Johnnyallstar said:
Well, time to prematurely overreact and remove all credit card info from XBL.
You're not really pre-maturely overreacting. I know people who removed their info from XBL last week...
Dys said:
Gross negligence, breach of their privacy policy, removal of a product products ability to to be used for it's specific purpose (on several counts) and distribution of a product that is below merchantable quality.
By merchantable quality I'm assuming you mean the fact that it was hacked once? By your reasoning we should go after Microsoft a couple million times over since the XBOX has been hacked a great many times and computers are hacked often.
You're quoting common law and civil in order to try and attack Sony in a criminal court?
Let me teach you. There are two kinds of court in the world: Civil and Criminal
Civil court is "You wronged me/Broke our contract/lied to me/cheated on me! I'm going to sue you and try to make money off of you" It has nothing to do with the laws that govern the jail system. It looks into the civil law and finds out if the person is actually at fault for what is being claimed.
Criminal law is "You killed someone/stole/embezzled/etc" and now you're going to jail.
If you feel SONY broke civil law and you can sue them, go right on ahead, but SONY will chew you up. However, don't quote common and civil law stating that SONY broke the law. They may have fucked up, but they are working very hard to fix it. And again, you don't know if they have breached privacy policy. You have no idea if they had a giant cybernetic safe in place and the hackeers were just. that. good