So, Brigandine just got a sequel.


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy

If you don't know what Brigandine is, don't worry, it was an Srpg from the mid 90s, I doubt many people remember it or even played it. But it apparently just got a sequel and since I didn't even know about it and had to check the new releases on psn to notice it I figure nobody else knows about it either so might as well make a post about it.

The game looks like if you took Heroes of Might and Magic, poured fantasy anime all over it, and made it play like a mix of final fantasy tactics and civ 6. You have national heroes who summon monsters and have them fight, so it's a very classical strategy game where you wanna employ badass beasts while keeping your hero alive, that sort of deal. Combat is turn based and units move in hexes, pretty classic Srpg fare. I love the aesthetic art style and while the graphics are more on the simplistic side I am very tantalized by the feel of the game's world. Once I finish up with cold steel 4 I'm prolly gonna jump in this.

Here's a review for those intrigued:

Shakespearean is not a word often used to describe games but I guess this is just one more thing it shares with FFT Iol.

There's 6 nations from the sound of things and you can play through each of their perspectives so I can see tons of replayability here. Also the story sounds very intricate since you get to see it go 6 different ways as well.
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