The sequel, rome 2? I dunno if I'd call it far superior...
I'm right with you there.
Rome 2 *looks* pretty and gritty, but dear lord does it have problems (politics and auto-resolve to name but two, probably biggest, problems) that suck the fun out of it.
There's plenty of interesting things that rome 1 does that later entry in total war stopped doing. Like pre battle speech, why did they ever stop those?
The engine change to WarScape for
Empire was nice, but they tried to do too much too quickly and I think settled on an evolving formula that still doesn't quite work (don't get me wrong, I really enjoy
Warhammer II, but it's still lacking in a few ways, streamlining in ways I don't fully approve of, even if I tolerate them).
In terms of gameplay, the effectively unlimited building options was such a freeing thing in
Rome and
Medieval 2 and it made more sense for great cities to have a butt load of space for construction (not just that, but the siege battle maps reflected these buildings, including the progress of construction or its disrepair). The recruitment system was simplistic, but it worked. For those superficial flourishes, removing the speeches for
Empire and
Napoleon I get (they made a welcome comeback for
Shogun 2 in Japanese, no less, which is a touch I loved, even though there was no effort to have regional variations, even a token Kansai accented one), but getting downgraded to post-deployment background chatter for
Rome 2 disappointed me immensely.
I'm not sure if you've seen the new UI, but I'm not sure what to make of it, TBH.
PSA for Rome: Total War owners on Steam -
FAQ for Total War: Rome Remastered -
Total War: Rome Remastered will be half-price until May 31st, which is a nice carrot (USD30 to 15). I'll likely hold off until reviews trickle in (I can guess what they'll say though, in fairness) given
Warhammer III is coming later this year as well.