Stupidest Reason Why You've Gotten Into Trouble In School.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
My philosophy teacher demanded I hand over my cellphone. I asked what he was talking about and he pointed to the square shape on my pants in the pocket region. I questioned why he was looking at my pants. He sent me to the office. WTF?


New member
Apr 6, 2010
1. Middle School: I drew two stick figures, one pointing at the second and saying "this stick will die if i don't get 3 (Our grades are from 1 to 6, 1 meaning you failed the test, 6 meaning you used more information than was taught in school). I was threatened with police and almost got thrown out of school.
2. High School: I had to write a test during the summer to pass my first year. Why? On the first lesson of Maths i was reading a book under the table, and the teacher caught me. This was the moment i learned that he wasn't the nice guy he looked like, but an passive-aggressive vengeful bastard - he dragged me to front of class, criticized me for everything and told me that he will make me fail the year. From that day forward he started taking away every possible point on my tests and at the end of year he didn't allow me to rewrite any tests.


New member
Apr 14, 2011
In year one I got in trouble for fighting in line, two guys came up to me and started pushing me, I pushed one of them back, the other one pushed me so I hit him I think. DETENTION!

Here's a small list of things I have gotten away with.
-Setting a dudes hand on fire in year eleven English with the intention of doing a flaming high five. The teacher saw.
-Intentionally using too much fuel in a science experiment in year eight and setting the desk on fire.
-Setting another desk on fire in year eight during science, don't remember what I did that time.
-Constantly chasing my friend in and out of classrooms while we hit each other.
-Interrupting other students by going and sitting at their tables, often at the other side of the room and making conversation while they worked, also sometimes eating their work. Yes. Eating it.
-Drinking in school in year twelve, only did that once though, couldn't be fucked buying alcohol for school.
-Everything we as a class did to our year eleven English teacher. She quit at the end of the year.
-Drawing willy's on peoples work (who didn't)
-Stealing this girls gel pens in year six. She was a cow though, she talked down to me all the time so I didn't really feel bad about it. I can't stand people who act superior to people they don't know.
Mostly I just encouraged others to do stupid stuff, I was a terrible student. Kind of weird that I got away with all that but not defending myself.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
My feminist teacher caught me copying math answers from my girl companion, even though she was the one copying what I wrote down... Although she said everything was wrong so I kept my mouth shut, better to appear lazy than stupid I always say. However I was pretty young too, I probably would have said something if it happened now.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
stuck a pencil in a tap and then turned the tap so it was pointing up, and then opened the tap,
I then forgot and instead of turning it off I maxed it out and left it for a teacher to pull out in front of his class


New member
Nov 18, 2009
I always enjoy this story.

I got suspended for retaliating against a guy who bullied me every day for three years. And the teachers were all entirely aware of this fact, because I pretty much updated them daily. So he was being (a word that rhymes with 'mucking annoying') and I let out three years of built up annoyance and I swung him as had as my twig like arms could. Obviously he dodged it and was in no obvious pain or discomfort. So my head of year, barrel of fun that he is, pulled us both out, asked us about the situation. And to my then bully's credit, he was at least honest about what had happened, knowing he wasn't fooling anybody. But my head of year (just one of the people who I had informed about the bullying) said something to me "The way I see it, you punched him, you're the bully, you're in isolation for the day." and put me in isolation for the day, and my bully of three years got off scott free.

Two things amuse me about this story. One, I actually have more favorable memories of my bully because he at least honest that he'd started it that day, and I don't even remember what he did for three years. And secondly, before I got into isolation, a teacher had an argument with him explaining that I was retaliating after not doing for a while and that my bully was the one in the wrong, and that punishing me was the most illogical solution possible . And this teacher arguing on my behalf wasn't even in the room when it happened, she was just thinking clearly. :D

Tl;DR: Got isolated for retaliating against a bully who the teachers knew had done far worse to me.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
I was about 10 or 9, and I was lining up in the lunch que. There was this kid who was kind of a mate but sometimes he had very sudden violent streaks. I was standing behind him, and he turned around, backed up a bit and kicked me in the balls. I fell to my knees in pain, and got up.

Now this is the stupid bit. Usually in stories like this the guy hits the bully back and get's caught by the teacher. But in my case, they didn't even wait for that. As I got up a teacher grabbed my arm and shook me. She shouted in my face "How DARE you kick this poor child! We do NOT tolerate VIOLENCE in this school!" I tried to explain what happened, and she yelled "DON'T YOU LIE TO ME! I shall send you to the Head at once!"

She then turned to the kid and said, "Are you all right dear?"
He then, the moment she said that, fell on the ground and shouted a scream so fake I almost laughed. She presented me infront of the head, and acused me of Violence, lying and being rude to a teacher. Now the head was a bit fairer, and said I had to apologise and that was it. I did so (through my teeth) and then as we walked out of the office, he kicked me in the back of the knee, so I fell on my face.

And she wasn't the worst teacher. One teacher was fired for clipping a student round the head with the heel of her high heels because he forgot his prayer book (yes, it was a religious school, I'm not religious though), and another teacher hated me so much that I never had any lunch breaks as I was always kept in for talking (which I never did as I was always sat to someone I barely knew). This teacher then gave a school report on me and said I was violent towards staff. My parents were shocked as I had never been violent to anyone in my life (Since then I've only got into one fight in high school)

So in conclusion, my school hated me :p

EDIT: Oh and one last thing.

This year (I've just left high school, btw), it was the last day of term, the sun was hot, water was always carried by students and teachers alike, and the last lesson was PE. Now I'm not the sporty type, to be honest, but even some of the more active kids needed to stay out of it. We had a choice by the teachers. We either played some rounders (I don't know if americans play rounders, but it's basically base ball with a one handed bat) or we sit out under a tree. Most went and sat down and enjoyed the shade. Me, four of my closest friends (one of them "Special") sat with three other friends, who were cool, but kinda douche bags. Only one was exceptionally dickish, and he would insult anyone for any reason, like having ginger hair, being fat, having spots, and if there was nothing else he would just call you a fag.

We watched the game and suddenly, one of our friends who decided to play went up to bat. He was a big guy. I'm trying not to be offencive, but he was the fattest in our year. We admired the fact that he went up depite the heat and his weight, so we decided to cheer him on. He hit the ball so far he made a complete round (homerun, I guess to the americans) as he finished we were laughing and generally having a good jolly time, when the douche bag yelled "[student's name here] YOU FAT C**T!" We stopped and looked at him as he laughed at his own joke. Suddenly a enraged teacher came up and blah blah blah you know what has happened.

We went to the head of year and she put us in isolation for the rest of the afternoon. When we came out and they asked why "we" did it, we pleaded with them it wasn't us. The guy who actually shouted it just stood there and tried to blamed it on other people on the other side of the field (the dick). The teachers were being so harsh it upset the "special" friend and he got in a mood for the rest of the day. We were let off as no one gave in and said who it was. The douche friend laughed and joked about it for the rest of the day as if it wasn't his fault. The guy he shouted it to didn't even hear him. But we lost what little respect we had for him that day, and our reputation was damaged right before the end of high school, so we ended up being watched until the very last day by the teachers.

So, yeah, school for me sucks.


New member
Feb 25, 2009
1st grade: recess included (or was adjacent to, maybe) the high school's old football field, and I climbed a goal post all the way to the top. Now, I can understand how that might be considered dangerous, but I was just doing it to see if I could--and had climbed down again by the time I even noticed the supervisor had been blowing his whistle (at me).

In retrospect, 5 minutes against the wall hardly even counts as getting in trouble but at the time, I was pissed.


New member
Apr 27, 2011
i forget my school i.d. badge. they had issued then that year and never used them again after that year.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
I went to a Catholic high school and during one of the mandatory religion classes (yes it's as bad as it sounds) I was on the end of a very stern lecture that I somehow managed to avoid actually getting punished.

Here's how that happened: we had a lot of busy work in that class (one of the reasons it sucked) and my friends and I found new and interesting ways to make class interesting. One of my friends would randomly insert chemistry terms into his work, giving us all a big laugh because he would also receive a perfect score, leading us to believe the teacher wasn't reading our work.

So I decided that I would one-up him and have every one of my answers on an assignment revolve around the subject of bacon. Long story short, the teacher DID notice mine (I maintain it's because I'm one of the few non-catholic students there and my dad was a teacher) and asked to see me after class. He was upset and asked why I did it: I lied (obviously) and said that I was having a bad day and took out my frustration on the assignment. And he believed me!

So I wasn't exactly in trouble, but it was close and definitely funny. Good times.


New member
Feb 16, 2008
I answered a question correctly, and received detention. No, there is not much more context to it than that.


New member
Jan 30, 2009
Phys ed, as anyone could recall, was hell. One particular time back in 9th grade, they were once again forcing us into a game of kick baseball, and I was on the 3rd base. Not being very athletic to begin with (I have lung problems, but for some reason my stupid fat ass ***** of a principle thought of this as only an inconvience and would intentionally sign me up for track and field, football, and all different types of sports that required me to breath heavily, not the best idea for someone who's suffering from bronchitis [I've since gotten treatment and can at least do jogging]), I tried for the home plate and another ball was kicked, someone was able to catch the ball and throw it at me, hitting and putting me out of the game. As I went walking back, someone threw the ball at me again, smashing me in the side of the head and leaving me with a throbbing ear. I turned around and estimated the projectory to this little ginger kid Gareth, I was 6'1" at the time, he was 5'8", and I marched over and shoved at him, to which it turned into a short shoving match before he threw a punch at me. I didn't throw one back because the phys ed teacher finally decided to actually do something and break it up and send both of us to the office. Said fat ass ***** wasn't there, so we ended up seeing the vice principal, a very caring man who I have much admiration for, but when the phys ed teacher came in to explain what happened, he made it out to make me sound like the threatening one, the kid with bronchist who took a ball to the head and was fed up with being bullied (yeah, movie of the week material). I was suspended for 2 days, Gareth just got in school suspension for the rest of the day, and I got in trouble at home because my mom thought I got into a fight for watching Fight Club the night before (coincidental does not make evident).

This didn't affect may acidemics after that, but it did lead me to throwing beer bottles at the school everytime I passed it by on my walks home at night. Maybe the next time I'll smash a window into the principals office, though I hear it's being torn down soon.


Supreme Evil Overlord
Jan 21, 2009
I have two:

First was in 8th grade(so about 15 years old) I got in trouble for passing a note back and forth in band. Substitute teacher turned me and the boys into the vice principal and the boys claimed all the writing including all the cussing was just me they got off scot-free and I got 3 days detention. Plus my parents thought I was on drugs and I came home to find my bed in the hallway and all my stuff raked into the middle of the floor, the big trashcans in my room, and my mom and dad going through my stuff.

Second I was 18 and a senior in high school(so 8 years ago)and my Humanities(English) teacher kicked me out in the hall for "not reading the assigned chapters the night before" even though I had a two page front and back question list on what I had read, we were reading Catch-22, and had written to one of the questions on our daily quiz "Due to not being able to understand the reading material from last night and your inability to answer questions as you usually do I can not answer this question"


New member
Jul 5, 2009
back in primary school (could of been 9-10)
i was forced to stand in a corner for a lunch break because the head dinner lady hear me say "its a free country."

yep, that showed me...