Sharknado 3 Officially Announced


New member
Aug 22, 2013
Sharknado 3 Officially Announced

The sequel to Sharknado 2: The Second One makes the shark disaster films an annual event for Syfy.

In a move that no one should find surprising, Syfy has officially announced that a third Sharknado film is in the works. Syfy premiered 18.2 million viewers [], and a record-breaking 3.9 million tuned in for the premiere. The third installment is due July 2015. With three films in as many years, Sharknado has become a yearly event for Syfy.

If you're already itching for more Sharknado, the franchise recently made the jump to mobile gaming [] on iOS. Sharknado: The Video Game is an endless running game from Other Ocean Interactive. "The game we came up with is very much in the spirit of the films: ridiculous, overblown, yet oddly sincere," says designer Frank Cifaldi. "We can't wait for fans to sink their teeth into it." Sharknado: The Video Game was released July 29.

The first Sharknado wrought its B-movie destruction on Los Angeles, and Sharknado 2 brought the chaos to the east coast by raining the apex predators on New York. Syfy hasn't revealed which major city can expect a rain of teeth and fins in the upcoming sequel, but given that east and west have already been covered, I'm rooting for an Alaskan adventure, or maybe a city on the Gulf of Mexico. Of course, Syfy could just give in to the ridiculousness and drop a school of sharks on Yellowstone National Park, in the middle of a reality behind Sharknado []. Where do you hope the next Sharknado touches down?

Source: io9 []



New member
May 10, 2011
So the big question is, can a series whose very premise involves shark jumping jump the shark?

Well, everyone has their vices. If you enjoy it, more power to you.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
And thus "Syfy" demonstrates two truths about TV today:

1: "Syfy" truly has lost ever semblance of interest in creating quality content; showing that whatever sliver of caring that remained from when the channel was called Sci-Fi has now officially disappeared.

2: General audiences have banded together to, once again, lower the bar.

It's odd. We now have a wealth of incredible, high-production-value television series that have been setting new benchmarks for quality and writing. Yet, general audiences seem to be more and more interested in whatever half-assed, dime-a-dozen content the networks want to shit out.

It's quite baffling. I can't help but wonder if a generation of "youtubing" has caused many of us to be more accepting of mediocrity.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wow that last sentence sounded cantankerous... I'm going to see myself out.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
so where's the third one going to be? Miami?

honestly the movies weren't bad they were hilariously bad. So I don't mind mindless entertainment for 90 minutes. I'll take Sharknado 3 over Transformers Dinobots anyday

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
I enjoy the movies and if others do as well I say by all means let's have Sharknado 3. Beats most of the other crap at the theaters.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
What is it with the obsession with sharks?

I mean there-
This (Sharknado)
Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus

Ok that sound less but it's abit more when including the sequels!

Laughing Man

New member
Oct 10, 2008
It's quite baffling. I can't help but wonder if a generation of "youtubing" has caused many of us to be more accepting of mediocrity.
I wouldn't say that, I have watched both of these Sharknado movies and yes I can easily say that they are amazingly bad, in fact all of the movies that they have shown on their recent 'terribly good' movies season, leading up to Sharknado 2's premier where in fact really really bad, yet I still watched them. It's the car crash effect, you know it's bad and you know it's wrong but it holds your interest because you some how can't quite believe just how bad it can be.


New member
Mar 23, 2013
Vigormortis said:
2: General audiences have banded together to, once again, lower the bar.
Never fear! because he is here! *takes a deep breath*

His name is James, James Cameron
The bravest pioneer
No budget too steep, no sea too deep
Who's that?
It's him, James Cameron
James, James Cameron explorer of the sea
With a dying thirst to be the first
Could it be? Yeah that's him!
James Cameron.

and thus we are saved again!


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
This is pretty damn low. You wanna know how bad it is? It's below B-level. It's Sub-Par. It's anti-good, incredibad, 'Badong', and other made-up terms. This is the kind of thing that Bruce Campbell snarks at, a man who made a movie hilariously lampshading his own career. But then again, Bruce also defeated Spider-Man, so...

Well anyway... God, some people just have no taste. Hand it over to Mike Nelson, PLEASE! Riff its Trax like hell! Just don't try to do this with a straight face!


Oct 28, 2013
Vigormortis said:
Strange, isn't it, that terrible things have lovely words to describe them? Skewer, wallop, decapitate, oddly soothing.

Scarim Coral said:
What is it with the obsession with sharks?

I mean there-
This (Sharknado)
Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus

Ok that sound less but it's abit more when including the sequels!
Simply sharking, isn't it?

...That crappy pun's probably more entertaining than all three movies will be once the next installment comes out.

(...)"The game we came up with is very much in the spirit of the films: ridiculous, overblown, yet oddly sincere," says designer Frank Cifaldi. "We can't wait for fans to sink their teeth into it."(...)
...And they beat me to it. The bastards.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Laughing Man said:
I wouldn't say that, I have watched both of these Sharknado movies and yes I can easily say that they are amazingly bad, in fact all of the movies that they have shown on their recent 'terribly good' movies season, leading up to Sharknado 2's premier where in fact really really bad, yet I still watched them. It's the car crash effect, you know it's bad and you know it's wrong but it holds your interest because you some how can't quite believe just how bad it can be.
Thing is, I actually love the schlocky, B-grade movies. (occasionally) Hell, series like Evil Dead and films like Rubber make it onto some of my 'Favorites' lists.

However, I never, ever get that same level of fun or enjoyment out of Syfy's movies nowadays. They don't feel tongue-in-cheek. There's no sense that anyone involved is either taking things too seriously or is there because they love the material. Most of the time the casts of these movies have a perpetual look on their faces like they're thinking, "I'm just here for paycheck." And in some; most notably that Roger Corman produced abortion called Sharktopus; what few moments are meant to be funny it's almost as though, after they deliver the 'punch-line', the director jumps into the scene, winks at the camera, and says, "Get it? Ain't that silly? Waka, waka, waka!"

I doesn't bother me that others love 'em. It really doesn't. I'm glad for them for getting a lot of entertainment out of these Syfy movies. More power to them, I say. Get the friends over, prep the popcorn, and crack out the drinks. But for me they've gone so far into "so bad it's good" territory that they've come full circle back into just bad.

Still, kudos to Syfy for settling on a formula that has some mass appeal. Gods know they could use the money for some of their projects.

KaZuYa said:
Coincidentally...I was thinking of exactly that episode as I typed that.


Barbas said:
Strange, isn't it, that terrible things have lovely words to describe them? Skewer, wallop, decapitate, oddly soothing.
Yes. Yes it is.

And to continue the list:
Bludgeon. Addle. Conflagration. Discombobulate. Flay.


New member
Jun 26, 2014
KaZuYa said:
Vigormortis said:
2: General audiences have banded together to, once again, lower the bar.
Never fear! because he is here! *takes a deep breath*

His name is James, James Cameron
The bravest pioneer
No budget too steep, no sea too deep
Who's that?
It's him, James Cameron
James, James Cameron explorer of the sea
With a dying thirst to be the first
Could it be? Yeah that's him!
James Cameron.

and thus we are saved again!
Man I love South Park!
I haven't watched either of the Sharknado's, But I have seen The Nostalgia Critic review the first one. To me it sounds like some good old fashioned mindless fun. Not everything on television needs have us question the meaning of life and the human condition.

Super Cyborg

New member
Jul 25, 2014
I like how there are some people who assume that because a stupid, mindless, fun movie did well, that everybody's standards are lower and that the general population is filled with idiots. God forbid that movies can be made for that purpose, and a channel decided to take that route. I watched the old sci-fi movies and they were cheesy as well, and I don't recall ones that you could say that were good.

I'm glad this is popular and that more are coming. I love to watch these kinds of movies, especially with friends or while doing other stuff. It lets me relax and I don't have to worry about missing the details. I love all the shark filled camp movies that are groan inducing if you try to take it seriously. I would actually like this to somewhere outside the states, but that would probably make the budget to big. If it has to be in the states, I say Washington DC.


New member
Mar 1, 2014
I hope the next sharknado blows away / devours the studio that makes sharknado. Or just scifi as a whole, I mean, how many awful monster movies do we really need to see?


New member
Mar 1, 2014
KaZuYa said:
Vigormortis said:
2: General audiences have banded together to, once again, lower the bar.
Never fear! because he is here! *takes a deep breath*

His name is James, James Cameron
The bravest pioneer
No budget too steep, no sea too deep
Who's that?
It's him, James Cameron
James, James Cameron explorer of the sea
With a dying thirst to be the first
Could it be? Yeah that's him!
James Cameron.

and thus we are saved again!
I don't know if this is sincere or not, but 3 more avatar movies sounds amazing to me. Maybe they could fight a shark-equivalent creature in the next movie, said to feature Pandora's oceans.


Your #1 Source for the Dino Porn
Jul 10, 2013
Mmmmm... I love me some Sharknado 3: Revenge of Sharknado, where the Sharknado ends up destroying the headquarters of the Syfy channel "unironically" during a pivotal moment in the movie where a bunch of Syfy executives are meta-talking about creating an whole Syfy original series based solely on Sharknado given the rising popularity of Sharknado-based merchandising...
(My glob, this shit writes itself!)

Then again, a movie series that knows that it's bad and is not afraid to admit that apparently has more balls than most high-budget movies are willing to put out, in terms of "questionable quality" overall...


New member
May 6, 2013
Scarim Coral said:
What is it with the obsession with sharks?

I mean there-
This (Sharknado)
Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus

Ok that sound less but it's abit more when including the sequels!
You know, it's not just sharks. There is also Metal Tornado and Alien Tornado. There may even be more, but those are the only two I can name off the top of my head.

They really do just seem to make films by taking either Shark, Storm, or Tornado and slapping another word onto it. Then when they want to get really creative, they'll take the titles from two previous movies and put a Verses between them.

I cannot wait for Sharknado Verse Alien Tornado.