 1&2 Geralt and Triss romance was really well done.


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Mar 28, 2011
Diablo2000 said:
John and River in To The Moon, this game is beatiful, simply beatiful...
The mind numbing part of it all is that not only is it the best romance in a game thus far, but it's not a happy one at all. It's pretty goddamn depressing.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
The boy and girl from Shadow of the Colossus!

Very little words had to be spoken to feel how much he cared for his deceased lover and the trials and tribulations he had to go through to bring her back. Great game, great story, great ending.

Rose and Thorn

New member
May 4, 2012
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
I'm gonna with a bromance that is more romantic than 95% of all the romances in games these days (and possibly happened, depending on which historian you listen to):

Cao Cao and Dian Wei from Dynasty Warriors (7 to be specific)

Dian Wei saved from execution as a bandit by Cao Cao, serves him as a loyal bodyguard for years, openly tells the others that he loves Cao Cao for the life he was given, and finally when Jia Xu tries to kill Cao Cao, tells him "I will not fall till you are beyond the horizon". He did just that, enduring more than 20 arrows and dozens of sword and spear strikes, dedicated to not fall till Cao Cao was safe.

If that is not the meaning of love, I don't know what is.
Haha I loved this! Sounds like love if you ask me!


Flesh is but a garment!
Feb 6, 2012
Have to go with these two

because it was such a beautiful and sad story and because it really changed Junpei
Also story of Chris and Laura from Thomas was alone was so sweet.


New member
Jul 12, 2012
roastbeefy said:
I also really liked the romances in Odin Sphere, though I've yet to finish that game because it's harrrrd. I'll admit that Gwendolyn is basically sold to Oswald to begin with, but that's more a testament to how much of a monster her father is. Oswald doesn't want to force her into anything, because he genuinely loves her, and when Gwendolyn realizes that, and that he's the first person love her unconditionally, she risks her life to save him.
Damn, I thought I will be first one to say this :(

Dfskelleton said:
Maybe "Romance" isn't the proper word, but James Sunderland's love for his (deceased) wife, Mary, in Silent Hill 2. The reason is that throughout the game, it becomes very, very clear that this is the only thing he has to live for. It's depressing, but very well executed.
And another one...

I don't think I have anything more that's not beating the dead horse. Games seldom do romance really good. Manga on the other hands hits my spots farily often.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Man-Shep and Liara. It would have been a LOT better if Liara's character didn't completely change throughout the series, she wasn't monotone, and the Asari weren't the designated sexy alien race.
A lot of the dialogue is just so intamate and sweet that you really feel like they're in a real relationship.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
I just can't comprehend how any sort of romance subplot with Gordon Freeman in it could ever be any good, since, you know, he NEVER SHOWS ANY KIND OF EMOTION.
So yeah, mute protagonists are a thing I very much dislike.
As for romances I thought were good, well, they're all probably mentioned at some point in this thread.