Success is boring.


New member
Jan 7, 2008
Success is (most of the time) boring, but failure is painful.

It may be more interesting than doing the same day after day, but you forget how horribly depressing failure is, especially in the given examples of the OP.

I mean, failure is known to drive people to madness and/or suicide. Surely you must prefer a boring day instead of this?


New member
Dec 15, 2007
I disagree, I get chills and thrills when things go the way I want/plan. The reason being because nothing ever seems to go right, and i've gotten so used to things ending up badly that it doesn't really bother me; failure is boring for me, i want to succeed!!


New member
Oct 10, 2007
What was all that crap about getting on a bus? I get the train to work personally... and if that fails, I could end up losing my job... and that's fun is it? Getting fired, having to move out of the nice apartment you've been able to afford all this time, having to move in with a friend or family member and sleep on their couch till you "overcome" your "problem" by finding a job, which you had in the first place, which went tits up because you had an "interesting" day?

I don't think you're an optimist, I think you're a little brain dead. If you want to be "that guy" who has all these interesting stories to tell his friends, then go find something interesting to do instead of waiting for failure to fuck you up.