Sexy Gaming: A Do's and Do Nots Discussion

New Troll

New member
Mar 26, 2009
Dangerious P. Cats said:
Think of it this way. There certainly are male characters that are pretty in games, but there are also characters who are plain looking, and even those who are downright ugly. In some cases their powers are even linked to said ugliness. Women on the other hand are nearly always pretty. They only really range from realisticly pretty to if that were real it would be sent by skynet. The expectation is that irregardless of what role they are playing in the narrative women are expected to be pretty, while men are expected to be powerful. A male character can be ugly, but provided they are dominant they can still overcome enemies, get sex, etc. I don't object to women in games being pretty, what I object to is that they have to be pretty.
One flaw with this is most men don't care about thier looks so much, power on the other hand... Most all females, even gamer-girls, do care though. It's a major part of society bred into all of us as children. So what exactly would be the role of an ugly female character? Not even females who look like her in real life would desire to play her. But for men, playing an ugly male character because he's powerful is perfectly acceptable.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
LordSphinx said:
Don't let these stupid male fantasies affect your self esteem.
While sweet, this makes me laugh. Absurd jiggly video game characters don't hurt my self-esteem. Seeing hawt women period doesn't hurt my self-esteem. It does make me ANGRY, however, when guys will see a very attractive woman (attractive in an objective sense, of having a lean, trim figure, good proportions, clear skin that's obviously well-taken-care of, etc.) and say "geez, she's ugly".

Guys, I appreciate that what you THINK you are saying by this is that SHE IS NOT YOUR TYPE. However what you are actually communicating is that a.) you're an ass and b.) your standards for beauty are so high as to be unreal. I'm AWARE that guys have VERY PARTICULAR standards for beauty so many can look at a smokin' hot babe and disdain her appearance for an incredibly superficial reason--and like the appearance of a babe who is NOT smokin' hot because she falls more into your personal parameters. That's great. But when you say that out loud with no context in front of Average Babe, you are telling her flat out that SHE IS SO INDESCRIBABLY UGLY THAT YOU CAN'T STAND IT. DON'T DO IT. SPARE YOURSELVES THE DRAMA.

I don't like to see anyone being indifferent to physical beauty--even if it isn't their personal sexual preference. In real life you have to work HARD to be beautiful. It's a serious achievement and I don't like to see anyone's hard work being disparaged by idiots who think they just "lucked" into it.


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
SecretTacoNinja said:
pigeon_of_doom said:
It has it's place, but a juvenile presentation of sexually attractive characters in gaming is the main problem. No-one has the same problem with all the good looking people in hollywood, as at least they are less obviously objectified.

Oh, and Ivy? No, I wouldn't. Not worth the half an hour it would take to unbuckle all her armour.
You know what? I can't find one damn image of a female warrior who doesn't have her tits sticking out.

Thank you internet. :(
Oddly, the new character from Soul Caliber 4, Hilda, is fully armored... and I mean fully armored.

Also Chris Lightfellow in her knight getup from Suikoden 3 and many other Suikoden Females are fully and practically clothed. Whenever they aren't it's lampshaded... which is better than nothing.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
tk1989 said:
teisjm said:
tk1989 said:
teisjm said:
Oh, and when we're talking of exagerated sizes how come noone brought up weapons and shoulderpads in WoW?
Because WoWs visual aesthetic is clearly fantasy based, its not meant to be realistic.
Unlike most of the female in-game characters with huge cleavage which are never fantasy based?
Touche on your counter argument my good friend. You have a good point; Soul Calibur games and the like are also fantasy games, but you can't disagree that the visual style of WoW is meant to be more imaginative and fanciful. Games such as Soul Calibur are going for a more 'realistic' visual style (which, in my mind is quite the misnomer)
I know WoW is more imaginative... the comment about WoW weapons was actually just a small comment on the end of my main point about male arms beeing just as oversized in games as female breasts.

About Lara Croft, I wish i could be bothered to find an in-game pic and a pic from the movie with Angelina Jolie... My guess is that they compare pretty good size-wise... Same would prolly go is they got a guy like Arnold in his pre-govenator days to play Chris Redfield.

The whole point is that big breasted women athletic and big strong guys seems to have the same effect on a majority of people in the sense that they seem visually and physically superrior. It's the same in movies, the hero often fits some sort of attractive stereo type.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Jarrid said:
miracleofsound said:
Jarrid said:
miracleofsound said:

Don't be so serious guys, come on we all like boobs.
Why would you post a picture of a character idolized for her ass when you're defending b00bs?
Awww are you dissapointed?

You can catch a glimpse of side boob there if you try hard enough...

Or you could always just google image her tribal costume if you need to see some titty flesh that bad.

Also to answer your question, because it's a sexy picture of a woman that is not overtly vulgar or sexually exaggerated.

You seem to have missed my point. The point I was trying to make is, you preceded "Don't be so serious guys, come on we all like boobs." with a picture of a VG girl that is not only not known for her tits, but they're more less not even visible in the picture.
That would be like posting a picture of a girl in a bikini and saying, "Maid uniforms really get my engine going!"
I got your point. I was making fun of it because I had no idea what would compell you to make such a pointless post in the first place.

Did you consider that maybe the picture was simply there to illustrate a hot girl done well and the comment about boobs wasn't necessarily connected to it?


New member
Apr 23, 2008
PedroSteckecilo said:
For starters I figured I'd cut RIGHT to the chase...
Cpt_Oblivious said:
That's not sexy...
Indeed. Its kinda like an uncanny valley effect. Add to that, its like Jordan - in theory sexy, in practise FUCK NO!
scnj said:
Rafe said:
scnj said:
RapeLay is sexy.
Wow, well I just searched 'Rapelay' and....
You gotta be kidding me, that's sexy?
I wasn't being serious. It is an interesting insight into the more colourful parts of Japanese culture.
Hmmm, 'colourful' - more a sign of how wrapped the Japanese are.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
SecretTacoNinja said:
pigeon_of_doom said:
It has it's place, but a juvenile presentation of sexually attractive characters in gaming is the main problem. No-one has the same problem with all the good looking people in hollywood, as at least they are less obviously objectified.

Oh, and Ivy? No, I wouldn't. Not worth the half an hour it would take to unbuckle all her armour.
'Scuse me...


A shoulder plate and gauntlet is not armour.

This is armour:


You know what? I can't find one damn image of a female warrior who doesn't have her tits sticking out.

Thank you internet. :(
Here you go.

The last one is the best one.


New member
Feb 1, 2009
Well... aggreed. Also I prefer looking at a nice bunch of pixels instead of an ugly one.
Except for the space marine armor from Warhammer 40k... dude it's just 2 ossim.

Come to think of it, I think the coolest looking characters are usually male. They don't look really good, but they've got some serious style to their clothes. (e.g. Altair)

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
If you want to see a great comparison here's what you do.

Buy Smackdown vs. Raw 2009
Make a hot female character
Adjust the sze of her breasts to find what you think are ideal proportions.

If only there was an online thing that allowed you to do this. Then we could see just where people's minds are at in terms of breast size.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
pffh said:
SecretTacoNinja said:
pigeon_of_doom said:
It has it's place, but a juvenile presentation of sexually attractive characters in gaming is the main problem. No-one has the same problem with all the good looking people in hollywood, as at least they are less obviously objectified.

Oh, and Ivy? No, I wouldn't. Not worth the half an hour it would take to unbuckle all her armour.
'Scuse me...


A shoulder plate and gauntlet is not armour.

This is armour:


You know what? I can't find one damn image of a female warrior who doesn't have her tits sticking out.

Thank you internet. :(
Here you go.

The last one is the best one.
I'm impressed you managed to find strong looking women-fighters in drawings that don't look suspeciously like stripers.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Doug said:
pffh said:
SecretTacoNinja said:
pigeon_of_doom said:
It has it's place, but a juvenile presentation of sexually attractive characters in gaming is the main problem. No-one has the same problem with all the good looking people in hollywood, as at least they are less obviously objectified.

Oh, and Ivy? No, I wouldn't. Not worth the half an hour it would take to unbuckle all her armour.
'Scuse me...


A shoulder plate and gauntlet is not armour.

This is armour:


You know what? I can't find one damn image of a female warrior who doesn't have her tits sticking out.

Thank you internet. :(
Here you go.

The last one is the best one.
I'm impressed you managed to find strong looking women-fighters in drawings that don't look suspeciously like stripers.
Only took a single google search *flex* I truly am the master of google.

Here's another one to prove it (though this is not a drawing I just really like the armour):


New member
Apr 23, 2008
pffh said:
Doug said:
pffh said:
I'm impressed you managed to find strong looking women-fighters in drawings that don't look suspeciously like stripers.
Only took a single google search *flex* I truly am the master of google.

Here's another one to prove it (though this is not a drawing I just really like the armour):
Bravdo, good sir, and she's quite hot too!


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
I've also got some "realistic battle chicks," mostly from the Suikoden games...

and without armor but still fairly practical...

The trend of practical armor for female characters is fairly prevalent throughout the series with the rare exception (Elena, Jean, Sialeeds) and a few bizarre lampshades (Isabella)


New member
Apr 23, 2008
wpheloung12 said:
Ok this is just my observation and sure that 5000 of you pricks are gonna quote me and call me a dick I'm just going to ignore all of those so you'll be wasting my time. I feel that in America women are COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY EQUAL TO MEN. When ever I say this to someone they always give me an example of one girl at burger king who coincidentally gets paid less than some guy, or gets paid less cus she sucks at her job. I think that while women are now COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY EQUAL, but some feminists are too oblivious to notice so they keep fighting anyway.
Broloth said:
Some feminists claim that women never have claimed false rape and that it is just propagated by man... so yeah, feminists can suck it.
Maybe don't demonize the 'enemy'. Ok, feminists do go over the top, but turning them all universally into demonised characters is abit strong.

That said, they do sometimes get too worked up over stuff: