thebobmaster said:
360 Exclusives this year so far: Halo Wars, Ninja Blade, RACE Pro, Rocket Riot, The Maw, Zombie Wranglers
PS3 Exclusives this year so far: Active Dogs, Dark Cloud III (in Japan), Demon's Soul, God of War III, inFamous, Killzone 2, MAG
So far, yes, there are more PS3 exclusives, but the 360 is not totally lacking, and it is only the beginning of the year.
you missed a few PS3 exclusives, but let someone who knows them all by heart tell you.
Also remember I don't count it as an exclusive if it's out on computer, I don't care WHAT bull logic you have, if it's out on something else, it's not exclusive.
As for my opinions of my games, I'll only say that Halo Wars is definite crap (On the simple fact that it's a console RTS) and shut my mouth about the other games... because they aren't even out yet.
To clarify, while I do prefer my Playstation 3 to my Wii, I hope for all companies to turn profit this gen, I believe that competition breeds innovation...