Smallest thing online players annoy you with?

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
People who love talking shit and passing it off as "just a joke," but can't take a joke to save their life. This extends to real life pretty easily, but some games bring it out pretty bad.

If jokes are only funny when you're in the lead, maybe you're being a dick.


New member
Nov 29, 2013
On TF2 there is an item that allows you to challenge another player to a duel. There is a small yet annoying set of people who will challenge you to a duel, then if you decline, they will challenge you again. And again. AND AGAIN. And then, when you continue to decline their duel challenge, they will call you a coward and a craven and other words too vulgar for such a place of decency like these forums.
I just don't want to acknowledge them any more than any other player. But I guess that makes me a coward..?


New member
Sep 26, 2009
Everyone running the same classes and weapons all day erryday. Tons of options and classes and ways to play, and they play the same way as everyone else all the time.

Big annoyance was in BF3. Nothing quite like seeing someone with 10,000+ kills on their M16A3, 4,000+ kills on their sidearm, then their next top weapon being a Support LMG with 28 kills.

There's a whole 'nother game out there you aren't trying, brother.

Phoenixmgs said:
People that run sniper because 99% of people that run sniper don't know how to snipe.
Obviously it's all about the pro dragscopes and quickly switching to your secondary after every shot.

u mad cuz bad bro


New member
Jun 15, 2013
Those who run away from a fight in a 1v1 situation. For example, on GTA Online, a guy shot me and I shot him back, he wanted 1v1, so I accepted. It was up to 5 with a time limit of about 3-5 mins I think. He shot me first, and then when I re-spawned, he just ran off to the other side of the map. Seriously he just ran off and time was up and he got the cheap win. That's fucking cowardish and stupid. He asked for the 1v1 but then just went for the cheap win.

Also those on their mics who think they are the best but when they get killed, they say the stupid line, "Well I didn't even have my gun out, so I am still better than you". NO you are not!!! Stop being a big headed prick and accept a defeat.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
People jumping ship in a Halo match because they are on a losing team. It makes a losing, but manageable situation into a massacre once the team gets too small. I'm sure some of them would leave for legit reasons, but you could tell it mostly because they didn't want to stick around to lose.


New member
Apr 14, 2013
Smallest? That's a hard one, because I can't think of anything "small" that annoys me in an online match.

I guess if I had to pick, it would have to be seeing someone go sniper. It's not that I hate snipers, and I love having a good one on my team. But that's just it, I want a good one, and if it is a small match like in CoD, then I want him to be the only one as well unless the second guy is exceptional. Seeing that all five of my teammates are snipers with only one of them being half-decent really makes me annoyed. It's even worse when they put their horrible "sniping" above all else and drag the rest of the team down with them. This was particularly easy to do in Medal of Honor (2010) because of the horrible spawn system of Combat Rush.


New member
Apr 17, 2011
Message spam or map ping spam. Almost any other kind of nuisance can be ignored, but if you keep pinging the map, I will want to kill you. Unfortunately a lot of games either have respawns or you can ping from the grave so killing you, while immediately satisfying, will not stop your inane behavior.


New member
Dec 15, 2011
Don't play much multiplayer games other than Ghost Recon Online nowadays, but based on that...

Little things:

-When there are people communicating in a language that's not my own on the team audio channel, who then get annoyed with players for not listening to them. If you're playing with friends, that's cool, use whatever means is easiest to communicate, but don't get shitty with me or other players when we don't know what you're saying (apart from when you can suddenly say "Stupid f***ing noobs").

-Those players who go on rants about "noobs". I was going to say the players who call others noobs when they are low on the match's ranking, but anyone who diverts to that kind of language to blame their own team-mates.

-Sitting way back, pretending to be a sniper, when we need you on the point. Need bodies on the point to capture it, faster with more people, we just killed their entire team, we have 1 person on the point and there are 3 snipers sitting 25 metres back, waiting... Part of the "players who are only interested in their own development/survival vs the teams goals/objectives.

Big thing:

-Hackers. Bloody trolls. Their glee when their team wins, as if they did something of worth... Thankfully doesn't happen often.

Hero of Lime said:
People jumping ship in a Halo match because they are on a losing team. It makes a losing, but manageable situation into a massacre once the team gets too small. I'm sure some of them would leave for legit reasons, but you could tell it mostly because they didn't want to stick around to lose.
Also, this.... You get into a match, play the match to the end, battles can swing the other way just like that sometimes, and other times you just gotta stand through the storm. Thankfully GRO has started tracking match completion rates for people, so you can see if someone is flaky...


New member
Mar 9, 2012
People who get pissed off at me for, ya'know, actually sniping. This is generally only a problem with Call of Duty, but Jesus H. Christ, I would rather be a "pussy ass noob hardscoper" as I've been called, then a sniper who runs everywhere, spins in circles and shoots randomly, and the fucking ejaculates every time they get a kill like that.

Also, in TF2, those assholes who taunt after every kill. It is literally the douchiest thing you can do other than actually cleaning a vagina.


Muse of Fate
Sep 1, 2010
TheYellowCellPhone said:
Phoenixmgs said:
People that run sniper because 99% of people that run sniper don't know how to snipe.
Obviously it's all about the pro dragscopes and quickly switching to your secondary after every shot.

u mad cuz bad bro
You're talking to the wrong guy. I'm literally the only player on Ghost Recon Future Soldier that runs sniper in squad matches on PS3 or 360. Sniping requires expert map knowledge as you have to know every shooting lane and you have to have just great aim to be a good sniper. Being a good sniper requires aggressive play like quickscoping and dragscoping when needed, and I'm not talking about abusing COD's aim-assist to do it, I'm talking about being able to do such things without aim-assist. At least 50% of people that run sniper in online games camp their own spawn and only help their own team get spawn camped and lose, they don't even try to win the game. The other 49% just don't have the aim, the map knowledge, or just go for kills and don't even cover the key pathways to the objective. In short, sniper is the most skilled class to run and everyone, for whatever reason, thinks they are some elite sniper. I play sniper more aggressive than most play with assault rifles and I can carry the team running sniper while getting the most kills.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
-Hackers (though this is less small than anything else).
-People who demonise legitimate means of play (e.g. you use a noob gun, I don't like that you beat me with it).
-People who can't take a reasonable joke.
-People who change teams because they are losing (specifically people who are otherwise good players, it is okay if people who are bad at the game do it).
-People whose vocabulary consists of nothing but 'noob' and its synonyms.
-People who clearly get too easily frustrated to play a game where loss is a possibility
-People who purposely abuse bugs.

I think that covers just about everything that annoys me about playing online. Quite a few overlaps with what annoys me about people in general.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
If you play the Old Republic, you know there are heroics and flashpoints that serve the same purpose as dungeons in WoW. The difference is that some of the these have major stories attached to them that you participate in with dialogue and story options like other TOR quests. Of course, like WoW, almost every player I group with for these flashpoints feels the need to rush through like they're marathoning the damn dungeon. This means that when we come to those scenes where the story is being fleshed out, I keep getting bitched for not wanting to skip the story. Like the experience and loot are the only good things to take away from the experience. Pisses me off to no end. One of the main reasons I play TOR is for the feeling of roleplay, that moment when a sith walks out lightsaber drawn and singles your jedi out of the group as a challenge that is finally worth his mettle. These assholes want to skip moments like that so they can get the flashpoint done and over with to move on to the next one. Fuck that.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
The Gears of War teabagging. Gears of War's singleplayer tries so hard to be Halo enough, I don't want people to carry it on in multiplayer. Basically it's moving back and forward very, very quickly over your corpse so it shifts. If you die by a wall they'll do a control which makes the character squat and stand up in cover. Gears 3 is still my favourite multiplayer experience but that never ceases to annoy me, at least just shotgunning my corpse to pieces is more dignified.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
LFR players in WoW that refuse to learn an encounter before they queue for a raid. Not everyone has time to wipe over and over again waiting for you to haul your ass to the back of the group so that Flames of Galakrond don't wipe the raid. These people are bad enough.

Then you have people in LFR that simply refuse to learn the encounter even though they've been wiping on it the last hour or so. When your tank refuses to position himself so that Ashen Wall doesn't one shot every raid member as they're forced to pass through it to follow the boss. These assholes are also arrogant as fuck. "Well, some of us have a life and don't have time to learn how to do every boss perfectly, nerd." They'll say. Yet these are the fuckwits that just sat in the raid for the last 2 hours as we wiped until the Perserverance buff broke the encounter for the group.

If you don't have the time for learning an encounter but you have the time to cause wipe after wipe then you're an ass that's holding back the people that don't actually have the time to wipe. Some people hope to get in and out of LFR quickly, either because we genuinely don't have the time to be there for hours or the only reason we're in LFR is because Blizzard forces us to have to pass through it so we have enough gear for normal/flex modes.

It take 3 minutes to look up and read your role in any given encounter on google. Stop being a jackass and be informed before you queue.

Maximum Bert

New member
Feb 3, 2013
The Wykydtron said:
Maximum Bert said:
Make me watch their characters intro especially if its Law, Kazuya or Lili i.e the extremely good online characters that are made even better in lag (actually Lili is ok offline to deal with) lets just skip to the fight already and you can do your ridiculously safe (in lag) high damage and priority moves (note:85% of matches will be against these characters 10% will be against Paul and the other 5% will be against any of the other characters). Im using Tekken Revolution here as its rampant in that but this could apply to any fighter.
But character intros are so cool! I'll watch yours if you watch mine! To be honest character intros in BlazBlue especially are one of the highlights of the whole game for me. Tell me the intros between two NOL members isn't really freakin' badass.
In Blazblue characters often have different openers depending on who they face they also play out simultaneously and for the most part are fairly quick so in that game I dont mind watching them for the most part especially as it uses that time to sync the match anyway. In Tekken Revolution the intros take about 5 seconds and its annoying as hell when you are made to watch Laws, Lilis and Kazuyas intro again (which never changes). Imagine being forced to watch the same Ragna, Jin and Noel intro every time and then imagine nobody ever plays any other characters thats why its annoying in Tekken Revolution. Its also annoying in Soul Calibur 2 online but you cant skip them in that I just want to fight dammit intros are cool for the first few times but after the 100 plus time you have seen it not so much.

Arc, Capcom, SNK and the Skullgirls team do pretty cool intros though short snappy and sometimes amusing I suppose my main beef is with companies like Namco and with ending scenes its Netherealms (but this dosent really apply in this thread).

I suppose I hate it when they waste my time thats what really annoys me like rage quitting but thats not a small thing thats being an uber dick.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
There is a special place in hell for people who "Jet Taxi" in the Battlefield games.

Fuck you for being so self centered that you'd use a rather important asset in a way that is counter productive to the goal of winning the game. Parachuting out onto a point BY YOURSELF that has tanks rolling up on it is not clever, strategic, or useful. That Attack Jet could've been used to eliminate that Transport Chopper that's bringing in a small army with it, or maybe even destroy said tanks that are about to curb stomp you, or destroy their Attack Chopper that's coming in to obliterate the tanks that would've been backing you up, or any of the myriad of uses that vehicle had BESIDES BEING YOUR PERSONAL CARRIAGE.

And for what? To get you there all of 15 seconds faster?

Seriously, fuck jet taxis.