I read Ultimate X-men, and all through out its convoluted, often confusing (more so then most) storylines, I've come to the conclusion regarding character deaths: Absolutely [http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--mwmCRscCCc/T_j-DYLQkQI/AAAAAAAAJE4/yc0iqPtfTW4/s1600/Ultimatum+004.jpg] nothing [http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/comicsalliance.com/files/2010/01/ultimatum06-584.jpg] shocks [http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a149/FireEel/Ultimatum5019.jpg] me any more [http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/0/40/1779280-x_menrequiem009_10.jpeg] (The previous links contain HEAVY spoilers for the Ultimatum series, you've been warned)
Honestly, if marvel ACTUALLY wanted to kill off someone, especially high-profile, they wouldn't blatantly advertise it, or allow it to leak.
This is a gimmick, nothing more.
Nothing short of doing something like that would convince me that they won't bring back Marvel's mutant cash-cow.
Honestly, if marvel ACTUALLY wanted to kill off someone, especially high-profile, they wouldn't blatantly advertise it, or allow it to leak.
This is a gimmick, nothing more.
In Ultimatum, it took Magneto flaying the skin off Wolverine's skeleton then destroying the skeleton to finally kill him.