[SPOILERS IN OP] Kill la Kill finale: What did you guys think? [SPOILERS ABOUND]

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
I thought it was a fantastic ending to a fantastic show. I was psyching myself up to deal with a typical Gainax ending, where a good chunk of the main cast is offed, but my fears were largely unfounded, with Senketsu being the one, heart rending, exception. Seriously his send off nearly brought me to tears, especially when the sound cuts and it shows his remains flying away. Ryuuko's face was just devastating. Well done Trigger, you've made me upset over the death of an article of clothing. But it was a fitting end to a coming of age story, and I don't think they could have done it any better. I absolutely loved Ryuuko and Satsuki's reunion at the end as well. The amount of sisterly love in that scene was insane. I mean Satsuki pretty much caught a meteor to make sure her sister was safe. You can't argue with that. Plus the credits were goddamn adorable. I really don't think they could have ended the show any better.

Some of my highlights:


Seriously, Satsuki just did the equivalent of catching a meteor to make sure her little sister was safe. If that isn't love, then I don't know what is

And to think they were trying to kill each other (well Ryuuko anyway) just a little over a month ago.

Right, now it's time to go watch the series again another 5 times.

In memoriam:

Rest easy friend.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I'd say it was a perfect ending to the series. Cheesy, over-the-top, funny at times and idiotic at others, but it all fit together wonderfully.

It's kind of funny when I think about it as I really wasn't that keen on the show when I first saw it. I'm not normally a fan of anime like this as I tend to prefer it to be a little more grounded with more "normal" animation, but I'm glad I gave it a chance and stuck with it.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
Just as most people anticipated, they went to space : P

I got a lot of DBZ vibes, from Ryuko gathering everyone's energy life fibers, to gaining glowing yellow hair, to even mentioning how being near death only makes her and Senketsu stronger. While the finale wasn't on the same scale as Gurren Lagann it didn't need to be, and fit the anime perfectly. I only wished that it was perhaps a few minutes longer, but I'm anticipating two Gurren/Lagann-hen style recap movies.

Overall, it was a solid finale to an awesome anime. I dare say I've enjoyed this more than Gurren Lagann, and I loved Gurren Lagann. Even with it's over-the-top animation and ridiculous concept, the anime still delivers some great characters and solid story that constantly manages to keep you on the edge. The show manages to have fun while taking itself seriously enough to pull you in. I always enjoyed these guys work because it always felt like they were just as in on the fun as the fans were. I loved everything about it.

But I swear to god, if I see one more person compare Ryuko to Shadow the Hedgehog...

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
[Kira Must Die said:
]Just as most people anticipated, they went to space : P

I got a lot of DBZ vibes, from Ryuko gathering everyone's energy life fibers, to gaining glowing yellow hair, to even mentioning how being near death only makes her and Senketsu stronger. While the finale wasn't on the same scale as Gurren Lagann it didn't need to be, and fit the anime perfectly. I only wished that it was perhaps a few minutes longer, but I'm anticipating two Gurren/Lagann-hen style recap movies.

Overall, it was a solid finale to an awesome anime. I dare say I've enjoyed this more than Gurren Lagann, and I loved Gurren Lagann. Even with it's over-the-top animation and ridiculous concept, the anime still delivers some great characters and solid story that constantly manages to keep you on the edge. The show manages to have fun while taking itself seriously enough to pull you in. I always enjoyed these guys work because it always felt like they were just as in on the fun as the fans were. I loved everything about it.

But I swear to god, if I see one more person compare Ryuko to Shadow the Hedgehog...
I think it's a testament to how balls-out insane this show that I thought Ragyou pretty much turning into a Soyuz rocket and Ryuuko going super saiyan to duke it out with her in low earth orbit was a bit more subdued than I was expecting. To be fair, it's a pretty logical progression.

I agree with you though. If I see one more fucking Ryuuko the Hedgehog or Edge la Edge image I am going to flip shit and lose my way so fucking hard.


New member
May 27, 2010
So...is the Kill la Kill anime a completely different thing compared to the manga?

I stopped following the manga after most of the Jaegers were killed off, but like...I've never even heard of Ryuuko. Or any of these people. And the animation seemed way too...goofy for a series like Kill la Kill, where heroes and enemies are brutally murdered with reckless abandon.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I was kind of dissapointed with the first initial battle since I thought all of the students plus the 2 stars club leaders would of fought the rest of COVERS.

Mako x Gamagori shipping is still going strong even at the ending credit (that scene with the 4 Devas stalking the girls, Gamagori is wearing a white suit and holding a single flower, oh gee I wonder who is that for?

So without her secretary, Ragyo lost her control over everyone life fibre? Also the bit with the two nudist beach attempt to fight back crack me up!

While I know it's a running gag but Gamagori inconsistant size still bother me and lol with his special attack (face bean), it remind me of a certain Marvel/ DC comicbook character.

I thought Ryuko would of finally finish Nui once and for all, ok she still did in a way but I mean a proper excutation before facing her mother for the last time.

Yeah I'm pretty sure Ryuko is a super saiyan due to her hair turning blonde and mention that each near death only make her stronger (that Vegeta lines)!

Also while it was bittersweet ending, I knew that they were going to happened (they will part ways one way) or another and I also called dibs on the total nudity at the end.

Awh sisterly love and Ryuko finally called her sis!

Shame that never given any personality to Junketsu at all other than being aggressive to Satsuki.

The ending is so weird but cute, it was odd seeing Satsuki, the ruler of her Honnouji Academy looking like a normal teen girl and it seen she had abolist her school from the credit. I haven't even mention her short hair! Regardless Satsuki is still one of my favourite anime characters (she is such a complex character in a good way).

Speaking of the ending, I did NOT expect it to be a total fanservice and while the nudity wasn't in full detail (kind of typical nudity in a non ecchi/ hentai anime) but I still kind of shock they were allowed to do it.

<img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/cb832676483cec7689d23c54ecbfad85/tumblr_n34obs4Y6p1rydwbvo1_500.gif" img src>

Overall- Like any good anime I've enjoyed watching I am sad that there are no more episodes now. It's definitly the highlight anime of 2013/ 2014 and it is totally worthy of my purchase (I only buy anime dvd that I loved). While the hypeness/ pumped up isn't quite the same level to Gurren Lagann (nothing can beat the final episode tranformation sequence) but it has been a while that an anime got me hyped/ pumped up!

Ok now that is out of the way, I got some Kill La Kill related links-

http://teamtfs.tumblr.com/post/78889076802/in-a-game-center-in-one-star-town Funny KLK strips

http://horade.tumblr.com/post/78851848430 Mako x Gamagori shipping fanart (The shipping is strong in this one).

http://rxbd.tumblr.com/post/79328513039/1-1-scale-senketsu-by-ma-o-ji 1/1 scale of Senketsu cloth cosplay.

Aaron Sylvester

New member
Jul 1, 2012
I'm sure people are very happy that Ragyou didn't play out the whole "turned evil by life fibers, actually good at heart" thing that everyone was dreading and turned out to be just plain evil to the core.

But I'm getting a feeling there is almost no chance of a follow-up season on this, not one as interesting as the first anyway. What could it possibly be about? Earth getting invaded by another cluster of life fibers that was touring the universe like Ragyou said? Bleh, that just wouldn't cut it.

Overall 8/10, I'm only not scoring higher because it sits in the unfortunate position of being compared to Gurren Lagann is solid 9/10 material :p

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
Kopikatsu said:
So...is the Kill la Kill anime a completely different thing compared to the manga?

I stopped following the manga after most of the Jaegers were killed off, but like...I've never even heard of Ryuuko. Or any of these people. And the animation seemed way too...goofy for a series like Kill la Kill, where heroes and enemies are brutally murdered with reckless abandon.
Ummmm... I think you're thinking of something entirely different. Kill la Kill doesn't have a manga, the word Jaeger is never even uttered, Ryuuko's the MAIN CHARACTER, Kill la Kill is a goofy show and less than four actual characters die over the course of the entire show. I think you're confused.

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
Aaron Sylvester said:
I'm sure people are very happy that Ragyou didn't play out the whole "turned evil by life fibers, actually good at heart" thing that everyone was dreading and turned out to be just plain evil to the core.

But I'm getting a feeling there is almost no chance of a follow-up season on this, not one as interesting as the first anyway. What could it possibly be about? Earth getting invaded by another cluster of life fibers that was touring the universe like Ragyou said? Bleh, that just wouldn't cut it.
I totally agree with you about Ragyou. It really would have diminished the character, despicable as she is, if they pulled that.

Also I don't think they'll continue the series past maybe an OVA, but even then, what would they do with it? Trigger left pretty much no lose ends, although there is speculation as to whether or not Hououououououououououououououououmaru (if you had google who that was, I don't blame. I had to as well.) actually died when she was separated from Ragyou and thrown against a slab of concrete, but nothing would suggest she was anything more than 'there', so I don't see her coming back. I honestly hope they don't continue the series. It was short, sweet and wrapped everything up in the end. The world is begging for more exploration and all the characters, who were the main focus of show, have had their arcs and there really isn't anywhere else to go with them that would fit with the feel of Kill la Kill. For that I hope Trigger leave it as is and go on to new things.

Drops a Sweet Katana

Folded 1000x for her pleasure
May 27, 2009
Scarim Coral said:
<img src="http://25.media.tumblr.com/cb832676483cec7689d23c54ecbfad85/tumblr_n34obs4Y6p1rydwbvo1_500.gif" img src>
I would have added that, as well as one of Senketsu's death (because I must share the feels), but I couldn't find any. Honestly, I should have just posted a link to the episode series and said 'Pretty much that'.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
It was an amazing ending and pretty much everything I had hoped for. A little rushed, but still great. I may not seem super hyped at the moment because I already blew my load all night last night and this morning XD

For those who haven't heard yet: http://lifefibersewn.tumblr.com/post/80993393663/sushiobunny-kill-la-kill-episode-25-preview

The OVA is supposedly coming out in September and is supposed to be a post-series special about Ryuko graduating high school. Basically a glorified epilogue. Count me in :p


Jan 4, 2010
United States
inu-kun said:
I think the face "face-planting?" was fucking amazing, and the ending was perfect, despite the anime crews insistance for killing best-friend/love-interest in their works, it wasn't ending ruining like "previous shows".

I found it hilarious that near the end the animators said "screw it" with trying to censor all the nudity.
Only men have nipples in the KLK universe, don't you know? Also, everyone apparently has action figure genitalia.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I don't usually follow anime (or anything really) weekly like this but it was totally worth it.

Freaking loved it.


New member
Oct 24, 2012
It was fucking excellent, I think I'm gonna marathon the whole series again now.

One thing bothers me though. When all the humans were saved from their clothing, won't they all just die from falling to earth from orbit?


New member
Oct 24, 2012
Caramel Frappe said:
ShinyCharizard said:
It was fucking excellent, I think I'm gonna marathon the whole series again now.

One thing bothers me though. When all the humans were saved from their clothing, won't they all just die from falling to earth from orbit?
Ryuko on the other hand, was falling from a much HIGHER distance (from space, if I might had) while her body was aiming straight into the academy's surface. Hitting that floor with such speeds while already being worn out would of probably killed her. Even with Satsuki and everyone else stopping her fall- you could see just how BADLY things would of turned out for Ryuko if she was to just hit the floor. It'd be like the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs I tell you.
Aye. Knowing this series though, she'd probably just cough up a bit of blood and be fine after the fall lol, while the crater is like 30 metres deep.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009

RIP Senketsu, You left us to soon T-T

*tries to not cry and fails horribly*

OT: most of my though are below, so for this bit I shall simply say. This show as an in-fucking-credable sound track,epic and fitting character themes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIRlueNEeQo] excellent vocal tracks, I can honestly think of nothing wrong with the OST, at all.

Caramel Frappe said:
- Satsuki established as one of the most hardcore, strong willed, utterly best female character ever.
And the one who had the most growth as a character over the course of the show, making her pretty much my favorite character in the show.

- Ryuko being the top-notch protagonist that she is whom deserves so much praise.
- Mako turning out to be a very well, supporting, and likable side character rather then being annoying.
Agreed on both counts. I would have liked a little more character development out of Ryuko, but I feel she got what she needed over all, and Mako, she just set the bar good and high for the 'comic relief support character' again, i'd liked a little more character development for her, back again, I feel she got what she needed

- Senketsu, despite being a uniform that sucks on blood- has managed to make many people cry for him. Wow.
T-T dem feels won't go away ether, it's almost like Kamina all over again T-T

- The Elite 4 having such major roles rather then being useless, whom also got a lot of praise.
I feel Ira Gamagoori out shined the other three, so again >.> I'd liked to have seem more of Uzu, Nonon, and Houka, if for no other reason then to get to know them better.

- Ragyo ... .... I got nothing. You were the worst parent in existence.
But she was a fantastic villain, evil, and more then a little icky.

- Nui having such a weird, yet chilling role. Offing yourself and fusing with someone gleefully is just epic yet wrong.
Also a great villian, right up until the end where she fused with Ragyo :/ I feel that was kinda lame, but I really wanted Ryuko to go 'Metal Gear Rising Blade mode' on her >.>

- The anime alone delivered what I liked to call Flawless Quality and Balanced Everything.

Hopefully we'll get more animes like this one soon enough. When you can have an anime with 'fan service' material and make it into something very deep, epic, tense, filled with charisma, touching scenes, drama, and humor without burdening the audience... you've outdone yourself. Well done Trigger.
Before, when there was that 'Kill la Kill is saving anime' thing going around, mostly in regards to the existence of 'Free', I rolled my eyes. Looking back on the whole of the work. Yeah, I can see some validity to that claim. Any show that can make you care an 'inanimate object' died, to the point of tears, is not a work one should simply write off cause its 'fan service-y'.


New member
Feb 4, 2013
Absolutely loved it! An anime hasn't gotten me so pumped each episode since Gurren Lagann. I didn't get as emotional over Kill la Kill as I did for TTGL, but I still shed some tears for poor Senketsu. I've seen some people complain that his death was tacked on and contrived, but I think he went out perfectly.

My only gripe is that Nui didn't get the HORRIBLE, PAINFUL, GRUESOME DEATH that she so richly deserved. I haven't loathed a character quite like the way I've loved-to-hate her.

I can breathe a sigh of relief now that I know everyone else has survived and earned their happy ending.


Can't Stop the Bop
Jan 2, 2011
It as great, fantastic, superb, all of the above. It was the perfect ending for me for the reasons everyone else has pointed out above.

Rewatching it now with my roommate this time, he's so confused right now xD