StarCraft II: Legacy of The Void Will Release on November 10

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
StarCraft II: Legacy of The Void Will Release on November 10

The final chapter of the StarCraft II story will hit store shelves on November 10, 2015.

Today, Blizzard lifted the curtain on StarCraft II [] story will hit store shelves on November 10, 2015.

You can check out the cinematic to the right, which is just as epic as you'd expect from Blizzard Entertainment. Legacy of The Void will focus on the Protoss, and the cinematic shows the proud and noble race attempting to take back their home-world from the Zerg.

For a quick recap of where we are in the StarCraft II story (be warned: spoilers lie ahead), we last left our heroes Kerrigan and Raynor after having just toppled the evil Terran Arcturus Mengsk. Kerrigan had reunited all of the Zerg swarms under her leadership, and was preparing to face Amon - the fallen Xel'Naga who was responsible for creating the Zerg in the first place - in order to assure that her new race will always be free.

If you're interested in a more substantial recap, you can play the free Legacy of The Void prologue missions [] right now - even if you haven't pre-ordered the new expansion.


The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Not gonna lie, the moment I noticed there were two high templar in that little group I got a little giddy about them becoming an Archon, and then lo and behold they did and it was awesome.

Man this makes all those times I 4 gate rushed someone seem all the more epic. That last second pylon can be such a life-saver sometimes.


Dark DM Overlord
Apr 7, 2010
You win this round, Blizzard, you win this round... I admit I enjoyed Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm, even if HotS was pants-on-head retarded. But you still aren't getting full price out of me.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Huh, I didn't think anyone cared about this series after the utter disaster that was Heart of the Swarm.
Talk about shooting yourself in the dick then trying to pretend it doesn't hurt, Blizzard. Amazing Stacraft II had lived this long with such blood loss.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
Signs you're excited for StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void:

-Go to sleep at 12pm knowing that the cinematic of your most anticipated game of 2015 will be released in a few hours' time.

-Wake up at 1:30am, and think, "damn it."

-Wake up at 3am and check the website. No cinematic. Think "damn it" and go back to sleep.

-Wake up at 6am, think about the cinematic, and realize you're too tired to turn on your computer.

-Get up at 7:30am, play cinematic. Read that the release date is actually in November.

-Choose not to say "shut up and take my money" because you pre-ordered ages back.

-Write indulgent, point-based forum post to say everything above.

-Write "my life for Aiur." Because after 17 years, after playing everything from SC1 to the present, you're happy to see "the end of all things."


(Proviso that the intro cinematic wasn't the best one I've ever seen, but after listening to an hour's worth of analysis on the themes expressed (something that SC2 has always excelled at), I can certainly appreciate it.)

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Silentpony said:
Huh, I didn't think anyone cared about this series after the utter disaster that was Heart of the Swarm.
Talk about shooting yourself in the dick then trying to pretend it doesn't hurt, Blizzard. Amazing Stacraft II had lived this long with such blood loss.
I liked Heart of the Swarm and I hardly think it was a disaster. There were various things that led to SC2's decline: the rise of the moba genre, mismanagement from Blizz, and a timeline for releases that can be measured in years. But HotS wasn't really one of them, or at least wasn't a main factor.

Plus it's a really cool cinematic.


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Seriously? Same day as Fallout 4?
I'm really curious as to why so many games seem to time their releases as close together as possible. I mean, I understand they're gunning for holiday money, that I get, but WHY not space them out by a few days at least? I remember a day when like, five AAA games came out, it was ridiculous.

Upbeat Zombie

New member
Jun 29, 2010
While I lost interest in the multiplayer back in Wings of Liberty. The campaign's are always so enjoyable that they're more than worth it for me. Although the release next to Fallout 4 is gonna make that week hectic since I really want to play both. :p

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
The Madman said:
Silentpony said:
Huh, I didn't think anyone cared about this series after the utter disaster that was Heart of the Swarm.
Talk about shooting yourself in the dick then trying to pretend it doesn't hurt, Blizzard. Amazing Stacraft II had lived this long with such blood loss.
I liked Heart of the Swarm and I hardly think it was a disaster. There were various things that led to SC2's decline: the rise of the moba genre, mismanagement from Blizz, and a timeline for releases that can be measured in years. But HotS wasn't really one of them, or at least wasn't a main factor.

Plus it's a really cool cinematic.
I think "paid custom maps" was the beginning of the end for StarCraft II. Blizzard thought "TF2 does it, why can't we?" Yeah. That went over realy smooth

The Madman

New member
Dec 7, 2007
Steven Bogos said:
I think "paid custom maps" was the beginning of the end for StarCraft II. Blizzard thought "TF2 does it, why can't we?" Yeah. That went over realy smooth
Nah, that was stupid but could have been pretty easily brushed off had Blizz played their cards right. I mean I had completely forgotten that was even a thing till you just reminded me, and I actually quite like SC2 and follow news about it. Your average consumer meanwhile probably had no clue, it never blew up nearly to the same level as Blizz's other idiotic money-maker the Diablo 3 AH or similar gaffs from other devs.

Honestly the biggest problem with SC2 is just that it fell from the publics eye and Blizz allowed that to happen. They're not a small company, if anyone can match the money Valve throw around to support Dota2 it's Blizzard. But they never did. Blizzard provided the occasional clinical piece of patch support, the odd bit of news, and occasionally supported tournaments but never to the 'millions of dollars' degree its major moba competition did. And with it having taken 2 years for an expansion to be released with no major updates or content in between, the game just sorta fell to the side and now I'm not sure it can ever recover to the same level it once had...

Which genuinely is a shame because I'd much rather watch SC2 than any other popular esport right now. It's far more entertaining and gripping, but if no ones really playing then, yeah, guess I'll go watch something else while eating dinner. Still if nothing else I'm sure the singleplayer will be great. People often complain about the story on these forums but I like it, it's cheesy and corny but fun. Meanwhile the gameplay and presentation and pretty much guaranteed to be polished to a fine perfectionist shine. Looking forward to it!


New member
Sep 26, 2008
The Madman said:
And with it having taken 2 years for an expansion to be released
An "expansion" with full, and generally beautifully polished cinematics. It's not like Legacy of the Void is just a map pack or something. It's basically a full game, what with the amount of effort that's gone into each race's campaign.


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
I liked Wings of Liberty for the custom games mainly. Maybe it's because I hadn't played the previous Starcraft, but the story didn't hook me in at all. Maybe I'll pick it up when it's cheap in the future.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
All these damn games coming out around november this year, holy shit! My wallet is gonna get plundered hard.


New member
Dec 19, 2007
i got it preordered and some of those other games that come out then my wallet can be thankful that at the price they are i will not be buying them


New member
Jun 2, 2010
Can the lot of you explain why HotS was that bad. I mean, for me it was simply kind of meh, tried to do much but didn't nail any aspects but that still qualifies it as a meh


New member
Dec 4, 2012
As awesome this is, I have to nitpick and point out that a single archon would lose to an ultralisk..
On the other hand, that zelot vs baneling part seems very accurate.

Never been a huge fan of the protos, but this still gives me chills, and again I sit here thinking "Damnit blizz, just make whole movies like this!".


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Does the archon have a new move that instakills something sacrificing itself or was that artistic license?

I think this was one of the weaker cinematics compared to the others, but still very good regardless, the protoss didn't look too bulky, although, I personally think the archon should look more ethereal.

Given the story I imagine this is a very good introduction.

Tsun Tzu

Feuer! Sperrfeuer! Los!
Jul 19, 2010
I play Starcraft for the campaigns...and I love the Protoss. I have since I first booted up Starcraft in '98. Since I first heard those modulated voices (which I'll occasionally copy out loud while making rice or something, because fucking En Taro Adun!) I've loved the idea of 'em as a race.

So. Fine. Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm had pretty neat campaigns, so...

Take my god damned money again, Blizzard.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Tradjus said:
Seriously? Same day as Fallout 4?
I'm really curious as to why so many games seem to time their releases as close together as possible. I mean, I understand they're gunning for holiday money, that I get, but WHY not space them out by a few days at least? I remember a day when like, five AAA games came out, it was ridiculous.
The date is pretty deliberate and has everything to do with their esports community.

November 10th is 3 days after Blizzcon ends. Blizzcon is where they hold the WCS finals to crown the new champ. Launching LotV 3 days after the WCS finals allows the pros to get used to the new units and mechanics before points start getting awarded for the next WCS.

On topic!

Probe MVP right there. I never thought I'd ever think that a simple Probe warping in a pylon of all things would feel so epic, but god damn was that epic. And that Archon transformation? Chills man. Chills.

Rattja said:
As awesome this is, I have to nitpick and point out that a single archon would lose to an ultralisk..
On the other hand, that zelot vs baneling part seems very accurate.

Never been a huge fan of the protos, but this still gives me chills, and again I sit here thinking "Damnit blizz, just make whole movies like this!".
Hero Archon yo. Obviously had an extra ability with that weird suicide singularity move.


Scion of Delphi
Aug 21, 2012
Silentpony said:
Huh, I didn't think anyone cared about this series after the utter disaster that was Heart of the Swarm.
Talk about shooting yourself in the dick then trying to pretend it doesn't hurt, Blizzard. Amazing Stacraft II had lived this long with such blood loss.
In no sense of the term was HotS a disaster. I respect the opinions of others, and I can understand why you and other might not have liked the way Blizzard decided to go with the story/combat/setting. But please do not generalize in your arguments, as in this case, not only was HotS a commercial success, but it also renewed the multiplayer scene and brought about a lot of very innovative changes (although, not as many as I would have liked, in my opinion).

In any case, Blizzard definitely are not hurting. SCII is still going amazingly strong, and that is likely not going to stop anytime soon (although, as everything does with age, the MP scene is slowing down). But, just like the doomsayers that say WoW is going to die soon every 6 months for years now, I hope you are not expecting for SCII to just die because of the minority opinions (even if they are the loudest).