hanselthecaretaker said:
I wonder what Arnie will say now that he?s joined the brigade of celebs against violence. Better not be using any guns in his move set!
Oh yeah, because the T-800 is, like, so effective in close quarters.
Batou667 said:
Nobody should be taking canon THAT seriously, least of all MK fans. This is a series where about eight characters originated as identical palette-swaps, and one of them was a developer with his name spelled backwards. This is a series that has been merrily breaking the fourth wall from its beginning. It's as camp as it is gory; roll with it.
Mortal Kombat's taken its lore seriously for quite some time, so it stands to reason that its fanbase would take it seriously too.
But crossovers with other characters aren't an issue. What pisses me off is the whole 'whoring' of the IP. Smash Brothers did it, and now Mortal Kombat is doing it. This isn't some occasional guest character ala Soul Calibur for instance, this is full on money grabbing with IPs that don't even fit the brand. Like, seriously, I love Terminator, I like Mortal Kombat, but they've got nothing in common apart from the gore factor. Least the Terminator character skins in Gear 5 actually feels somewhat congruent.