Sign Up For the Hawken Beta

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Sign Up For the Hawken Beta

Applications for the Hawken closed beta are now being taken.

Hawken, in case you've somehow managed to miss it, is a fast-paced mech combat game being developed by a small indie studio called Adhesive Games. Very little has been heard about it in recent months but in mid-January the team released a handful of new screens [] with the promise of "significant news" to come and today the word went out that applications for the closed beta are now being taken.

Putting your name in the hat is as simple as going to [] and giving them your email address. Given the nature of closed betas, there are no guarantees when, or even if, you'll get in, but any chance is better than none at all. And if you can convince three friends to sign up, you'll be able to reserve your callsign before things get hot.

Hawken will be released as a free-to-play game and is currently scheduled to drop on December 12. To learn more about the game, head over to [].



New member
May 18, 2010
*signed up with the force of a thousand burning suns*
boy December can't come fast enough


404Th Ravens. No.04
Nov 19, 2009
Signed up!! 12 december is a loong time indeed. The game looks pretty awesome anyway, and yes i prefer delays than having complaints. A good game takes time... (then you start thinking about how long it took Bliz to make Diablo 3 and All Valve games - sans L4D2)