Someone Please Kill Noober. Gifting Baldur's Gate: EE on Steam. [Closed]

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
Mojo said:
archvile93 said:
I'd buy it, but I just don't think that style of game is for me. I just find their gameplay dull, which to me feels like "click on enemy, then go get beer while hoping I specced my character right." I perfer more direct control over my character, with gameplay that has more focus on what you do during the fight rather than what you bring into it.
Unless you're playing with only one or two characters you'll have enough to do during battles. Maybe not in the first two or so hours of BG1, true, but once you level a bit (no matter what you spec) your gonna be doing quite a bit during each fight.

OT: Already pre-ordered it from BeamDog, so I have no use for it on steam. Good on you for making this giveaway though!
This is correct. There is a lot going on behind the scenes in fights. It might *look* like people are just swinging swords and standing there, but a lot of the time you will be pausing combat to cast spells or target enemies with skills and/or drink that potion of stoneskin. That being said, I totally get that it's style isn't for everyone

edit: I should explain combat for people who haven't played these games, just so you don't get confused at things. It uses the normal Turns and Rounds. In the game, a turn is 6 seconds, and 10 turns is a round. All things are explained using that, so you won't see spell effects that say "lasts x minutes" or anything. Also, melee characters get a certain number of attacks per round based on their stats, skill, and class/kit. The actual combat animations of the character swinging his sword is not always him attacking. If he swings and you don't get a miss message, or a damage message, it's part of the parries and things that happen in combat.

You can pause / unpause with space, and I highly suggest using that to pick your targets instead of trying to cast spells in real time.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
I'm very interested in this, I've wanted to try and get into some of the old classics that I missed out on because of the original version came out when I was 3 years old

I'm also a big fan of the story and dialogs of Dragon Age and Mass Effect and currently playing through the Witcher 2 and when it's free then I am definitely interested!


New member
Sep 11, 2007
I'm interested.

I tried playing a friend's copy as a wee lad and struggled with it. I died a lot. The graphics frustrated me. And I didn't understand what was going on. Within a few tries, I just gave up and quit.

Now, I've since built up my nerdy repetoire. I've read a LOT of Forgotten Realms books and got a better idea of the setting. I started playing the more simplified BioWare games and decided what I still liked best was dialogue and element of choice. I'd also started playing D&D and learning its mechanics/builds (I'm more a Pathfinder guy now, though. 4.0 is balls.).

Now that I'm older, I've reached a point in my life where I put a much larger emphasis on writing and story. So much so that I do it for a living. BioWare was and in some ways still is one of my favorite game companies, but even I have to admit they've watered down their stock in recent years. I hear really nice things about Baldur's Gate, and now I want to take a more adult and analytical view of it.

I can't promise I'll love it. I can't promise I'll play it for days straight. But I can promise that I will play it with the intentions of opening myself up to a unique world-building experience. Maybe those things will not be mutually exclusive.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
DarksideFlame said:
I'm very interested in this, I've wanted to try and get into some of the old classics that I missed out on because of the original version came out when I was 3 years old
I'm old I guess. I was like 16.
thesilentman said:
Louie Clark said:
Should I also give away the copy of Sonic CD in this thread?
Ooh, I'll be ready to take it, if you don't mind. :)
Well hey, since you said something about it, I'll just give you it right now. Add me on Steam. My profile here has my account page linked n things.


What this
Jun 14, 2012
Louie Clark said:
thesilentman said:
Louie Clark said:
Should I also give away the copy of Sonic CD in this thread?
Ooh, I'll be ready to take it, if you don't mind. :)
Well hey, since you said something about it, I'll just give you it right now. Add me on Steam. My profile here has my account page linked n things.
I'm nowhere near my computer right now. I'll send you a PM when I go back home. Off at school and waiting for a lesson to start, you see.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Louie Clark said:
If you have any questions about the game itself, feel free to ask and either myself or some other person who is in love with the game will answer you.
You are truly doing the gaming community a favor here. =)
With such a well-written description, you are bound to have made at least one person interested in the saga that is Baldurs Gate.

Have a virtual pat on the back from a fellow fan.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
thesilentman said:
I'm nowhere near my computer right now. I'll send you a PM when I go back home. Off at school and waiting for a lesson to start, you see.
That's fine, I will hang onto it for you.

Xaio30 said:
Have a virtual pat on the back from a fellow fan.
<3 It was either do this or buy another game I don't need and won't play. I think I made the right call.

Murais said:
I tried playing a friend's copy as a wee lad and struggled with it. I died a lot. The graphics frustrated me. And I didn't understand what was going on. Within a few tries, I just gave up and quit.
Oh, it can be overwhelming if you don't know what's what. You start at level 1, which makes you just a hair more durable than a water balloon. My first time playing this edition, I left the starting area, and the first little stupid monster one shot killed me. There's no shame in abusing quicksave at the start.


New member
Feb 9, 2011
Louie Clark said:
DarksideFlame said:
I'm very interested in this, I've wanted to try and get into some of the old classics that I missed out on because of the original version came out when I was 3 years old
I'm old I guess. I was like 16.
Since I am one of the wee tykes that have no idea why BG is so amazing and important, I would love seeing if I could discover why, if it actually is so hard that I could complete it despite no previous experience with the 2nd edition ruleset.

I also loved the story and characters in DA:O and Mass Effect, so if BG makes them bland in comparison then I really want to see if that's true. I also admire that you are willing to just give away a copy of the remake just so you could give the devs more money for a job well done and to support any future projects they may have.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
DarksideFlame said:
I also admire that you are willing to just give away a copy of the remake just so you could give the devs more money for a job well done and to support any future projects they may have.
Black Isle games were such a huge part of my life growing up that I'd gladly throw any money I could spare at these guys doing remakes. I also want to throw more money at Project Eternity.

Just under six hours left on this.


New member
May 20, 2011
Never played it, but I've seen it around. Looks nice for it's age. I'd be interested to own it.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
Jove said:
Also if I may ask the OP, is that...a baby Cthulhu? Oh man, how I would be so grateful to life if I were to be rewarded a game by a baby Cthulhu :D.
Yeah, I asked my friend Derringer to draw "Cthulhu being cute" and she drew baby Cthulhu playing with toy cars. I'm going to use that as my splash screen for the indie games I'm making, so if anyone is a good artist or flash animator even, message me plz<3 I am willing to pay for this work once I get it all worked out with who I want to have draw or animate a very short opening.

I have a lot of pictures of "Cthulhu being cute" by different artists. It's my thing I guess. A girl just drew me one where he is playing Super Smash Brothers Melee with some other mythical beings, and has just won the match. I have one of him baking muffins... Heh.

edit: here's the HQ version:


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
I am indeed interested in this offer. I thoroughly enjoyed playing the original Neverwinter Nights games which I know are similar to this as well as the other Bioware game's you mentioned. I also got a bunch of DnD style games during the GOG christmas sale which I am currently working my way through.


New member
Sep 15, 2010
I have a friend I've been trying to get to play it. Can I enter and then give you that friend's steam account? Then he would no longer have an excuse when I say "Play Baldur's Gate!"

And trust me, I can make sure he does.

Louie Clark

New member
Mar 31, 2011
Bara_no_Hime said:
I have a friend I've been trying to get to play it. Can I enter and then give you that friend's steam account? Then he would no longer have an excuse when I say "Play Baldur's Gate!"

And trust me, I can make sure he does.
Sure, that's fine.