Russian Women Think Game Designers Are "Archeologists, But with Computers"

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
Russian Women Think Game Designers Are "Archeologists, But with Computers"

Russian game developer NevoSoft took it to the streets of St. Petersburg to find out what its countrywomen think of their profession.

Nevosoft [], developers of casual games like Magic Academy 2 and My Kingdom for the Princess, got some crazy responses from women both young and old. Some of them didn't think that game designers were very attractive, saying that they usually had long dirty hair, or that they didn't care about their appearance. Thankfully, at least two women said that game designers were not especially different in any way from other people. The women in the video speak Russian, but English subtitles are provided.

"I think it's a skinny man in glasses," one woman says of a game designer. "Perhaps smart and living in his own world."

"They look like archaeologists, but with computers," another woman said. "They have beards, greasy hair and sweaters and they have crumbs in their beard." Clearly, this woman has never seen an Indiana Jones [] film.

"Well, you know, they wear jeans and don't take care of their appearance," one older woman said. "Immersed in virtual worlds perhaps. Their hair is not well done and washed. I'm sorry but that's what I think." Well, at least she apologized.

The archaeologist lady disagreed though, saying that sometimes designers could be hip. "Sometimes on a special occasion they might put on a 'trendy' outfit," she said with a smile.

Getting the unfiltered responses from the Russian public is a pretty interesting way to look at how game designers are thought of by the ladies. The video feels like the lame late night TV segment, "Jay-Walking," where Jay Leno goes around [] and asks questions of the public with embarrassing results, but this one by Nevosoft is way more compelling.

Perhaps that's because it was filmed in Nicolai Gogol []. One day, I'll go there and visit it myself, but for now, I have to be content with seeing it in the background of this video.


Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
I like Jay-Walking...

What? I can't like both Conan AND Leno? Is that illegal or something?

These woman need to see Cliffy B.

Dude is sexy. I'm not afraid to admit it.



Mar 9, 2009
Um no, this is what all russian women think of game designers.


I plan to live forever.
Apr 10, 2010
wow, nice stereotypical views on games designers Russia...

It would be nice for a lot more positive comments for a change.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
I take very good care of my long hair, thank you very much. It feels horrible if you don't. These women should know that.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Well, that's not particularly nice, although when you look at the quality of games produced in Russia, it's no wonder they view game devs like this.

Also, Greg, I've been to St. Petersburg, I would say you're not missing much, but I'm not particularly good at appreciating other cities.

Also, Gogol? You read Nevskiy Prospect? That's the most depressing stuff ever, why would it fascinate you?


New member
May 21, 2010
I'd love to see exactly why they view all game designers like this. Seriously it's absolutely retarded... WAY above retarded.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
I've made a couple of games on Game Maker. I'm attached to a project as level designer and co-writer with some fellow Escapists (well, I was, seems like it's been put on hold indefinitely now though, sadly :p). I want to work in the industry as a level designer and possibly writer, or apprentice programmer.

I also happen to look completely normal. I want to learn the drums. I have normal interests in music and films. I read books. I watch TV. I go out with friends, socialising. I shower regularly, I brush my teeth and wash daily. I wash my clothes regularly (more than the two girls I share my flat with, actually :p). I keep myself clean and hygienic, and I live a normal, healthy lifestyle.

In other words? These women are talking shit and have no idea what the hell game developers actually are or do. They need to get their heads out from under the sand, and take a look around them at this thing I like to call, the modern world... :p


New member
Sep 25, 2010
a great game designer could look like the God Apollo as far as a Russia is concerned, as they havent seen a good Russian game developer since Alexey Pazhitnov (Ukrainian doesn't count)

Greg Tito

PR for Dungeons & Dragons
Sep 29, 2005
JourneyThroughHell said:
Also, Greg, I've been to St. Petersburg, I would say you're not missing much, but I'm not particularly good at appreciating other cities.

Also, Gogol? You read Nevskiy Prospect? That's the most depressing stuff ever, why would it fascinate you?
Good to know, but I would still like to go there to see it for myself.

Of course it's depressing, but that's what Russian literature is all about! The best parts of Gogol are the surreality and the humor. The Nose, The Overcoat, it's all depressing stuff sure, but there's a cynical humor to it that I just love.

Some day, I'll finish tuning up that screenplay I wrote with a friend based on all Gogol's stories...


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Greg Tito said:
Good to know, but I would still like to go there to see it for myself.

Of course it's depressing, but that's what Russian literature is all about! The best parts of Gogol are the surreality and the humor. The Nose, The Overcoat, it's all depressing stuff sure, but there's a cynical humor to it that I just love.

Some day, I'll finish tuning up that screenplay I wrote with a friend based on all Gogol's stories...
Well, I never really liked Gogol or Russian literature in general - that's the result of it being shoved down our throats in schools.

However, Gogol's probably my favorite one. The Government Inspector (I had to look the English name up) is still a blast, Dead Souls's also pretty good, right until the second part, Taras Bul'ba is not particularly nice, but, all in all, it's something everyone should read.

Also, about that St. Petersburg comment. Don't take it too seriously, I was like thirteen or something when I've been there.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Well to their credit, a couple of them did say that Games Designers did look like ordinary people. This was just one pair of responses, though.

Also, 17-27 years old? Seriousely? Someone introduce them to Peter Molyneux. There may be older, but I'm not sure.
Apr 17, 2009
"They look like archaeologists, but with computers," another woman said. "They have beards, greasy hair and sweaters and they have crumbs in their beard." Clearly, this woman has never seen an Indiana Jones film.
Or indeed any real archaeologists. The closest thing to a beard any of my lecturers have is Paul Pettit's funny little goatee. Along with the gold earring he looks like a pirate