Some Kind of Stranger: Antony Johnston, Writer, Wasteland

Shannon Drake

New member
Jul 11, 2006
Some Kind of Stranger: Antony Johnston, Writer, Wasteland

TE: In addition to the almost pagan - in the Old World, nature-based sense - religion, it seems like humanity is developing powers like telekinesis, healing and so on. How did that come about, in terms of in-world story?

AJ: That would be telling ...

TE: How did the world end, if it's not giving too much away?

AJ: And that would be giving the entire series away. Sorry, no comment.

TE: Ultimately, one of the major themes in post-apocalyptic literature is hope, be it the lack thereof or the chance at a return to paradise after this fall of man. Is there any hope for your characters?

AJ: Mmmmmmmaybe. But I wouldn't bank on it. I'm a pretty bleak guy.
