Silent Hill 4: The Room
A room full of nightmares…. Henry Townshend finds himself trapped in his apartment and
The reviews are promising that they fixed the issues plaguing the original port 16 years ago. For $10 I'll give it a shot, as this one has a special place in my gaming heart.
Tried on two separate occasions to beat it originally. Once on OG Xbox, but got stuck on the Eileen escort section. My nerves probably got the best of me too. Those damn ghosts in the subway...with that music...and that enhanced feedback sound effect...and the way the controller vibrated though it all...*shudders*. Also keeping your room free of demonic possession was something I didn't quite have the patience for at the time, which didn't help matters.
Then tried the PC port, and it was going half way decent early on, but IIRC a resolution bug stopped me at a toll gate in the subway.
Then finally a few years ago, I actually created a Japanese PSN account because the store had a port on PS3. I had a separate profile for that one game, and it played smoothly without issue. Managed to get the true ending within probably one step of losing Eileen. It was in some ways the ultimate survival horror game to me because it demanded the player learn its systems like the un-killable ghosts, and truly required ammo conservation to avoid making it a nightmare later on, at least for a good ending. Then toss in the horrific, unnerving presentation itself and it made for a one of a kind combination.
With an outstanding story that has an interesting spin on the traditional narrative, and atmosphere that easily rivaled the best in the series, it's well worth checking out if anyone missed it or skipped it originally.
Also forgot to mention the first times I played it I was also living in a one bedroom apartment with the same number as Henry in the game, and the kitchen was even to the right of the door with a little back bar, so there was that. No washer&dryer combo though.
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