Sony: Wii Sends Third-Party Developers to PS3

Tom Goldman

Crying on the inside.
Aug 17, 2009
Sony: Wii Sends Third-Party Developers to PS3

A console war bash-fest just isn't complete until each of the big three is involved.

Following up on Sony's bash of Microsoft yesterday [], SCEA Senior Vice President of Publisher Relations Rob Dyer evidently also had a few words to say about Nintendo's current offerings. Dyer believes that the domination of first-party videogame sales on the Wii turns third-parties off to the system and has brought them over to Sony's PlayStation 3 instead.

"What publishers have said is they're not going to spend the resources on Wii," he asserts. "In the past, it was 'Look how hot the Wii is,' or 'Look how hot the DS is,' and 'We should put resources there.' They did that and realized, 'You know what, third-party product just doesn't sell on that platform."

This realization is only a boon to the PlayStation 3, according to Dyer. "So now they're taking those resources, coming back to us and saying, 'Sony we're going to be able to provide you with that exclusive content,' or 'We're going to put more engineers on it and figure out to maximize the Blu-ray and get more out of PS3.' That's what we're seeing now." I like how Dyer is basically saying that third-parties tell Sony: "Well, nobody buys third-party games on the Wii, so I guess we'll try your complicated-ass system and see how that works." PlayStation 3 games must require at least 50% more engineers than Wii games.

In Dyer's opinion, "Unless [third-party developers have] a particular franchise that's worked well on the Wii, you don't see a lot of innovative new IP coming out on that platform." He's right, thought I'm not sure Nintendo can do anything to fix the problem. People buy Nintendo games because they are the easy casual buy when walking into a store, and they are also fun for the hardcore. When any gamer looks at a wall of Wii games, finding something good is like searching for a needle in a mountain of poop. Nobody can stop publishers from cloning mini-game collections, or from naming and packaging them in a way that makes them look fun, when in reality they are the blights of the current videogame industry. The Wii has a reputation for crap, so even if a good game comes out on the system, it's associated with the same crap as everything else.

Source: IndustryGamers []



Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
Oh Sony, why bother? How does it benefit you to criticise your competition?

I swear these big companies are often worse than the fanboys =\

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Sony: "Well, nobody buys third-party games on the Wii
Wait...No More Heroes 2,Tatsunoko vs Capcom,The Conduit, MadWorld and Muramasa are first party?

I have more Third Party games then First party. But hey, At least Nintendo can make games.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Yeah maybe he should let the third party devs speak for themselves.

Its like a top lvl flame war.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Oh shut up you ragamuffin. I've had enough of the petty name-calling!

Either the CEOs hold regular cage-fights, or they shut up.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Dyer believes that the domination of first-party videogame sales on the Wii turns third-parties off to the system
This is the case for Nintendo consoles since the N64 and he realizes this NOW? Congrats.

Aura Guardian said:
Wait...No More Heroes 2,Tatsunoko vs Capcom,The Conduit, MadWorld and Muramasa are first party?
You see, that's the problem: They are third party titles on the Wii and, regardless of their quality, they sell like shit. Especially considering how many Wiis are out there. This is why 3rd party developers don't like producing for Nintendo consoles any more.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Sony,.................shut up.

Just let your games do the talking.

Superfly CJ

New member
Feb 14, 2010
All this squabbling is doing no-one good. Some Xbox executive throws slander at Sony's online, Sony retaliates with the ol' Blu-Ray chestnut. Both companies are making themselves that slight bit less marketable by relying on childish PR tactics.

If anyone is coming out of this one alive, it's Nintendo, merely because they know when to keep their mouth shut.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Gladion said:
Dyer believes that the domination of first-party videogame sales on the Wii turns third-parties off to the system
This is the case for Nintendo consoles since the N64 and he realizes this NOW? Congrats.

Aura Guardian said:
Wait...No More Heroes 2,Tatsunoko vs Capcom,The Conduit, MadWorld and Muramasa are first party?
You see, that's the problem: They are third party titles on the Wii and, regardless of their quality, they sell like shit. Especially considering how many Wiis are out there. This is why 3rd party developers don't like producing for Nintendo consoles any more.
While true, I'd rather have those games that are cults instead of FPS,FPS,FPS,FPS,FPS. That's all I see in those two console. Granted they have others, but that's all I see.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
The_Shinigamer said:
Wait, you just told an admin to shut the fuck up and made a comment with ONLY a picture? Yea, I'm pretty sure you're fucked.

O.T. Wait, so Sony said Microsoft has lots of 3rd party stuff but they have 1st party stuff, and then go on to say that all their 3rd party stuff is from Nintendo? Is it just me or is that a bit contradictory? Or am I just getting everything wrong?


The British Paladin
Jul 14, 2009
Simalacrum said:
Oh Sony, why bother? How does it benefit you to criticise your competition?

I swear these big companies are often worse than the fanboys =\
I think the PR people must all be fanboys...heh

Sony, go sit in the naughty corner and think about what your doing!

The Rascal King

New member
Aug 13, 2009
It doesn't matter what Sony says, look at the numbers, Wii is still on top. In the the gaming biz, that's all that matters. Pure failure is the stench that comes from Dyer's mouth. As for my opinion on Dyer, I believe the Dead Kennedys wrote a song about his type.

"Sony punks, Sony punks, Sony punks, FUCK OFF!!"



High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Aura Guardian said:
While true, I'd rather have those games that are cults instead of FPS,FPS,FPS,FPS,FPS. That's all I see in those two console. Granted they have others, but that's all I see.
What [] an [] FPS [] may [] look [] like. []


New member
Nov 17, 2008
The_Shinigamer said:
Tom Goldman said:
Sony: Wii Sends Third-Party Developers to PS3

A console war bash-fest just isn't complete until each of the big three is involved.

Following up on Sony's bash of Microsoft yesterday [], SCEA Senior Vice President of Publisher Relations Rob Dyer evidently also had a few words to say about Nintendo's current offerings.
I totally agree, all these companies bashing eachother need to shut the hell up. Gamers don't give a crap about their trash talking, well we do, in a negative way. I have all 3 current gen consoles and let's be serious here, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, all of your systems have major problems and to be fair, if you all don't shut the hell up I'm putting my Genesis on the top shelf and you guys can just sort things out.