So can someone relieve my fear about the 21st?


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Gee, I sure hope not, I've spent months hoarding away money for anime north on the 28th and to have the world end just before would make it all for naught. I mean, I couldn't even spend it on something else.


New member
Nov 8, 2008
44 CE: Theudas declares himself the Messiah.

53 CE: Some big kerfuffle over Christ's return having already taken place. Thessalonica panics, at having missed the rapture

80 CE: Johanan ben Zakai, a Jewish sage who predicted Jesus return at around the time of his death, dies.

90-110 CE: Around when the Gospel of John was written. Not a prediction of the end of the world, just thought I'd point out people were claiming "THE END IS NIGH!" before the bible was even finished.

130 CE: Rabbi Jose's prediction that the Messiah would appear 60 years after the destruction of the Temple at Jerusalem passes.

400 CE: Hippolytus prediction that the end of the world would pass after two centuries passes. Rabbi Dosa prediction that the end of the world would pass at the end of 400 years also passes.

435 CE: A prediction that the Messiah would appear 365 years after the destruction of the Temple passes.

470 CE: A prediction that the Messiah would appear 400 years after the destruction of the Temple passes.

500 CE: A prediction that Christ would return in the year 500 (Based on the dimensions of Noah's ark) passes. Lactantius calculation that Christ would return in the year 500 passes as well.

968 CE: Panic in Otto I army at a solar eclipse took as a portent the end times.

987 CE: The last Carolingian dynasty (The final hindrance to the arrival of Antichrist as predicted by Adso) falls at the death of Louis V.

989 CE: Halley's Comet appears, portent of the Apocalypse etc.

990-1010 CE: Aelfric and Wulfistan run about preaching the end times are near. Outbreaks of Saint Anthony's fire in France, portent of the Apocalypse etc. Supposed birth of a monstrous child, famines, plagues and so forth in Saxony, portents of the Apocalypse etc.

1000 CE: A year of the most pronounced hysteria over the end of the world (Criminals set free, mass pilgrimages to Jerusalem, outbreaks of heresies, kings and emperors do weird shit such as Otto III ordering Charlemagne's corpse exhumed to forestall the apocalypse. (Given that the world didn't end I'd say it worked!) and the Middle Ages equivalent of crazy homeless people ranting about the end and how it is nigh.

1006 CE: What was probably a supernova observed. Portent, end times, etc.

1010 CE: Destruction of The Church of the Holy Sepulchre by Caliph Al Hakim. End times, etc.

1012 CE: Various natural disasters in Germany. Portents, end times, etc

1018 CE: Outbreak of heresy in the south of France, suspected agents of the Antichrist, panic, end times, etc.

1026 CE: Driven by his belief in the nearness of the rapture, Richard of St. Vaast leads a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.

1028 CE: Supposed Rain of Blood in Aquitaine. Portent, end times, etc.

1030 CE: Fammine in France. Portent, end times, etc.

1033 CE: Solar eclipses, and earthquakes. Portents, end times, etc. The Deacon of Orleans embarks on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem expecting the apocalypse, other pilgrimages for the same reason.

1186 CE: Letter of Toledo warns of the destruction of the world, and urges people to hide in caves and mountains.

1420 CE: Czechoslovakian Taborites predict the annihilation of every city in the world by fire.

1666 CE: Black plague and the Great Fire raises fears of the end time in London. The 666 bit probably didn't help much either.

1715 CE: Supposed prediction of Christs return by Isaac Newton passes

1809 CE: Mary Bateman claims procession of a magic chicken which lays ends with end time messages written on them. This caused a bit of an uproar until she was later caught forcing an egg into the poor hen's oviduct by and unexpected visitor.

1814 CE: Joanna Southcott claims that she, by virgin birth, would produce the second coming of Jesus Christ. Her abdomen begins to swell, as does interest and predictions of the rapture. the expected time of birth passed with nothing and she dies soon after. An autopsy reveals it as a false pregnancy.

1836 CE: Johann Albrecht Bengels prediction of the rapture passes.

1843-1844 CE: William Miller prediction of the rapture by March 21, 1844 passes. A revised date of Oct 22, 1844, also passes with out incident.

1874 CE: Prediction of the rapture by the Watchtower Society.

1878 CE: Revised prediction by the Watchtower Society.

1881 CE: Supposed date of the rapture as predicted by one Mother Shipton. Revised prediction by the Watchtower Society.

1910 CE: Return of Haley's comet. Portent, end times, etc. Revised prediction by the Watchtower Society.

1914 CE: Revised prediction by the Watchtower Society.

1918 CE: Revised prediction by the Watchtower Society.

1920 CE: Revised prediction the Watchtower Society.

1925 CE: Revised prediction the Watchtower Society.

1941 CE: Still no luck for the Jehovah's Witnesses.

1953 CE: David Davidson's prediction of the end of the world in 1953-AUG passes.

1960 CE: Piazzi Smyth prediction of the end of the world in 1960 passes.

1967 CE: Reclamation of Jerusalem by Israel. Portent, end times, etc.

1970 CE: Swing and a miss by the True Light Church of Christ.

1973 CE: Comet Kohoutek sighted, portent, end times etc.

1975 CE: The Jehovah's Witnesses try again with no more luck.

Then from the smoke came locusts on the earth, and they were given power like the power of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were allowed to torment them for five months, but not to kill them, and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings someone. And in those days people will seek death and will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee from them.

1979 CE: Walter M. Simmons strikes out.

1979-DEC31 CE: Last chance for Moses David's comet to strike the earth wiping out all life in the United States passes.

1981 CE: Hal Lindsey's estimation that the world would end by Dec. 31, 1981 passes.

1982 CE: A supposed perfect alignment of the planets that occurs every 179 years and was supposed to cause huge firestorms on the sun, changes in the ionosphere, mass disruption of radio and television communications, weird lighting, alteration of the earths rotation, mass earthquakes large and small, and nuclear meltdowns, oh my.

1984 CE: The Jehovah's witnesses are back at bat, swing, miss, swear to get out of the predicting the rapture game.

1986 CE: Moses David prediction of the Battle of Armageddon, Russia's defeat of Israel and the United States and the establishment of a worldwide Communist dictatorship, passes.

1988 CE: Edgar Whisenaunt the author of "88 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1988", is wrong on 88 counts.

1989 CE: Edgar Whisenaunt tries again with "89 Reasons Why the Rapture is in 1989" and is wrong on 89 counts.

1991 CE: Menachem Schneerson calls for the appearance of the Messiah by Sept 9, 1991.

1992 CE: Full page ad in USA Today back in 1991, claims the world will end by Oct. 28 1991. "50 million people will die in earthquakes, 50 million from collapsed buildings, 1.4 billion from World War III and 1.4 billion from a separate Armageddon."

1993 CE: Using the thinking that the year 2000 is the end of the 6000 year cycle, then the rapture must take place in 1993 to leave room for the 7 years of the tribulation. No rapture.

1994 CE: After swearing off end time predictions, the Jehovah's Witnesses falls off the wagon and proclaim 1994 as the end times. Harold Camping, F. M. Riley and John Hinkle also wrong.

1995-1999 CE: Sheldon Nidle, Dorrance Publishing, Morgan Edwards, James Ussher, and Monte Judah wrong. Rabin and Arafat's peace pact supposed to be a sign of the start of tribulation, wrong. Stan Johnson, wrong. Madame Vredeau, wrong. Vladimir Sobolyovhas, wrong. Aum Shinri Kyo, wrong. Dan Millar and Bob Wadsworth, wrong. The Sacerdotal Knights of National Security claim that "A space alien captured at a UFO landing site in eastern Missouri cracked under interrogation by the CIA and admitted that an extraterrestrial army will attack Earth on November 27 with the express purpose of stripping our planet of every natural resource they can find a use for -- and making slaves of every man, woman and child in the world!", wrong. 1998=666*3=DOOMSDAY, wrong. Heng-ming Chen wrong. May 14th 1998 as the 50 year since Israels founding and thus the rapture, wrong. Marilyn Agee, wrong. Centro wrong. Edgar Cayce, wrong twice. J.R. Dobbs, wrong. House of Yahweh, Abilene?, wrong. Charles Criswell King, wrong. Kirk Nelson tries to use Edgar Cayce's predictions and to everyones surprise, is wrong. Hon-Ming Chen wrong again. Dotson Meade, wrong.

2000 CE: Monte Kim Miller, wrong. Sukyo Mahikari, wrong. Robert Millar, wrong. 2000/3=~666.66666666667=doomsday! wrong. A supposed perfect alignment of the planets that occurs every 179 years and was supposed to cause huge firestorms on the sun, changes in the ionosphere, mass disruption of radio and television communications, weird lighting, alteration of the earths rotation, mass earthquakes large and small, and nuclear meltdowns, wrong. Michael Drosnin, wrong. Dr. Dale SumburËru, wrong. Lester Sumerall, wrong. Hal Lindsay, wrong. William Cooper, wrong. The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn being the Star of Bethlehem, being a herald of an event comparable to the birth of Jesus, wrong.

2001 CE: See above, add "Wait there was no year 0, thus the true millennium will not start until Jan 1, 2001." to them. Still wrong.

2001 CE: Sun Magazine's reported in 1997 that Noah's Ark had been discovered intact and undamaged near Mount Ararat. Inside were 6 copper-gold-silver scroolls easy 12" square. Scroll #3 is said to state the world will end on Jan. 31, 2001.

2007 CE: Shelby Corbett puts up bench signs throughout Bradenton, Florida advertising the rapture will happen in 2007. Hal Lindsay continues to be whack job.

Big Bruce

New member
Mar 18, 2011
Am I the only one who thinks it would be great if the world ended May 21st? I'm sorry you're scared OP, but it seems like such an amazing sight to me. Just imagine, a bright light, a meteor, everyone falling over in the streets (like that one movie), lots of fire, whatever may happen. I'm sure it's just another false alarm, but I will be waiting outside for something amazing to happen.


Premium member
Sep 10, 2009
It is quite understandble that you are afraid OP, after all whilst I'm not much of a believer myself I have to be honest this has got me slightly worried as well. In fact I hate doomsday predictions and the people who predict them, it does nothing but cause worry for others.

But of course like every other doomsday prediction this won't happen besides if it did, why hasn't it been broadcasted on british television I mean if this were serious then wouldn't the whole world know by now, and not every one has internet.