So, what's everyone hoping for in the upcoming Summer Sale?


Shark Girls are my Waifus
Jan 9, 2012
Vigormortis said:
As for now, the only ones I'm really wanting are:

* Grey Goo
* Oblitus
* Apotheon
* Reprisal Universe
* Titan Souls

I might nab Offworld Trading Company, Jazzpunk, and Ori and the Blind Forest, but for now the above five are my primary picks.

Javetts Eall Raksha said:
i really want Grey Goo, but 50 bucks... just don't have money like that.
Same. I just can't find it in me to justify spending $50 on it. Especially considering I'll likely just be playing it solo.
I suggest you for JazzPunk to buy it when it is VERY LOW. At first it is enjoyable, until you realised the whole game is to wait for the next random, not make sense, thing.......


This is a placeholder
Aug 24, 2009
United Kingdom
I'd take a punt on AC:Unity if it goes cheaper than £15. I'll also rebuy TWD S1 and 2 if they go on a decent sale, so I can set up my save data on PC for S3, if/when that releases.

But apart from that, I'm pretty set games wise. Still got the Witcher 3 to grind through.