Science Discovers That Teenage Girls Talk Too Much


New member
Apr 9, 2008
First of all, it says that, "Talking too much" leads to depression, not that girls on a whole talk to much.

Secondly, Correlation is not Causation is something the public DESPERATELY needs to learn. Doesn't it make a lot more sense to say that girls with more problems to be depressed about are more likely to talk extensively about there problems via social networking? I know when ive been depressed in the past, ive ended up useing more social networking sites and services more frequently. Sounds like a reasonable hypothesis. This study isn't necessarily wrong, and it could be an important hypothesis to prove, but as it stands, they haven't actually provided evidence for anything.

I think my Psychology B.A. has primarily served to let me call bullshit on nearly every study that hits the mainstream media.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
MaxTheReaper said:
I know a lot of girls who talk a lot, but what they say is worth hearing.
You're lucky.

On topic, this was fairly obvious. I don't trust the study about depression, though, and would desire further evidence.


Pandah Extremist
Jul 20, 2008
Khell_Sennet said:
Give me the results of a 50-year study and I'll believe what is discovered, but a one-year study conducted by some run-of-the-mill university professor (doctorate or not) is to me about as credible as a 4-Chan post.

Tween/Teen girls yap a lot, sure. Don't need a study to know that. Makes em more depressed? How the fuck would this study prove that, when half the damn country is on anti-depressants? Maybe it's not Facebook and MSN. Maybe it's simply the glow of a computer monitor that causes depression, or the color of their ceiling, the number of eyelets in their shoes, or any of a million other similarities between the girls. For that matter, does this Dr. Davila have a control group to measure against? Did she question a batch of girls who don't IM, Text, or so on?
Damn Khell, stop saying what I was about to. I couldn't help but think while reading this "How does this Doctor even know its the social networking causing the depression?" There are wayyyy too many variables to take into account to just single out this as the source.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
You don't need a damn study for that. Just spend 5 minutes in any mall, and I guarantee you'll see at least 90% of that town's female teenage population yapping at each other on their fancy cellular phones and bleeding their parents' wallets dry.


Not Dead Yet
Jan 7, 2009
uppitycracker said:
In other news, research finds that food can taste good! Seriously though, these scientists must be getting extremely bored.
What are these scientists doing though?

Shall we cure cancer now?
Nah, let's go to the pub, get hammered and do the first experiment we think of


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Where do you FIND news like this? I agree with most of the nay-sayers on this one, talking about somehting that depresses you or makes you angry is called catharsis, or the taking out of emotions, and overall catharsis can usually be a good thing.


New member
Feb 6, 2009
If anyone reads Popular Science, this article would be my pick for "Science Confirms The Obvious!" section they do every once in awhile.


Mar 26, 2008
Well its good to see that research grants are being put to good use.

Next week: Does Chocolate milk actually contain milk?
Feb 7, 2009
Ula said:
slayaDmoney said:
Ula said:
I don't talk much...
I don't talk much either, but when I do it is fun to be cynical and sarcastic.
And the best thing is, is that they don't expect it.
Thanks for being the 1st 2 quote me.

Also, I find it retarded that scientists keep coming out with studies like this and about "oh video games make kids shoot each other" it's bullshit. people have been killing each other long before video games and they will continue to do so long after they are gone (which is hopefully never). i will stop bitching about scientists bithching about studies like this only after they have used their time for more productive and meaningful things like curing cancer, curing aids, ending world hunger, and finding new forms of energy.