SimpleThunda said:
Why someone would want to see a guy's nuts being blown apart is -beyond me-.
And any of this "killcam" stuff, for that matter.
It just goes to show how warped a view we have of violence.
I find it really interesting, but I don't think I have a warped view of violence. Part of it is that I'm completely capable of distinguishing real violence from fake violence.
There's a Jimquisition where he shows an actual suicide. I skipped the scene because I knew my reaction already. I was caught unawares of a similar scene in
Bowling for Columbine. Real violence is very, very disturbing.
I find this really interesting in the same way that knocking builings apart in
Red Faction was interesting. That's one of the reasons
Mythbuster's is popular. Sure, it is morbid to wonder if you can disolve a body in acid, but actually seeing that process (on a pig carcass) is intriguing. How much damage does a certain type of exposive do? They sometimes use a "human analogue" with an actual skeleton to see the effects on a body.
So, the same here. What happens when a bullet hits a person? Traditional games just show it as a loss of "health", but, in reality, bullets do a tremendous amount of very complicated damage. If anything, seeing these "x-ray" shots should actually give someone a better understanding of violence.
You might cringe to hear someone claim a video of someone's (fake) head exploding is "cool", but that doesn't mean that they think actually killing people is "cool". They are completely different things that any normal adult can differentiate.