CriticKitten said:
Pirate Of PC Master race said:
And show me the part where he says he made this game to reinforce the message that 'gunz r bad'.
Right, obviously no amount of direct quoting of this guy's own words is enough to convince you that you're wrong.
But you are, and that's the end of the discussion as far as I'm concerned.
You didn't read my original post and had to be corrected as to its contents, and now you're stubbornly refusing to accept the fact that this guy made the game based on his own personal political beliefs. And even if I quoted the guy saying that verbatim, you'd STILL be trying to deny it. This is a waste of my time.
Firstly, let me point out that quoting someone does not infer truth or intent on whoever you are quoting. There is a thing such as "taking out of context" for a reason. Even if you do not do this, you can easily interpret some message, whatever it is, to mean something entirely different by forcing your intent on the person making the statement, forcing your opinion to be his intent all along.
But here's the rub, how many school shootings have happened since columbine? How many of these were high-profile media feeding frenizes? It is a fact that as a society we are a bit sick in that we in some way glorify such tragedies, we give these people who were so disillusioned with reality, so angry at the world that they decided to end their life by taking as many people with them as possible, essential immortality. Why? Because we report on this, it doesnt matter whether what they did was good or bad, they become part of our collective human history. But that isnt the worst part, the moment reporting begins, immediately you have people inferring some intent into why the shooter did it, what motivated him. They dont ask the question, they simply state their reasons for it, they arent interested in finding out anything, they just want to push their opinions, their agendas.
So what is wrong about some dude who makes a game about this? Nothing. It doesnt matter whether he "capitalizes" on a tragedy. Human history is ripe with tragedy, and yet we make exceptions as to which are fine to be turned into games and movies and which are not? In a statistic, all school shootings, worldwide, combined pale in comparison to wars, ancient and modern that we have as a species fought against each other. In those wars and their aftermaths, more people, more children died than any fucked up serial killer could hope to achieve.
I will agree that he could have made a better point if he had instead focused on the aftermath, rather than giving you control of the shooter. Mocking the media and its sensationalism in the wake of such events, the knee-jerk reactions, that would have been a better idea. But as it stands, why are some "tragedies" exempt and others arent? What is the difference between those events, other than "too soon"? Why are some people exempt from being mocked in the same manner when they push their political agenda the moment shit like this happens? Why was it fine to demonize and vilify video games after sandy hook, but it isnt okay to mock the idea of arming teachers?
Why is it wrong to point out that there is a need for a better gun control system by using a recent tragedy as a example of what could have been prevented?