Seven is the magic number of anger

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
I bought my friends second hand had no problems with it, touch wood. Mind you I don't exactly play it much compared to my pc.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Not surprised, I went through 4 of them in the 4 years I owned 360's before I bought 1 PS3 that has lasted until this day. Not hard to see why I am a happy PS3 owner.

Microsoft just builds shit hardware when it comes to consoles. Strange thing is the original xbox was built like a brick shithouse, it didn't fail.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
I've had about as many die but I still wouldn't switch over to the PS3. I just enjoy games on my 360 so much more.

I have several units, though, so it's easy to send one in for repairs and just use another in the meantime.


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I'm kind of the outlier here. I had two Xbox's die on me, but my PS3 died on me 4 times so far in about two to three years. And I got my xbox fixed for free, while I had to argue with Sony about how my warranty covers this crap.

But, seven, dude, that's not right.


New member
Mar 16, 2011
My PS3 fanboy of a friend always said that my xbox would die on me someday. It never did. I have had my PlayStation get the yellow light of death though. That also just happened to be the week that I was loaning one of my friends my xbox. Bollocks.


New member
Sep 22, 2009
Snotnarok said:
StBishop said:
Just saying, that does look really cramped. Not well ventilated.
Heat isn't the problem, the E74 error is the solder giving out on a part of the video scaling/video out portion of the system. I make computers I'm not exactly ignorant in the matter. Trust me, it's well ventilated, it even has my AC near it.
Make as in fabricate, or assemble?

I was just pointing out that it doesn't look well ventilated. I wasn't aware you had air conditioning right next to it.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Snotnarok said:
TL:DR: My seventh Xbox 360 has died, they refuse to cover it for free and they want me to pay 100 bucks to fix it. No other console has died on me or needed service as much as my 2 Xbox1s and my SEVEN 360's.

I gotta ask you guys how many have you had die on you? Have you had trouble like this with any other console/device? What would you do in this situation?
What are you doing? I'm only on my second 360 and this one's lasted since 2008. Seriously? Not to insult you but what are you doing to your 360's?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
StBishop said:
Snotnarok said:
StBishop said:
Just saying, that does look really cramped. Not well ventilated.
Heat isn't the problem, the E74 error is the solder giving out on a part of the video scaling/video out portion of the system. I make computers I'm not exactly ignorant in the matter. Trust me, it's well ventilated, it even has my AC near it.
Make as in fabricate, or assemble?

I was just pointing out that it doesn't look well ventilated. I wasn't aware you had air conditioning right next to it.
No no I mean I built PCs, buy the parts, assemble them for friends, making sure the thing wont catch fire because there's no venting for the heatsink.

I'm aware, look I'm as stumped as you that I've had so many fail, I've considered these things and I've ruled them out with the friend who was playing the system at the time it decided to bug out and fail, I just seem to have bad luck with these things.

Ghengis John said:
Snotnarok said:
TL:DR: My seventh Xbox 360 has died, they refuse to cover it for free and they want me to pay 100 bucks to fix it. No other console has died on me or needed service as much as my 2 Xbox1s and my SEVEN 360's.

I gotta ask you guys how many have you had die on you? Have you had trouble like this with any other console/device? What would you do in this situation?
What are you doing? I'm only on my second 360 and this one's lasted since 2008. Seriously? Not to insult you but what are you doing to your 360's?
What am I doing with them? Occasionally using them when friends are over, keeping the unit clean and cool and not using it for DVD/media playback. I think over the past month it's seen 16 hours of use, I know it's being pushed SUPER hard.

Zac Smith

New member
Apr 25, 2010
StBishop said:
Snotnarok said:
StBishop said:
Just saying, that does look really cramped. Not well ventilated.
Heat isn't the problem, the E74 error is the solder giving out on a part of the video scaling/video out portion of the system. I make computers I'm not exactly ignorant in the matter. Trust me, it's well ventilated, it even has my AC near it.
From what I know, the heat from the console then cooling when it's off causes the solder to break, so yes I would say it's the heat.

When my xbox broke originally, i just re-soldered the section, cleaned the heatsinks and it's been fine ever since

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Snotnarok said:
What am I doing with them? Occasionally using them when friends are over, keeping the unit clean and cool and not using it for DVD/media playback. I think over the past month it's seen 16 hours of use, I know it's being pushed SUPER hard.
Clearly that 360 was out of shape from a lack of exercise.

But seriously I watch dvd's on mine, netflix, play games. It's probably on more than off. You've got some really bad luck there man. *Knock on wood*


Thinking with Portals
Jun 4, 2008
I had the same 360 for almost 3 years before it died. I then went through 4 more (only one of which had the RRoD, the rest were disc read errors), before giving up and just buying a slim 250GB. Never had a problem with it so far (... apart from when it froze during an ACII session the other day, :/). Sucks that Microsoft can't sort that for free considering just how many issues you've had, saying that, I'm on my sixth now and have funded them all myself, haha.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
neo131x said:
So about a year and a half ago, I sold it and got the new black shiny xbox360 :3 it works!
I gotta Xbox... I gotta big black shiny Xbox....

Anyone else see what I did there, or is that finding the bandwagon recycled as my dining room table?


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Never bought a 360, largely over the RROD issues. When there's not a single person that I know that has had a 360 who hasn't had to get it repaired or replaced at least once (and most have done it twice), I was rather leery of putting money behind that particular horse. I'll stick to my PC and PS3, neither of which has ever given me grief.

And for those who would try to change my mind by quoting their personal experiences; frankly, you can have people coming into a thread like this saying that they play their 360 for 15 hours a day every day since launch and it never burned out and HOW DARE YOU QUESTION THE AWESOMENESS OF THE THREE SIXTY!!! But I don't know you. So I don't trust you. So your anecdotal account means nothing to me.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Ghengis John said:
Snotnarok said:
What am I doing with them? Occasionally using them when friends are over, keeping the unit clean and cool and not using it for DVD/media playback. I think over the past month it's seen 16 hours of use, I know it's being pushed SUPER hard.
Clearly that 360 was out of shape from a lack of exercise.

But seriously I watch dvd's on mine, netflix, play games. It's probably on more than off. You've got some really bad luck there man. *Knock on wood*
Well I was going to play some baseball with it if they turn me down again and I can't fix the solder problem that is the E74 or whatever problem was on my screen. Maybe that'll make it think twice before giving me that kinda luck.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
Snotnarok said:
spartan231490 said:
The system has been in the same place, never moved, well ventilated, and along with the other 10 consoles on my shelf, they are well taken care of. The only consoles to have ever broken on me are 2 original Xboxs, seven XBox 360's and 1 big PS2 which I could have fixed by turning a gear in the disc drive.

Standing the system up is not a fix, I know 2 people who've lost games and xbox disc drives from having it stood up. It sounds like, laying down, or standing up it's likely to fail on me if I chose to get this replaced.

Avaholic03 said:
Perhaps you should either:

(a) don't leave your console on for long periods at a time, or
(b) find some way to increase airflow around the console while it's on

RRoD's are mainly caused by overheating. So you should at least take reasonable steps such as not leaving your console running in a confined space.

EDIT: for the record, I bought a used 360 from a friend, it RRoD'd about a year later. But since I got it fixed 3 years ago I haven't had any problems. And it was one of the earlier generation ones.
It's on for maybe 7 hours a week, I only play console games when friends are over.
Standing it up is a fix. If you leave it out of the way, you won't knock it over. I've had mine upright for 3 years and I haven't knocked it over or had it overheat since. You just have to make sure it isn't somewhere in the way. I play my 360 a fuck ton. Prolly 6 or 8 hours a day, almost twice that on the weekends, and since I play mostly FPS I tend to get angry. If I haven't knocked it over, it's not inevitable.

Also, i wouldn't call that well ventalated. It's laying down, it has a wii on it, and it has a VCR right next to it on the other side. It's only well ventalated on the hard-drive side, most of it's vents are blocked at least partially. and if any of that other hardware is running it's going to increase the temperature around the xbox when it's running.

Look, You don't have to believe me, but don't you think there is a reason you've broken 7 360's when most people here, most of whom play more 360 than you, have gone through less than 3 or 4? In your position, I would try standing it up. What have you got to lose?


New member
Nov 17, 2008
spartan231490 said:
Snotnarok said:
spartan231490 said:
The system has been in the same place, never moved, well ventilated, and along with the other 10 consoles on my shelf, they are well taken care of. The only consoles to have ever broken on me are 2 original Xboxs, seven XBox 360's and 1 big PS2 which I could have fixed by turning a gear in the disc drive.

Standing the system up is not a fix, I know 2 people who've lost games and xbox disc drives from having it stood up. It sounds like, laying down, or standing up it's likely to fail on me if I chose to get this replaced.

Avaholic03 said:
Perhaps you should either:

(a) don't leave your console on for long periods at a time, or
(b) find some way to increase airflow around the console while it's on

RRoD's are mainly caused by overheating. So you should at least take reasonable steps such as not leaving your console running in a confined space.

EDIT: for the record, I bought a used 360 from a friend, it RRoD'd about a year later. But since I got it fixed 3 years ago I haven't had any problems. And it was one of the earlier generation ones.
It's on for maybe 7 hours a week, I only play console games when friends are over.
Standing it up is a fix. If you leave it out of the way, you won't knock it over. I've had mine upright for 3 years and I haven't knocked it over or had it overheat since. You just have to make sure it isn't somewhere in the way. I play my 360 a fuck ton. Prolly 6 or 8 hours a day, almost twice that on the weekends, and since I play mostly FPS I tend to get angry. If I haven't knocked it over, it's not inevitable.

Also, i wouldn't call that well ventalated. It's laying down, it has a wii on it, and it has a VCR right next to it on the other side. It's only well ventalated on the hard-drive side, most of it's vents are blocked at least partially. and if any of that other hardware is running it's going to increase the temperature around the xbox when it's running.

Look, You don't have to believe me, but don't you think there is a reason you've broken 7 360's when most people here, most of whom play more 360 than you, have gone through less than 3 or 4? In your position, I would try standing it up. What have you got to lose?
I decided against standing the console when 2 of my friends discs were ruined in the standing (Not being moved) position. And both of their 360's disc drives failed as well, I've yet to have that issue.

None of the vents are blocked, I've lifted the wii and felt the bottom and touched the top of the 360 neither were even warm. My friend has it shoved his in a little spot with a magazine ontop and it's doing just fine with hours of play per day. This saw barely 16 hours of use per month, it's not an overheating problem. :)

I'm aware the 360 has a overheating problem and the reason I KNOW it's not an overheating problem is because I've done a lot of reading on this. It's just crappy luck.

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Snotnarok said:
Well I was going to play some baseball with it if they turn me down again and I can't fix the solder problem that is the E74 or whatever problem was on my screen. Maybe that'll make it think twice before giving me that kinda luck.
What position were you thinking of having it play? I look at the basic design of a 360 and I think, homeplate? But I wish you luck on the fix, man.