Small things that annoy the crap out of you


New member
Jun 17, 2008
well where to begin..

People who walk into into me constaantly.. I'm 6ft and 220lbs, it's not like you cant see me coming. Yet they are so consumed by some petty thing they are totally ignorant of the world around them. Sometimes i fell i must generate a gravity field or something it happens so often. Particualrly when my wife and i go shopping.

Parents who cant control their kids and are always buying them crap. " Mommy i want XX " and then the kids goes into a screaming fit when they dont get it. Here's a tip kid wait for you birthday / christmas for your gifts. Or better yet do chores around the house and stop being a little turd in public and EARN it .

Parents that feed their kids to much. I saw a parent feed their four year old kid a donut from the local donut shop. This thing would have been about 6inches across. Now i think even i would have struggled to put that thing away without feeling ill from all the grease, carbs and SUGAR !! so probably in about 2-3 hours time when she has digested this the little girl would be bouncing off the walls and get yelled at. The irony being she would also get told off if she didnt finish it.

Catching thieves in the act who then try to profess their innocence. AH, no, i sat here and watched you do it and now i am arresting you. You think i would put my job on the line by making a false accusation.

Being called every name under the sun and accused of being racist by the same thieves. Yet as soon as you call them black you're in the shit. Then they also love to threaten you with acts of violence peputrated by their uncles who just got out of prison. The phase rolling off their tongue like just getting out of prison is a thing to be proud of.

Here in Western Australia studies prove we are the worst mergers, lane merging on the roads, in the country. It's like russian roulette at times. ( exagerating a bit but it's not much fun either )

People who talk loudly on their mobile phones on the bus / train, and do so for 10minutes plus. One woman i can recall was on the same call for 45minutes. I don't think i've ever spoken to anyone for 45 minutes straight.

People who think any one can be a security guard / police officer and that those who work the job are lazy. Well, maybe some, but the ones who are good at their jobs are always busy with something. It takes some one pretty special to cope with pretty much nothing but abuse every day and come back for more day after day. With the constant danger of not going home at the end of the day because you're in the hospital / morgue.

People who spit on the footpath / in public. You feral grommit.

People who stand around like stunned sheep when I'm trying to run down a shop lifter, or better yet wonder in between the line of pursuit. Yeah that guy tearing past you at 100miles an hour is running away from something.. IE: me.. You still think it's good idea to just wonder by ?

The phone.. if i wanted to talk to you i would have called you. Did someone die, did your house burn down? no ? then dont bother me..

Gee, i better stop there. Lmao

Edit: Also the " C " word. That would have to be the one swear word that offends me to the core.
Also when my mother plays with her false teeth with her tongue.. makes the most annoying sound.


New member
Apr 4, 2011
I don't know if it has been posted before, but people chewing gum. Either loudly or quietly, but just seeing them chewing annoys me so bad.

Sideways caps. Fashion berets. Name necklaces.

People who serves a mountain of food in buffets. Extra annoyance if they only eat half of it.

"how's it hanging"

Fingerprints on surfaces. Polished wood, glass, metal, whatever.

Adding "-gate" to anything slightly "controversial".


New member
May 29, 2009
Lizardon said:
People who say "What are the odds", and then get annoyed when I tell them :-(

A brother and sister being born on the same day years apart! What the odds of that?! 1/365


My mother. She is like the singularity of my pet peeves.

For specifics, "Da" instead of "The", "Tht" instead of "That".

Finding spelling or grammatical errors in newspapers, books, or things like Netflix. Srsly (lol, irony), proof read your shit guys.

The fact that when "cool" kids feel the need to beat up a nerd, they aren't hard enough to do it without at least 10 'friends' backing them up, then they have the balls to call the guy they beat up a pussy. I really want to be like the batman of school yards and solely beat on those people.

When I get floaters in my eye (the little DNA looking things in your eye you get after looking at a bright light or something).

People telling me somethings wrong with me when I cant do a thing about it at the current time, and they tell me more then once. EG, Mom: Son, your armpits stink! Me: I forgot to put deodorant on, I'll shower when I get home. *5 minutes later* Mom: You stink! Me: Mom, I cant do anything about it right now. Shut up. *5 minutes later* Mom: You stink, keep your arms down. Me: MOM SHUT THE FUCK UP. Mom: How dare you speak to me like that! Me: -_______-

People who are too busy to do anything. Except when it involves people who arent you.


In my old school, we had a rule where we werent allowed to touch other students at all. AKA, no hugging or kissing. More trouble then it's worth, especially if I'm having a bad day, and talking to a teacher with my girlfriend about it, and then my girlfriend decides to give me a hug when I got worked up, and a different teacher walks by and says hands off. Which leads me into a raging torrent of cuss words and hate. Thankfully, the teacher apologized. Damn right.

People who say people suck at something they think they rock at, but they suck too.

People who tell me to stop singing. I like singing, singing is the trait of a happy man, I'm not the best, sure, but I'm certainly not the worst in the family and I dont sing very loudly.


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Lots of things, the most inexplicable one being the sound of other people chewing. Not necessarily loud or with their mouth open, but the crunching sound of someone eating a carrot or something like that really gets to me.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
I hate ignorant people, people who decide what's right or wrong for my own country when they live 100000 miles away from here and never set foot here. But they still call us names and decides what's right and what's wrong in their own little ignorant minds.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I hate it when people watch you while you play an instrument at guitar center or something of the like.

I hate it when my Christian co-worker condescends towards me because of my rather liberal (for America) ideas about life and religion.

I hate it when people cant drive in the rain. Seriously guys, Californians CANNOT drive in the rain. Its pathetic.

I hate it when people are just generally jerks.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
Running late.
Crying babies.

I think that's all for now...
May 5, 2010
Arontala said:
People who for whatever reason have no ability to pronounce " R "

I know that they can't help it, but my god it makes them sound stupid.
I really, REALLY want to insult you right now, because you've certainly earned it, but instead I'll just leave this here.

Anywho...OT: Whistling. I don't know why, but for whatever reason, I can't stand whistling. It annoys the SHIT out of me. Also, when people talk about themselves too much and then won't tolerate you doing the same.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and when people take their fucking babies into movie theaters. Get a fucking sitter, or don't see the damn movie.

EDIT AGAIN: Mispronunciations that bug me:
1. "Everybody" as "Erebody"
2. "Wolf" as "Woof"
3. "Roof" as "Ruhf"
4. "Vehicle" as "Vee-hickle"


New member
Jan 14, 2010
People who try to alter my personality. Yes I'm often a quiet person, it means I have nothing of importance to say.

Conspiracy theorists. Seriously, they are on par with religious fundamentalists in terms of annoyance (as well as general ignorance, but let's not get into that.)

People with bad grammar, who after corrected get pissy about it. You made a mistake, I corrected you, accept it and move on.

People who feel the need to constantly talk to me while I'm in the middle of something.

People on forums who made rash judgements on games even before the game has come out or sufficient information has come out to make a conclusion of the game's nature. Hint hint nudge nudge.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch"


New member
Nov 26, 2008
- Pants sagging
- People who can't speak properly or in any human characteristic
- People who are so pessimistic they dig their own graves
- People who don't flush public toilets
- People who only care about things with their own personal interest
- Dishonest human beings

Solid Reece

New member
Nov 19, 2010
ZoMaster101 said:
I hate it whenever people throw away things that can be recycled, like plastic bottles, even though there is a recycling bin literally right next to the trash can.
I hate it when people tell me to.

In school they teach you no mader what you do the world keeps on changing


New member
Aug 9, 2008
People who don't know the difference between flaming and trolling, and therefore play right into the hands of the trolls while idiotically thinking they're outwitting them.

And people who, after coming into a room with a closed door, don't close the door upon leaving.


Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
Strain42 said:
I'm not saying everyone needs to have college level grammar understand, hell I make mistakes here and there with punctuation and what have you
ShaggyEdiddy214 said:
Zaverexus said:
I'm a Grammar Nazi, I'll admit it. Misspellings, grammatical errors, and misquotes just stick out to me and always bug me.
Well meet grammar Hitler.

*extends hand for handshake*
Ah... The irony makes me laugh - intentional or not.

I agree, evidently.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
ChupathingyX said:

Especially if English is their first language.

Sorry, couldn't pass up that opportunity.

OT: Mine would be people who constantly call playing games "sad". It's quite simple, people. Reading a book isn't sad right? And reading = a hobby/leisure activity. Games = a hobby/leisure activity. So therefore playing games is the same as reading.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Anypony that says something when they don't know what they're talking about. That just gets irritating real fast.

And I have more than enough personal experience, the old "YEAH I KNOW LOTS ABOUT GUITARS" facade... ugh.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Mace Tulio said:
Loud eaters.
Oh God, yes! A lot of my friends do this, it's almost like eating on a pig farm.

There's a little thing that annoys me quite often: I live in a house with different flats who share a washing machine and a dryer. Happens quite often that people leave their washes laundry in the machine for a day and take their basket away. It's so annoying to wait for them to fetch their stuff. And almost every time I have to clean the net of the dryer because the ones who used it before me didn't get rid of their fuzz. It's a small thing, really, I just hate washing clothes and the lazyness of my neighbours doesn't help.