Someone explain the Mass Effect Series to me, please?


New member
Sep 18, 2008
If theres ever been a thread for LMGTFY, that would be this one. All the info is written in the game; first hand sources are better than second hand sources.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
fundayz said:
I'll just explain every BioWare game:

1. Nice choice, Neutral choice, jerk choice.
2. Companion dies
3. Have sex

So deep...
People saw it as deep? I've not seen anyone pretend Bioware's done a deep game since NWN. Also, clearly you're posting flamebait. You'll get warned for that.


Pretty much, geth attack an outpost, you get sent there while being considered for the councils special unit, the specters (that looks like its spelled wrong, however, spellcheck reveals nothing!)

You save said colony, find out another specter is controlling the geth, which are a robotic race that get more intelligent the more of them that are together. Eventually you find out that saren, the other specter, is being controlled by a reaper, which want to wipe out your race like they did to the protheans.

You fight said reaper, but more are coming. Enjoy ME2. That was about it for ME1

Also, no mako, which saddens me. That thing was not hard to drive or useless and if you thought it was you suck :p


New member
Dec 18, 2008
ruthaford_jive said:
You're a space marine, you fight space shit, then this big space shit comes outta now where and tries to destroy all the others space shit in the galaxy (where the new game will start) and you have to save all the space shit in the galaxy from the really big space shit.
that is a fucking A-mazing discription of mass effect to be honest, absolutely love it :)


New member
Aug 7, 2011
Humanity is a relatively new species in the galaxy. In spite of this, they are thought to exert undue influence over political decisions. You play Shepard, a Human who becomes the first of our species to rise to the rank of Spectre, a group of elite operatives who answer only to the galaxy's highest political power, the council.
You are tasked with hunting down a rogue Spectre named Saren, who is using the Geth to activate a beacon that will call an ancient race of super-intelligent machines to begin an apocalypse. This apocalypse has occurred before, for aeons.
Along the way, major plot points relevant to ME2 are the works of Cerberus, a rogue human faction notorious for conducting illegal and highly unethical research on alien species in the interest of advancing the Human Race. Shepard encounters one of the Reapers, Sovereign, and defeats it to save the citadel. Depending on your choices, you can either rescue the Council, in which case Humanity will be elevated to council race and you will be a hero to all, or you can leave them for dead, which still secures the council seat for humanity, but the other species do not really appreciate this!

And as for what a Geth is, there is an interesting side quest in ME2 that explores that idea. Essentially there is no singular Geth, they are a series of co-running programs that compound 'intelligence' to become capable of solving increasingly complex problems. Many millions of Geth programs are running on a single platform, platforms being the robotic forms that you spend a large amount of time engaging!