Solid Snake's Voice Actor Joins The Long Dark Team


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Solid Snake's Voice Actor Joins The Long Dark Team

This Kickstarter project is so close to the finish line it can taste it.

Hinterland, the new studio behind Kickstarter project The Long Dark, is so close to its destination it can taste it. Its goal, $200,000, has been met with plenty of cash to spare, and there's only 48 hours left to go. But those 48 hours could be the best so far for the team, as Hinterland has made a last-minute announcement: David Hayter, the voice actor best known for his work on the Metal Gear series as Solid Snake, is joining the project.

"David's years of experience bringing the complex, multi-layered character of Solid Snake to life make him ideal for delivering the kind of deep, character-driven storytelling that players will discover in The Long Dark," says Hinterland. The Long Dark is the story of William Mackenzie, bush pilot, who crashes his plane deep in the Pacific Northwest wilderness. It's up to him to work out how not to freeze to death, while at the same time figuring out just what those mysterious lights he saw just before the crash might mean, both for him and the world. Because it's not just Mackenzie's problem; the world may have changed for good, with the complete failure of all technology, and you need to work out just how far you're prepared to go in order to survive.

Hayter's not alone. Two cast have already been named - Elias Toufexis [] - and there could be more "unnamed talent," as Hinterland puts it, to come. Hinterland itself is stuffed full of AAA talent - its members have worked on everything from The Unfinished Swan to L.A. Noire - and if The Long Dark takes off, it could be the dawn of a bright new future for this studio. When it releases, it will be a PC, Mac and Linux title - the team can't commit to consoles yet - and will probably ship October 2014.

Source: Kickstarter []



Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
If this article ended up being about Kiefer I would have some nasty words to say.

But while I love me some Hayter the whole survival sim genre isn't really my thing. I'll probably keep an eye on this because it does look somewhat fun, but I'm not sold yet.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
...So does anyone else want to see Solid Snake fight Commander Shepard now?


New member
Oct 31, 2008
I'm sure someone's going to ask how they can afford to have voice actors in a $200,000 game?

So here's the response to your question =D The devs had already raised $1 million through various Canadian investment loans, the kickstarter was to see if they could make the game an extra 20% more ambitious


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
Ponyholder said:
hazabaza1 said:
If this article ended up being about Kiefer I would have some nasty words to say.

But while I love me some Hayter the whole survival sim genre isn't really my thing. I'll probably keep an eye on this because it does look somewhat fun, but I'm not sold yet.
It said Solid Snake. Kiefer Sutherland is playing Big Boss.
Good point.

I tend to forget that they're different people.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
DVS BSTrD said:
I'm wiling to bet Hideo Kojima forgets that half the time when he's writing Metal Gear.
It can be kind of hard to tell, since Hayter always played the roles pretty much the same, but there are some notable differences in their personalities. Big Boss was, quite frankly, arrogant. He had too much confidence is the rightness of his own ideas. He also had a nasty tendency to underestimate his opponents. Perhaps the biggest difference is that Big Boss was willing to accept accolade for his heroism, while Solid Snake made a point of (repeatedly) telling people that he wasn't a hero. Solid Snake was less trusting, less assured that he was doing the right thing, and only ever really got involved either when he was getting paid, or out of a sense of personal responsibility to clean up his own messes.

They do have a lot in common, but I feel like Kojima did a pretty good job differentiating them.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Mar 18, 2012
While I'm not one of the people who got butt hurt over Keifer Sutherland as Big Boss in MGSV, I love me some David Hayter and would love to see him in a new role. And a paranormal survial simulator sounds like my kind of thing. I will definitely be keeping an eye on this game

CJ1145 said:
...So does anyone else want to see Solid Snake fight Commander Shepard now?
Is that even a question? But I think what you meant to say was Shepard vs Snake vs Adam Jensen. I asked for this. Not that either of them would stand a chance against Snake



Premium Gasoline
Jun 23, 2009
Wasn't there another [épublique] Kickstarter-backed video game that featured David Hayter (and Jennifer Hale)?

Whatever happened to that?