Secret Bases Return for Pokemon Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Secret Bases Return for Pokemon Omega Ruby, Alpha Sapphire

The original Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire introduced Secret Bases, and they'll return for Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire as a way for players to manage their own Pokemon gyms.

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will have Super Secret Bases for each player to customize, decorate, and make rules for Pokemon battles, the Pokemon Company revealed last night.

Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire introduced secret bases into the series, which stuck around for Diamond and Pearl with some differences. In Ruby and Sapphire, players can discover secret base locations throughout the region, and the size and shape of each base varies. Players can decorate their secret base with dolls, furniture, and accessories.


New to Pokemon Omega Ruby and Sapphire is a greater level of customization that allows players to manage a gym inside their base. Like gyms throughout the series, the gyms in players' secret bases can contain tricks and mazes, and the owner of the secret base decides the rules for what kind of Pokemon battles are allowed in the base. Secret bases can be shared through QR codes.

As in previous games, the secret bases of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will have a capture the flag activity where players can examine the flag beside the PC in another player's base to take it. Players can take one flag per day. Some kind of team ranking will be in place; the press release notes that taking flags from many secret bases improves the team ranking, leading to more rewards and extra skills for Secret Pals, other players you can scout and bring back to your base. Secret Pals use "special skills" to help players on their Pokemon journey, and players can battle them at any time in their secret bases.

Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire launches Nov. 21 for 3DS.

Source: Pokemon Company []



New member
Jul 9, 2012
Given this is a remake, it's less 'Return' and more 'Won't be cut'.

Regardless: I do love me some additional gameplay, and I would love to be able to populate my game with a gauntlet of gyms for post-game. That will really help solve the standard issue with Pokémon games (the lack of a post-game outside of competitive multi).

It will be rather irritating if you have to track down specific base locations to run multiple though. I'd rather not have to spend 3-5 minutes commuting to each base if I have a bunch of different bases in the game.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
Good. I liked this feature back in the day.

Just hope they didn't cut player character customization.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
This is sweet! It's also cool how they added a social aspect to it. How many people have said that they wanted to run their own gym?!

Eclipse Dragon

Lusty Argonian Maid
Jan 23, 2009
United States
The Great JT said:
Just hope they didn't cut player character customization.
It kind of looks like they did, at least in all the screenshots, there aren't any with the characters wearing different hats or cloths or anything. They might have did it to stay truer to the originals, but still it's a little bit of a disappointment and I hope it's only because this is a remake. Then again, Pokemon that follow you were a favorite feature of Heart Gold and Soul Silver and it never returned.


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Oh look, more gimmicky online bullshit that will stop working for good 5 seconds after they released the next game.
Pardon me for not being excited for a feature locked away behind the online wall in a pokemon game.

So how about substantial improvements to the core game that don't come with an expiration date?
Like the ability to restart your game without losing everything you collected over 50 million hours, the ability to bloody rename- as well as reteach/delete moves of your own pokemon yourself mr "master trainer" or how about difficulty levels that weren't implemented by an evil genie.


New member
Aug 17, 2011
loa said:
Oh look, more gimmicky online bullshit that will stop working for good 5 seconds after they released the next game.
Pardon me for not being excited for a feature locked away behind the online wall in a pokemon game.

So how about substantial improvements to the core game that don't come with an expiration date?
Like the ability to restart your game without losing everything you collected over 50 million hours, the ability to bloody rename- as well as reteach/delete moves of your own pokemon yourself mr "master trainer" or how about difficulty levels that weren't implemented by an evil genie.
Umm.. I dont know if you've ever played a pokemon game, but you could pretty much do all of those things. The Name Rater has been around since Red/Blue, the Move Deleter started in gen. 2, and Black and White did incorporate difficulty levels.

Oh, and a way to restart without losing progress? a revolutionary new feature called "Saving your Game".

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
OT: If I can also populate my "gym" with NPC trainers, then fuck, I'm sold on the concept. I've always wanted to roll-play as a gym leader.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
EyeReaper said:
Umm.. I dont know if you've ever played a pokemon game, but you could pretty much do all of those things. The Name Rater has been around since Red/Blue, the Move Deleter started in gen. 2, and Black and White did incorporate difficulty levels.

Oh, and a way to restart without losing progress? a revolutionary new feature called "Saving your Game".
I believe Ioa was specifically suggesting the ability for the *player* to rename/remember/delete moves anywhere rather than having to remember where it is this game and go there. Heck, even the ability to do it from box would be a step up.

Black/White didn't do difficulty - Only B2/W2 did, and X/Y dropped them.

Also, with saving Ioa was almost certainly referring to multiple playthroughs - Endgame tends to be rather stale if you don't like competitive multi or IV breeding, but a restart means losing everything. We all know why they don't implement multiple save files (So people buy multiple copies and/or don't lend copies) but it's still annoying.

Micah Weil

New member
Mar 16, 2009
St. Aidan said:
Am I the only person who isn't losing their minds over Secret bases??
No, sir, you are not.
It's good to see this stuff back. If you'll excuse me, I have a lot of fanboying to do...

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
St. Aidan said:
Am I the only person who isn't losing their minds over Secret bases??
Not just you, I was never to crazy over Secret Base (it was a useless move to have just to make a base nor did I had mate to show of the base to) in Ruby and my feeling are still the same in the remake even at the base becoming your own Gym. (Who can I show my base off to? Streetpasser?)


Nov 24, 2009
United States
loa said:
Oh look, more gimmicky online bullshit that will stop working for good 5 seconds after they released the next game.
Pardon me for not being excited for a feature locked away behind the online wall in a pokemon game.
I'm not sure how much you must have skipped over in your impatience but Secret Bases aren't exclusively online like the DreamWorld was and will keep working long after the next generation of Pokemon comes out.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
Scarim Coral said:
(Who can I show my base off to? Streetpasser?)
You can create a QR code and invite other people to it via the internet.

The Bucket

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
Eclipse Dragon said:
The Great JT said:
Just hope they didn't cut player character customization.
It kind of looks like they did, at least in all the screenshots, there aren't any with the characters wearing different hats or cloths or anything. They might have did it to stay truer to the originals, but still it's a little bit of a disappointment and I hope it's only because this is a remake. Then again, Pokemon that follow you were a favorite feature of Heart Gold and Soul Silver and it never returned.
Im pretty sure Gamefreak just cut features from Pokemon games and bring them back a few gens later to drum up hype (like they're doing with secret bases now)


Nov 24, 2009
United States
The Bucket said:
Eclipse Dragon said:
The Great JT said:
Just hope they didn't cut player character customization.
It kind of looks like they did, at least in all the screenshots, there aren't any with the characters wearing different hats or cloths or anything. They might have did it to stay truer to the originals, but still it's a little bit of a disappointment and I hope it's only because this is a remake. Then again, Pokemon that follow you were a favorite feature of Heart Gold and Soul Silver and it never returned.
Im pretty sure Gamefreak just cut features from Pokemon games and bring them back a few gens later to drum up hype (like they're doing with secret bases now)
The way I rationalize it they seem to be trying to make every region have something unique about it.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
Glad to see those are coming back, they were my favorite part of Sapphire. For some reason, I found home decorating a much more compelling end-game than fighting through that stupid tower thing. Now, does anyone know if they're bringing back the trumpets?

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
As long as they don't also bring back the Fishing for A Golden Needle in a Haystack (finding Feebas), I'm down with the remakes either way.