Sony Throws PS3 Into HDTV for Newest Ad Campaign

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Sony Throws PS3 Into HDTV for Newest Ad Campaign

What happens when a PS3 Slim collides with a Bravia 46-inch LCD TV at 80 km/h (50 mph)? Sony's newest Australian TV spot demonstrates the results as captured by a high-speed camera.

I'm really, really tempted to make a joke here about Sony trying to imitate what makes the Wii so popular [], but I'm going to just let you fill in the blanks on that one - use your imagination.

On one hand, one could certainly make the argument that this is Sony returning to its old "artsy" advertising tricks after a spot of genuinely entertaining and informative commercials featuring Kevin Butler []. On the other hand, one could also be slapped for suggesting that, because those commercials are for North America while this one is for Australia, and because as abstract and "artsy" as this commercial might be, it's also really badass.

This particular ad is actually a commercial for an upcoming Sony Australia promotion [] (you'll notice the site apparently isn't live yet) giving away 25,000 PS3 Slims to anyone who buys a Sony Bravia LCD TV in the land of Oz. But let's be honest - you likely don't live in Australia, and even if you do, you're not interested in that promotion. You just want to see a PS3 get chucked into the Bravia at 80 km/h, don't you.

There's a writeup of the event at Gizmag [], but the relevant information is all in the video itself: A 3.2 kg PS3 being flung at the Bravia at 80 km/h (22 meters/sec) equals a force of 790.2 kg, or 774.4 joules of kinetic energy at impact.

It also messes up the Bravia something fierce.

Good job, Sony. We approve of more ads featuring wanton destruction of expensive electronic equipment. Next, how about you throw a PS3 Slim and 360 Elite at each other and see who wins?

(Thanks [], hansari!)



New member
Apr 23, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Good job, Sony. We approve of more ads featuring wanton destruction of expensive electronic equipment. Next, how about you throw a PS3 Slim and 360 Elite at each other and see who wins?
I would totally want to see that. I have my money on the PS3.

That commercial was pretty awesome, besides, nothing can be as bad as some of the older sony commercials advertising playstations and PSPs. Those were awful.


New member
Feb 6, 2008
That was anti-climactic =( I was hoping the initial ripples were the PS3 going into the TV like it was water.


New member
May 20, 2008
that was... boring to say the least. And rather pointless. I would have used that PS3 and that TV!

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
They could've done a better job with the concept.

But yeah, I always loved the old Playstation commercials during the PS1 and PS2 era.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
j0z said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Good job, Sony. We approve of more ads featuring wanton destruction of expensive electronic equipment. Next, how about you throw a PS3 Slim and 360 Elite at each other and see who wins?
I would totally want to see that. I have my money on the PS3.

That commercial was pretty awesome, besides, nothing can be as bad as some of the older sony commercials advertising playstations and PSPs. Those were awful.
Same here, I have a 360 and I'm pretty sure the PS3 would come out on top in this one, I wonder if Morgan VonWebb has tested this out yet?

Lost In The Void

When in doubt, curl up and cry
Aug 27, 2008
Wasn't really impressed by this. It just didn't appeal to me, maybe Aussies like that more than me though.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING. The ones like they did for Uncharted 2 were much better. Oh Sony, when shalt thee get thy marketing campaigns right?

Anyway, where do we get one for free exactly? Because I've been looking to get one and if I don't have to pay, bring it on.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
j0z said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Good job, Sony. We approve of more ads featuring wanton destruction of expensive electronic equipment. Next, how about you throw a PS3 Slim and 360 Elite at each other and see who wins?
I would totally want to see that. I have my money on the PS3.

That commercial was pretty awesome, besides, nothing can be as bad as some of the older sony commercials advertising playstations and PSPs. Those were awful.
Same here, I have a 360 and I'm pretty sure the PS3 would come out on top in this one, I wonder if Morgan VonWebb has tested this out yet?
Nah, the 360 is big and heavy. It would bash the PS3 to pieces. Wait... are we really discussing this? Anyway, the ad was pretty cool but I prefer the American ads. The UK ones suck though. All we get is a bunch of confetti and rainbows.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
The crash was fairly anticlimactic. I was expecting a Michael Bay-o-rama.

But hey, still pretty cool


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Wow, this is pretty awesome. Wish I could see it at full speed though, that'd be cool.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
how can you go wrong with that? sure it's artsy but it's got a PS3 slamming into a tv and smashing it to bits. that's just awesome right there


New member
Feb 10, 2008
The heart of the gadget-lover inside me broke when the PS3 destroyed that fantastic TV. I was also pretty surprised that it got stuck in the TV, I expected that it would smash right through it.

Advertising wise, I say this is a big step back from their previous commercials, those were hilarious and at least a bit informative, other than the artsy crap we had before and again with this commercial.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Sony Throws PS3 Into HDTV for Newest Ad Campaign

Good job, Sony. We approve of more ads featuring wanton destruction of expensive electronic equipment. Next, how about you throw a PS3 Slim and 360 Elite at each other and see who wins?

(Thanks [], hansari!)

Only if it's a Playstation 3 Fat.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
Barky13 said:
j0z said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Good job, Sony. We approve of more ads featuring wanton destruction of expensive electronic equipment. Next, how about you throw a PS3 Slim and 360 Elite at each other and see who wins?
I would totally want to see that. I have my money on the PS3.

That commercial was pretty awesome, besides, nothing can be as bad as some of the older sony commercials advertising playstations and PSPs. Those were awful.
Same here, I have a 360 and I'm pretty sure the PS3 would come out on top in this one, I wonder if Morgan VonWebb has tested this out yet?
Nah, the 360 is big and heavy. It would bash the PS3 to pieces.
I really doubt that. The 360 would red ring before it was launched.


New member
Mar 17, 2009
Barky13 said:
j0z said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Good job, Sony. We approve of more ads featuring wanton destruction of expensive electronic equipment. Next, how about you throw a PS3 Slim and 360 Elite at each other and see who wins?
I would totally want to see that. I have my money on the PS3.

That commercial was pretty awesome, besides, nothing can be as bad as some of the older sony commercials advertising playstations and PSPs. Those were awful.
Same here, I have a 360 and I'm pretty sure the PS3 would come out on top in this one, I wonder if Morgan VonWebb has tested this out yet?
Nah, the 360 is big and heavy. It would bash the PS3 to pieces. Wait... are we really discussing this? Anyway, the ad was pretty cool but I prefer the American ads. The UK ones suck though. All we get is a bunch of confetti and rainbows.
damn! three guys have quoted this allready? i thought that i'd be the first one to do that..
i think that you guys are right though, i don't know about the slim, since i have a regular ps3, but this would be the only way for the ps3 to brake my elite...


New member
Nov 1, 2008
That ad was alright, just very anti-climactic.
Shame, the concept called for something more...