Disclaimer: I was unable to read the entire article. My opinion is based on the last few ZP's and EP's as well as the first few paragraphs of the current one.
Now then, to business. As I have been saying more and more often of late, Yahtzee is using the escapist as a vent for his bitterness. He vents about idiocy, going as far as mocking his own demographic, does a poor job of what he is supposed to be doing, and even worse, it is getting worse by the week.
I used to love ZP, it was full of wit and the occasional uncalled for jokes here and there. It was fun, informative, useful, and was great. Now ever since around the latest E3 edition of ZP, the quality of the videos has plummeted. There is now nearly no real wit in the reviews, absolutely no useful advice on whether to purchase a game or its qualities/faults, and just a general sense of negativity and pessimism. And now with EP, these faults have skyrocketed. Yahtzee now has been using this article to vent at his loss of ability to have fun with games, to make even more idiotic unorigional penis jokes, and conveys just a general feeling of hate towards developers.
In that regard, I would like to see Yahtzee create a game like Red Faction or Wolfenstien, or anything even close to them. Now you will be saying "but wait a second, he doesn't have that kind of money or manpower!" And to that I respond, "At one point, neither did they." They went out, made damn good games that got attention and respect, and with it, a bigger budget. They worked their way up, to be able to hire as many as they do and use such large budgets. Yahtzee has made nothing in this regard, sure he has made games, however, none have ever caught any publishers' attention, or even other developers' attention. Possibly its time for Yahtzee to do so, and actually work on something that he puts his heart into, and makes some money to invest in another slightly larger project. Maybe its time for him to realise that he needs to understand how a large scale game project actually runs and what they do to keep afloat. Maybe for once he can actually be empathetic with the developers on why their game came out the way it did, and maybe spend some time pointing out what came right, like he used to.
I can go on and on, however anything past this point would only be restating the obvious and flaming. I will end on the same note I always do, and that is: I used to hit refresh every minute of Wednesday to see the new ZP, now I cringe and hope that maybe this one will be like the old ones. I now outright shudder when I see EP, thinking of what poor sop he is trolling this time. Bring back the old ZP, lose the EP, and get your mind out of the sewer. The internet doesn't care about your problems or opinions on humanity. We come to you for witty reviews and a few good laughs. Until then, you will keep losing more and more people to your trolling, and eventually you will be left with nothing but those that you despise most: fanboys and idiots.
Bring back the old ZP